Father Mavie

Chapter 364 Someone Like Me

Chapter 364 Someone Like Me (Please Subscribe!!!)
The summer is getting deeper and the weather is getting hotter. Under the bright and dazzling sunshine, a group of workers line up in front of the store, preparing to buy the necessities of life.

Everyone received a 5-ruble coupon funded by the government and issued by the Wisdom God Sect. The people who received the subsidy took to the streets and started shopping, but what no one expected was that
"1 ruble? You want 1 ruble for 1 pound of black bread?!"

People exclaimed in the bakery: "Why don't you grab it?!"

"The price of wheat flour has risen, and I can't help it." The boss was also a little annoyed: "Are you going to buy it or not? It's the price now!"

"One ruble bread would only be bought by a fool!"

The man spat, walked out of the bakery angrily, thought carefully under the scorching sun, and decided not to buy bread, but to buy some potatoes.

A pound of small potatoes costs only 1 kopecks, and 10 rubles can buy 5 pounds of potatoes, enough to feed their family for many days.
Although my son’s desire to eat bread and butter was not satisfied, potatoes would be great. Now that it’s hard to find a job and the wages are low, not to be hungry is already the biggest luxury. How dare you ask for too much?
The man came to the potato stall, picked some fresh potatoes, and handed them to the boss: "How much?"

"Exactly a pound. Thirty kopecks."

"How much?" The man felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Thirty kopecks," repeated the vendor.

The man looked at the low-quality potatoes that were about the size of his thumb on the stall, and felt his throat stuck in his throat, unable to get up or down: "The price of potatoes has also increased?!"

"I want to eat too, not for charity." The stall owner said angrily, "Everything is going up in price now, one price a day, and tomorrow the potatoes will rise to 40 kopecks. If you want to buy it, you can buy it now."

The man held the 5-ruble coupon tightly, his hands and feet were cold even though he was under the scorching sun.

He didn't know the consequences of the government's subsidy. He only knew that the price had risen. In just two days, the price tripled.
This meant that with a salary of 6 kopecks a day, he could not even afford potatoes.

The 5 rubles in my hand are not as valuable as I imagined.

The consequences of soaring prices
The man thought for a while, shuddered, and his face paled a lot.

He ended up buying potatoes, the cheapest and filling food in Saratov, costing 5 rubles and buying less than 17 pounds of potatoes.

The man left with the sack, and panic spread in the city. People feared that the price would be higher tomorrow, and they started buying one after another, sweeping away all the potatoes brought by the stall owner in the blink of an eye.

"Sold out! Sold out! Sold out today!"

The stall owner pushed the empty trolley and walked slowly out of the city, leaving behind a long line of people staring.

"Go to the store!"

Someone yelled, and the crowd became chaotic, like a collapsed snow mountain, flocking to a store not far away, where there were potatoes and corn. Although the price was more expensive, it was undoubtedly the best choice right now.

Fighting, cursing, pushing.
Everyone's face is full of fear and worry, feeling that the 5 ruble coupons in their hands are so hot, some "smart" shopkeepers, seeing everyone so crazy, immediately sit on the ground and raise prices, constantly refreshing the prices of commodities.

When the store was swept away, the crowd rushed to the next store, leaving only a seven or eight-year-old girl sitting on the ground crying, her money was stolen and her foot was stepped on , The mud and dirt flowed down with tears, but no one paid attention to it at all.

Goncharov, who was standing by not far away, saw this scene, stepped forward to help the little girl, took out a handkerchief to wipe off the dust on her face, and asked, "How much money was stolen from you?"

"33 rubles" The little girl was still crying.

"I just picked up 3 rubles on the ground. You probably dropped them by accident." Goncharov took out three 1-ruble coupons and stuffed them into the little girl's hand, and said softly, "Go home quickly and put the money away." To the adults at home."

"Thank you. Thank you uncle!"

The little girl stopped sobbing, sniffed, turned and ran towards the end of the street.

After watching her disappear, Goncharov looked back, his chest heaving, and his mood was extremely restless.

Chaos has already appeared.

Saratov is just one of many cities in turmoil
And as the priest in charge of the Saratov area, he is extremely pessimistic about the current situation and at the same time extremely angry.

Before joining the Church of Truth, Goncharov was also a child of a poor family. He knew what it was like to be hungry, and he knew what kind of evil thoughts would be produced by smelling the aroma from the bakery when he was hungry.
He is not hungry now, and he can observe this society and this country calmly, but no matter how he looks at it, he cannot give a high score.

This country is sick, very sick.

In the afternoon, the workers stopped working. They put down their tools one after another, walked out of the factory, and returned home.

The wages paid by the factory are no longer able to maintain their minimum quality of life. The energy consumed by a day of hard work is more than the rewards they receive. Who will continue to work?
Goods are piled up at the docks and are no longer in operation, factories are closed and no longer make any products, even schools are closed because there are no more students and parents don't want to pay tuition anymore.

People began to march and protest on the street, and people continued to join the procession. The busiest ones should be the police. They rushed to the street with batons and began to 'maintain' law and order.

Veronica hid at home and saw the demonstrations on the street through the cracks in the curtains. She held her husband's arm tightly and said in a trembling voice, "Don't go out. Wysen, don't go out to work again. Yes, the potatoes you bought a few days ago can last for a long time"

"Father Ma Wei is right." Huai Sen, who saw the chaos on the street, murmured.

"What? Father Mawei? Father Mawei of the Church of Truth?" Veronica turned her head and hammered her husband's shoulder angrily: "You joined the Church of Truth?!"


"Wysen!!!" Veronica yelled: "The secret police have been arresting the believers of the Church of Truth, you know this and dare to join them?!"

"Because Father Goncharov is right." Wysen looked into his wife's eyes and said calmly, "There are some things that must be stepped forward."

"But why must that person be you?! I don't want you to be captured by the secret police! Let's just live our lives!"

"Look, open your eyes and see, Veronica. Where is there life now?" Huai Sen sighed melancholy: "If Father Mawei didn't let us stock up on food in advance, then we probably don't have much food at this moment. He was right."

"so what?!"

"If he is right, we should support him." Huai Sen spoke seriously, rebutting his wife head-on: "If we don't even dare to support the right things, how can we ensure our own safety? If I join them today, they will If I have more strength, I will have more chances of winning. If I choose to stand on the sidelines today, who will be willing to help us in the future?"

"Knowing that one thing is right, but shrinking back and forth, and not daring to express your inner thoughts, this is cowardice, not wisdom."

"Even if you can live like this, what's the difference between living like that and walking dead?"

Huaisen hugged his wife and patted her on the back: "Veronica, Veronica, I don't want our children to endure the oppression of these exploiters like me."

"Wysen." Veronica raised her head and showed a very reluctant smile: "Although I don't want you to join them, you really impressed me today."

"You agree?"

"If I don't agree, won't you go?"

"No, I must go."

"Aren't you afraid of failure?"

"I'm afraid, but we will succeed."

"Why?" Veronica didn't understand where her husband's confidence came from.


Wysen put on a gray nylon soft hat, held the doorknob, and said in a deep voice:

"There are many others like me."

(End of this chapter)

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