Father Mavie

Chapter 368 Awakening, Uprising

Chapter 368 Awakening, Uprising (Please Subscribe!!!)

"Not good! Not good!"

A policeman on patrol rushed into the office, ignoring his uniform soaked in rain, and found the chief of police who was sitting in the office, warming himself up and drinking tea, and said quickly: "The riot! Chief, the riot has begun again." !"

"What are you panicking about?"

With his head wrapped in bandages, the Chief of Police, whose injuries have not yet healed, sipped black tea with a relaxed expression, his feet resting on the table, not in a hurry at all: "Aren't there riots every day? Go and inform Officer Shakiro, let them secretly police Come out."

"This time the situation is different!" The patrolling policeman trembled at the end and swayed all over his body: "The low-level civilians in the whole city rioted! Even the workers joined them! They still have explosives!"

"Dynamite?" The police chief was stunned for a moment. Although the riots in the past were very violent, no one used weapons of mass destruction. Everyone was very understanding. The police didn't use guns, and the public didn't use knives. What happened today? "Where did they get the explosives?" ?”

"Railway workers! Explosives are needed to build railways! The workers of the railway bureau stole the explosives!"

Now the chief of police was not calm anymore, put down his teacup, and hurried to the street with the patrolling policemen, just in time to see the crowd rushing towards the center of the city.

It’s hard to see clearly on rainy days, so the police chief asked someone to bring binoculars, braved the heavy rain, climbed to the roof, and took a closer look.
It was an endless procession. Father Goncharov rushed to the forefront, waving the red flag of the Church of Truth in his hand, and the people behind him were carrying miscellaneous iron tools, and they were excited.

"You..." the police chief swallowed, and looked at the patrolling policeman with the same horrified gaze beside him: "You just said that the civilians in the whole city participated in this riot?"

"Yes! There are too many of them! There are at least a few thousand! And the number is still increasing!"

"Bastard! This is not a riot, this is a rebellion!!!"

The police chief slapped the patrolling policeman in the face angrily, knocking him to the ground, ignoring his throbbing head, and hastily issued an order: "Go get Officer Shakiro!!!"

The number of police in Saratov is not small, there are nearly 200 people, but 200 people are fine for dealing with thieves or ordinary cases, and dealing with rebellion
Totally impossible.

Those angry workers and civilians can drown them with a single spit.

Several police officers rushed out of the gate and ran towards the temporary office set up by the secret police. The chief of police led his men to the armory, took out the key, and wanted to take out the rifle inside, but because of nervousness, he failed several times in a row. A key can be inserted into the lock.

"Director!!!" There was another shout from outside the door: "They are rushing towards us!!!"

"What?! Why are you looking for us?! Their target shouldn't be the municipal building."

The chief of police shook his body, looking at the key that could open the arsenal in his hand, as if he understood something.

These people are here to grab weapons!
As the uprising team approached, the police chief felt that the ground was trembling. He glanced at the panicked men around him, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

This is not a problem that a little police chief like him can handle at all!
So what if you have a gun?
In the face of an absolutely superior number of people, the rifles that have to be reloaded after one shot are not weapons, but the scythes of death hanging over their heads!

The chief of police escaped, and he had to flee and stay at the station, only to be beaten to death by angry rebels.

In the blink of an eye, the police station was empty.

the other side.
On the outskirts of the city, Saratov Prison.

Raul jumped up the hillside and shouted to the believers gathered below: "Comrades! Those noble lords let us kneel down! Kneel down for generations! Think about the wives and children in your family! Do you want them to go through Is it the same pain as ours?! We must not let them get what they want!"

"There are two roads ahead of us! Either death! Or victory! But death does not belong to the workers and peasants! We will definitely win! Follow the truth! Follow me! Overthrow their tyranny! Save our comrades!!! Go ahead !!!”

Wielding shovels and sticks, the believers howled and rushed towards the dark prison not far away. The dense thunder in the sky could not suppress the anger in their hearts, as if they wanted to vent all the suffering and unwillingness in their lives, engulfing them. With an indomitable momentum, he rushed to the gate of the prison.

The jailers locked the iron gate ahead of time when they heard the shout, and heard the banging of iron bars on the door and the crackling of windows being smashed by stones. Their faces were pale and they could not stop backing away.

They want to escape, but there is no way to escape.

In the depths of the prison, fierce shouts also erupted. The imprisoned prisoners kept shaking and banging their shoulders on the cell door. Even the kerosene lamps hanging on the wall shook with their impact, like a storm in the wind. The swaying branches, the flames will be extinguished at any moment.

The prison that was originally used to hold prisoners has now become a death arena. The jailers are clustered together, holding revolvers or clenching batons. Every time the door is knocked, their hearts will suddenly stop beating. .

Suddenly, the banging on the door stopped, and the crowd outside stopped making noise, just when the jailers were wondering.
boom! ! !
Amidst the violent explosion, the flames shot out, the locking teeth shattered, and even the wall was blown to a huge gap. The smoke filled the air, and there was a faint red flag shaking.

"Come on!!!"


Angry believers jumped into the prison through the gap. Seeing the uprising team with hideous faces and countless people, the jailers tremblingly raised their pistols and pulled the trigger.

The two believers rushing to the front fell down immediately, and the team was suddenly quiet. Scott King looked down at his fallen companion and the blood left from his companion's body. The dark and short body let out an astonishing roar: "Kill them!!!"

The believers became even more angry. Their shouts almost knocked over the roof of the prison. Their eyes were bloodshot, and they rushed up like a pack of hungry wolves. Scott King slapped the jailer on the face with a shovel, slapping his flesh and blood. Fuzzy, and then rushed to the next person, under his leadership, the jailers completely collapsed.

Pistols will not save them, but will only infuriate the enemy more and more.

Seeing the escaping jailers screaming, Raul knew that the general situation was settled, and he didn't have pity on these outrageous jailers who were beaten. These jailers used to be domineering and often beat their comrades. Hanging on the street lamp, then this group of dog legs who followed the nobles should be chopped into pieces!

The orders issued by the nobles are all carried out by these dogs!

The nobles are guilty, as are they!
"Scott King! Scott King!"

Raul found Scott King, who was constantly venting his anger, in the chaotic crowd, and said loudly: "Rescue our comrades first! Then go back to the city to support Goncharov!"

The red-eyed Scott King then remembered his mission, quickly dropped the shovel, bent down to find the key on the jailer, and opened one cell door after another.

During this period, Raul rushed into the jailer's lounge, found the warden's detention record book, and carefully put it in his arms.

Among the prisoners who were rescued, not all were their comrades. Some people did violate the law and committed unforgivable crimes. Such criminals must be punished, and those who can judge their crimes
It was the prison record book that Raul got.

in the city.

boom! ! !
The deafening explosion was accompanied by smoke, rubble, and paper. The gate of the police station's armory was blown open. Wyson was the first to rush in and picked up a rifle. Although he didn't know how to load the bullet, he Some of the uprising team were retired soldiers, and these people knew how to use a rifle.

"Father Goncharov!" Wysen found Goncharov outside the door with a rifle, and said excitedly, "We got the weapons!"

Goncharov was about to speak when he suddenly heard a sharp whistle not far away, and turned his head to look.
The chief of police, who had fled earlier, returned with the secret police.

(End of this chapter)

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