Father Mavie

Chapter 357 A New Comrade

Chapter 357 A New Comrade (Please Subscribe!!!)
December 6, late at night.

The siren sound broke the quiet night sky, a steam train slowly stopped at the edge of the Saratov platform, and a group of men with hard cowhide boots, belted waists, and epaulettes jumped off the train.

They held batons, and their hard heels made a uniform tone, and many of them wore golden rings on their hands.

The local police received them, and the two sides exchanged documents silently. After getting a thick list, the men in hard cowhide boots immediately took action.

Boom boom boom!
Boom boom boom!
Whistles and noises wake up the sleeping people, the door latch is as fragile as a piece of white paper in front of the hard cowhide boots, the cry of the baby, the roar of the man, and the cry of the mother
The entire Saratov fell into extreme chaos.

Anyone who resists will be beaten with batons, and soon people will know the origin of these intruders-the secret police.

A temporary organization jointly established by the church and the aristocracy, specially used to eliminate reactionary forces.

These secret police seemed to have received some orders, and they did not go to the church that Goncharov had rented at all. Their targets were only those who had launched a riot.

The Church of Truth does not seem to be defined as a reactionary force.

Hearing the screams from all over the city, Goncharov's face sank like water, and he didn't think it was something to be thankful for.

The "Temporary Decree" passed against the reactionary forces is obviously aimed at the Church of Truth, there is no doubt about it.

The reason why Archbishop Henry did not allow the secret police to take action against the Church of Truth was not only because he did not want to provoke a war between the extraordinary forces, but also because of a deeper consideration.

Goncharov believes that the Wisdom Church intends to let the secret police fully arrest the "disorderly people" who launched the riots, and use this to curb the development of the Church of Truth.

Whoever dares to start a riot will face arrest by the secret police. If things go on like this, how many people will take the risk of being arrested and start a riot?
As long as you catch the dishonest black goat in the sheepfold, the flock will become docile and obedient.

The same is true for riots. There are always a few leaders. If they are arrested, the others will lose their target. Even if they want to resist, they will not be able to cause a big storm.

And at this time, wouldn't the "freedom requires wisdom" taught by the God of Wisdom come in handy?
Goncharov thought to himself that by tomorrow morning, the priests and monks of the Wisdom God Sect will definitely publicize their teachings, and people who have lost their leaders will be easily bewitched by them.

"Father Mawei, what should we do?" Goncharov murmured while looking at the dark sky.

"We must fight them to the end!"

Mosk, St. Basil's Cathedral, in the meeting hall, Levin slapped the table again, and said sharply: "The secret police are just a bunch of dogs! There is nothing to be afraid of! They want to play hard, let's play hard with them!" "

All the core members of the Church of Truth are sitting in the meeting hall, Junia, Levine, Daniel, Fat Orange, Selina, Christopher
Everyone was present except Edward who was protecting Katerina in the Kremlin.

A group of the secret police established by the Wisdom God Sect and the Noble Faction also came to Moscow, but they encountered an 'accident' as soon as they got off the train.

The platform, which was devastated by artillery fire during the war, collapsed when they got off the train, and the staff of the station were not there because they were on holiday. Instead, it was the secret police who suffered.

Fortunately, no one died, but this group of secret police probably couldn't get out of bed for ten days and a half months.

And among the secret police who came to Moscow, there were no priests and monks from the Wisdom Church, they were all ordinary people, which made Mavi a little disappointed.

If you think about it carefully, sending some monks who are obviously weaker than the Church of Truth to Mosk is no different from sending them to death. Archbishop Henry will certainly not let his subordinates take such a risk.

These 'victims' are just pawns used to test the reaction of the Church of Truth.

"According to the information sent back by the Cats and Cats Legion, this group of secret police did not attack the Church of Truth in other regions."

Pressing his hand to signal Levin to sit down, Ma Wei said softly: "Although we have already started a war with the Wisdom God Cult, it is obvious that things have not yet reached the point where everyone is attacking each other."

"The fundamental purpose of arresting the civilians who launched the riots is to destroy and disintegrate the will of the people to resist. This is killing chickens and monkeys to deter the people."

"Boss! These civilians who launched the riot are the most bloody people!" Levin yelled, "They are the first batch to stand up and resist, and the church must protect them!"

"Levin is right." Daniel nodded. "If the Church of Truth stands by and does nothing, it will lose the trust of the people."

"Of course we can't give up on them." Ma Wei knows how important the people's trust is: "Now is a very good opportunity. The introduction of the three bills has given the people hope, but the aristocracy and the Wisdom Sect have personally destroyed them." hope, and even set up a secret police to suppress them”

"I think the time is ripe." Christopher said: "We should call on the people to take up arms and bravely confront these oppressors. As long as we can repel the secret police, the people will be greatly encouraged and their enthusiasm for resistance will increase. , just like wildfire, burning wildly.”

Ma Wei shook his head: "It's not enough, it's not enough. The people's demands are actually not many. As long as they have food, a house to live in, and can survive, they are very satisfied. The abolition of serfdom has plunged them into a food crisis, so Riots broke out and that's not the limit of their anger."

"Is there a better opportunity than now?" Christopher was very puzzled.

"The reason for the people's riots was because of the food crisis. They lost their arable land, and their wives and children had nothing to eat. Of course they had to resist, but most of those who resist now are ex-serfs who have gained freedom."

Tapping the table with his fingers, Ma Wei narrowed his eyes and said slowly and steadily: "Everyone, do you know why I proposed the Civil Rights Act at the Senate Assembly?"

"I know!" Junia raised her little hand and said, "Father, you want more people to stand up and resist!"

"Smart." Ma Wei nodded with a smile: "The beneficiaries of the "Civil Rights Act" are all citizens, not only the former serfs who have gained freedom, but also some people, they also need to be awakened."

"You mean?" Selina frowned, "workers?"

"That's right! Workers!"

Ma Wei snapped his fingers: "The abolition of serfdom not only affects the interests of former serfs, but also the influx of a large number of labor forces has led many factories to adopt a wage reduction strategy. After all, a lot of work is hard work. If you don't do it, some people do it. , so the wages of workers have dropped again and again.”

"Soon, these impacted workers will also face a food crisis. The wages they earn can no longer guarantee their daily life, and resentment and anger will breed accordingly."

"There are 2000 million serfs in the Romanov Kingdom, but there are even more workers and civilians. They account for the majority of the total population of 5000 million. They are a group that cannot be ignored."

Daniel's eyes widened: "Teacher, among the three bills you proposed at the Senate Assembly, in addition to the "New Land Act" and the "Citizens' Rights Act", there is also a "Personal Safety Basic Guarantee Act", isn't it?"

"People are actually very selfish creatures, Daniel." Ma Wei said quietly: "Many people don't care about other people's lives, they only care about themselves, which is normal."

"For the sake of profit, many people do not hesitate to destroy the basic operating rules of the market, and improve their competitiveness through malicious salary cuts and unpaid overtime. I usually call them scabs."

"The 2000 million serfs who have recovered their freedom have become a large number of active laborers. Their impact on the market and the social environment is unimaginable. Serfdom is not what you think it can be abolished with just one bill. Yes, there are many complicated factors behind it.”

"How to solve these problems is what those in power should consider."

Ma Wei picked up the teacup, blew away the floating heat, took a sip, and said lightly:

"We are waiting now to welcome more comrades, they"

"It's coming soon."

(End of this chapter)

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