Father Mavie

Chapter 389 Magic War

Chapter 389 Magic War (Please Subscribe!!!)
"As long as you surrender to the Royal Army with leaflets, King Paul I will absolve you of all crimes. It's really generous to never punish you."

Levin sighed with emotion, then crumpled up the flyer and threw it away.

Most of the other soldiers and generals also responded in the same way, dismissing the letter of persuasion issued by the Royal Army.

"what are you doing?!"

When a school officer saw a soldier secretly stuffing the letter of persuasion into his arms, he was furious. He rushed up and dragged the soldier out, kicked him to the ground, and took out his revolver: "Do you want to surrender?" Surrender to the enemy?!"

"No, I didn't." The soldier trembled all over, his face was pale, and he didn't dare to move.

Seeing this scene, Ma Wei thought for a moment, and stuffed the leaflets into his arms in front of everyone, and even took a few more.

"Father, this is it." Katerina cast a puzzled look. She knew that it was impossible for Ma Wei to surrender to the Royal Army. Everyone present, including her, might surrender, except Ma Wei. Absolutely not. possible.

"It's shameful to waste resources. Isn't it good to take these leaflets home and put them in the toilet?" Ma Wei didn't lower his voice at all. "Who doesn't use paper in the toilet?"

There was laughter all around, and with Ma Wei leading the way, many soldiers bent down to pick up the persuasion letters scattered on the ground, folded them and put them away.

"Comrades, remember, this war is not only for Katerina, but also for your wives and children, and for the Romanov Kingdom that will become better tomorrow!"

Ma Wei and Junia rode on horseback and said loudly to the surrounding soldiers: "Today, we fight side by side together, and tomorrow, we will join hands to create a beautiful Romanov Kingdom! The world is ours and yours! In the final analysis, It’s still yours! You are not fighting for the kingdom, but for justice! For the truth! For eating meat every day! For a wife who can wear new clothes! For children who can get a fair education!”

"The enemy makes you kneel, but the Church of Truth makes you stand up!"

"The blood and sweat you shed today will turn into rainwater for plowing the land tomorrow and food on the table"

Ma Wei pressed his chest and said seriously: "The truth will not abandon you! Let us defeat the enemy and usher in a new era! Our era!"

Deafening cheers broke out, sweeping away the previous tense atmosphere, the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted emotionally.

Ma Wei looked at the school officer who was pointing a gun at the fallen soldier, and said softly, "Help him up."


"The fear of death is our instinct, it is not shameful, and it should not be suppressed by violence." Ma Wei said: "People will always die, some people die vigorously, some people die quietly , Today, many of us will die, I am also afraid, I also want to back down, but I can't do it."

Ma Wei raised his finger to the densely packed position of the Kingdom Army, and said firmly: "Life is only once, we can't choose what kind of family we are born in, we can't choose lucky or unlucky, this is the sorrow of life, it is a tease of fate. But we can Choose what ideal to fight for! To turn ingredients into gourmet food, you need delicious condiments and chef's excellent cooking skills, and the world is the same! If you want to live a better life, you need us to unite and strive for a common goal! "

"Comrades, we are changing the world and the Romanov Kingdom. History will remember our feats! Future generations will remember our names! Do you want your children to be exploited and squeezed by nobles and capital?"

"If you don't want to, please take up your weapons, follow me, follow the goddess of truth. Bravely overthrow them!"

Seeing that the emotions were in place, Katerina drew out her long knife, raised it sideways, and shouted loudly: "The light shines on Romanov! Ulla!"


The cheers that erupted from the city of Tver resounded through the sky, and even Archbishop Henry who was standing on the high platform heard it. The strategy of using leaflets to disturb the morale of the army failed completely. He put down his binoculars gloomyly and raised the scepter in his hand.

"Go to war!"

Prince Ivanovich yelled, pointing the tip of his knife at Tver City: "Cannon!"

The artillery erected in the center of the position was pushed to the front line, and the gunners held torches and lit the fuze.

Boom boom boom!
This time, what was fired from the muzzle was no longer leaflets, but solid bombs filled with gunpowder. The shells flew across the sky, covering barbed wire and trenches.

After several rounds of bombardment, before the thick smoke cleared, Duke Ivanovich issued the second order: "Machine gunners suppress fire! Infantry charge!!!"

Amidst the shouts of killing all over the sky, the soldiers crossed the artillery positions, and accompanied by the continuous flames of the machine guns, they launched an impact on the trench positions.

Seeing the infantry launching a group charge, Katerina held up her long knife: "The artillery is ready!"

The bannerman next to him immediately waved his flag, and when the enemy infantry entered the range of the artillery attack, Katerina swung his long knife and said, "Fire!"

Boom boom boom!
The earth trembled, and the sound of artillery drowned out the enemy's shouts. Shells exploded in the middle of the enemy army. Shrapnel, fire, and gunpowder smoke burst out suddenly. Many soldiers fell on the way of charging, their bodies were thrown high into the sky, and they were blown to pieces. , turned into a shower of blood.

The surviving soldiers just rushed out of the gunpowder smoke, and they were greeted with dense bullets. The infantrymen under Katerina poked their heads out of the trench and pulled the triggers in their hands one after another. The 'Edward One' rifle kept firing bullets, forming a A dense barrage.

Immediately afterwards, the enemy fought back. The rotary machine guns mounted on the small carts started firing. The soldiers charged and fired at the same time. The central battlefield was suddenly filled with blood and flesh. The screams, shouts, and flesh and blood formed a hellish scene.

Ma Wei held the rein tightly, his face sinking like water, and he didn't cover Junia's eyes, but let her see the cruelty of the battlefield with his own eyes.

The barbed wire fence effectively prevented the soldiers from charging, and the corpses piled up, and it often took hundreds of lives to turn over. Every step forward had to pay a painful price.

Seeing that the situation could not be opened for a long time, Archbishop Henry standing on the high platform finally couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his scepter and aimed it at the sky, his lips squirmed.

A huge magic circle unfolded under his feet, and light green light flowed from the circle. In the next second, a dazzling golden beam of light shot out from the scepter, tearing through the white clouds, and rushed straight into the starry sky.

In the original blue sky, several stars lit up, guided by the beam of light, linked together to form the body of the goat.


The goat's horns pierced through the ground, and under the bulging ground came out one after another huge black goats with vertical pupils and red eyes, and they rushed towards Tver City violently pawing their front hooves.

Astrological magic - black goat!

Archbishop Henry's shot attracted countless monks to follow, and the monks began to sing, the stars in the sky became brighter and darker red, and countless black goats emerged from the ground, forming a black army that was rushing, trampling on the ground. The body of the soldier, striding forward.

"Archbishop Henry! What are you doing?!" Duke Ivanovich roared in disbelief when he saw that the black goat trampled to death an unknown number of his own soldiers.

But Archbishop Henry ignored him at all, and only had Tver City in his eyes.

Seeing the army of black goats rushing madly, Ma Wei slowly put on a gold ring, held Junia's little hand, and the gold ring instantly lit up.

Goncharov, Grimm, and the monks of Broca's Church of Truth responded to Ma Wei's actions and jointly launched the black mist magic.

The overlapping magic circles quickly merged, and a huge invisible field unfolded. A majestic black mist spewed out from the golden ring, covering all the light, and even the sunlight could not penetrate the slightest bit.

The black goats rushed into the black mist, and their huge bodies collapsed in an instant. On the high platform, Archbishop Henry's breathing stopped, and his pupils suddenly contracted: he subconsciously grabbed the handrail of the high platform, "Black mist? How is it possible?! How could they have black mist? ! Didn’t this magic fall into the hands of the Church of the Three Fate Goddesses?!”

Before Archbishop Henry figured out the key, a majestic black mist swept in like a sandstorm, covering the position of the Royal Army.

Darkness, the darkness that could not be seen with five fingers, came. The soldiers stopped and waved their hands, trying to find the light, but they were deeply trapped in the darkness and could not extricate themselves.

"All monks listen to my order and activate water mist magic."


Under Ma Wei's command, the monks stopped chanting and activated the water mist magic instead. The blue mist dispelled the black mist, and the faint light reappeared.

"Water mist?! Impossible!!!"

If the black mist magic only shocked Archbishop Henry, then the appearance of water mist magic made him panic. He staggered back, hit his back against the railing of the high platform, and cried out: "Anato, the God of Wisdom How could the water mist magic you created fall into the hands of the Church of Truth?!"

(End of this chapter)

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