Father Mavie

Chapter 373 Convincing God

Chapter 373 Convincing God (Please Subscribe!!!)
How to use the white candle to contact the lost kingdom of God?

After returning to St. Basil's Cathedral, Mavi has been thinking about this problem.

In the few months since he got the white candle, he would regularly ask Junia to light the white candle to go into the endless darkness to find traces of the gate of the kingdom of God. Any information on the gate of the country.

Although it took several months for Jin Na to search for the golden gate, but she has the support of the Soul Research Institute, constantly takes soul medicine, and can light the white candle for a long time every day. It is not surprising to find the lost kingdom of God .

Mavi doesn't have a soul potion, and he won't make it, so he has to make a breakthrough within 10 minutes of the white candle being lit.

how should I do it?

Relying on teachings to call out to the kingdom of God and praying for a response from the gods is one way, but the practice of these months has proved that it is completely unreliable and unrealistic to place hope on the other party!
Either learn from Jin Na and use quantity to cause qualitative change, or find another way to win with quality
Just like fishing, fishermen either cast nets to catch, or use harpoons for precise guidance.

Since Jin Na cannot be imitated, other methods must be used.

Thinking of this, Ma Wei took out his real pocket watch and thought: "Baji said that the gods of the old era would more or less leave behind some sacred objects, such as the Siren's Tears left by Axis, Bard The God of God gave Heimyuk of the Frederick family, and the real pocket watch left by the God of Reality."

"I used a real pocket watch to contact Baji before. Isn't this a proof that using other holy objects can also contact the corresponding god?"

"Holy object. Holy object"

After hesitating for a while, Mavi got up and opened the window, and called Levin and Daniel, who were practicing court swordsmanship in the garden, to the living room, as well as Junia, who was using magic with the Siren's Tears.

"Boss, what's the matter? Is there a mission?"

"I would like to ask for your opinion on the issue of losing the Kingdom of God."

Ma Wei took out the Adam star that Katerina 'entrusted' to him, and expressed his thoughts, "Do you think it is feasible?"

"Use the magic gemstone to light the white candle for enlightenment, and look for the lost kingdom of the gods. Hmm." Levin and Daniel looked at each other, but they didn't have any good suggestions.

Their understanding of the Lost Kingdom of God is similar to that of Ma Wei, and they know that there is such a thing, but it is unrealistic for you to ask them to come up with any constructive ideas.

"You can give it a try." Daniel said, "Didn't the teacher often say 'practice is the only criterion for testing the truth'? If you have an idea, let's try it boldly, just be careful."

"Well, let's take everything out."

Ma Wei put Adam Star on the table and glanced at Daniel and Levin.

Daniel took off the ancestral ring worn on his hand, the royal symbol Heimyuk, and placed it next to the Star of Adam. Junia put the Siren's Tears on the table, and Levin also took out the Heart of the Jungle and the The black Madonna statue in the blue mist.

The firewood burning in the fireplace emits a dim yellow light, illuminating the colorful gems on the table.

After staring at the radiant gems for a long time, Ma Wei suddenly stretched out his hand and divided the gems into two categories.

Tear of the Siren, Black Madonna, Heimyuk on the left, Heart of the Jungle, Star of Adam on the right.

"Currently known origins are the Tears of the Siren, the statue of the Black Madonna, and the ancestral Heimyuk of Daniel's family. The Tears of the Siren corresponds to the ancient god Ashis, and the statue of the Black Madonna corresponds to the Freedom Society. There is a high probability that it is also a The sacred object left by an ancient god, and Heimyuk is left by the bard god"

Ma Wei looked at the Heart of the Jungle and Adam's Star on the right: "We don't know the specific origin of these two gemstones yet, so we can't move them for the time being."

"Well" Levin frowned and said, "Boss, think about it carefully, our choice seems to be only Heimyuk brought out by Daniel, the Tears of the Siren and the Black Madonna are both holy objects left by the ancient gods. They light white candles, the risk is too high, if they really get in touch with the ancient gods, they will tear us alive."

"Levin is right. The ancient gods are the enemies of the belief system. It doesn't matter if we use their magic, but we can't use the sacred objects they left behind to light the white candles." Daniel echoed.

The ancient gods and the gods of faith are opposites. It is a known fact that human beings have stolen the authority of the ancient gods and created the gods of faith.

From the standpoint of believing in gods, contacting an ancient god, what is the difference between running and dancing at the door of the enemy's house?
If people don't screw your head off, there will be ghosts
"No, Dad!"

Sitting on the sidelines and listening, Junia, who had not interrupted all this time, suddenly called out: "We still have a choice!"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about the Golden Crow's Eye"

Reminded by her daughter, Ma Wei stretched out her hand directly in front of Levin: "Take it out."

"What are you doing?!" Levin clutched his chest, "This thing is related to my life! I dare not use it as an experiment!"

"Stop talking nonsense, and no one is robbing you, take it out and see what's the problem?"


Levin reluctantly took out the Eye of the Golden Crow hanging around his neck. Ever since he knew that this gem could bring him good luck, he found a red string and hung the gem around his neck. Still sleeping without separation, even Friday, when he had been thinking about it, he didn't enjoy this kind of treatment.

Among the eyes of the Golden Crow, there is a tightly closed eyeball, below which floats a line of small characters that only gods can understand, 'Wuni'.

If there is no accident, 'Wuni' should be the name of this eyeball. At the same time, 'Wuni' is also the main god in the mythology of the Ruiwei United Kingdom-the crow representing memory on Odin's shoulder.

In addition to 'Wuni', Odin also has a crow named 'Fujin', which represents thinking.

Thinking and memory constitute Odin's supreme power.

Not only that, but the Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, also comes from the folk myth of Ruiwei United Kingdom.

Kraken showed up.
Odin must have been a real god too.

"If you use the Eye of the Golden Crow, you may be able to contact the legendary main god 'Odin'." Mavi said: "If Odin really exists, then the myths circulated by the folks in other kingdoms may also be real. If you can Confirming this matter will be of great help to us in the future.”

"But we are not sure if the Golden Crow's Eye is a sacred object left by the ancient god!" Levin shouted: "What if Odin is also an ancient god? He who lives in the Hall of Valor has countless beauties Valkyrie Valkyrie Boss, leave this difficult task to me."


"I'm sure I don't have any evil thoughts about Valkyrie. I'm mainly worried about your safety, Boss." Levin said righteously.

"I don't know if I'm safe or not. I just know that if you go to the Hall of Valkyries, the group of Valkyries raised by Odin will definitely not be safe."

"Boss, how can you doubt me so much?!" Levin clutched his chest, showing a heartbroken look.

"Oh." Ma Wei sneered and ignored him: "Your idea is not unreasonable. We should choose the safest Heimyuk and try to contact the God of Bards. He gave this ring to the ancestors of the Daniel family. Gods who are concerned about the kindness of Daniel’s ancestors and know how to be grateful are definitely less dangerous than gods who don’t know the details.”

"Daniel, this time, you accompany us to light the white candle of power, use Heimyuk, and enter the endless darkness. If you really contact the god of bards, your identity may be useful."

"No problem." Daniel agreed.

"Then let's get started."

Mavi threw the Golden Crow's Eye back to Xin Xinnian, and Levin, who was not afraid of 'Odin' at all, asked him to hold a pocket watch to time the time, while he held the palms of Junia and Daniel and sat in front of the fireplace.

Junia held the psychic white candle, looked at Daniel next to Mavi who was holding Heimyuk tightly, closed her eyes, and said softly:

"Great God of Bards, I pray for your response as a believer. If you can hear my voice, please open the door and summon your most devout believers (Dong Fog)"

Suddenly, the Heimyuk held in Daniel's hand lit up with purple light, and then, with a 'cha' sound, the psychic white candle was lit.

This time, the flame lit by the white candle is completely different from before. It is not an orange-red flame, but
Deep purple flames!

(End of this chapter)

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