Father Mavie

Chapter 348 Doctrine Controversy

Chapter 348 Doctrine Controversy (Please Subscribe!!!)
"Father, Junia's power has grown so fast recently."

In the dining room, Junia forked a piece of cake covered with cream and stuffed it into her mouth. There was a small plate of green melon seeds produced by Alan beside the cake.

Ma Wei, who was reading the newspaper, picked up the teacup and asked sideways, "How fast?"

"It's many times faster than before!" Junia puffed her mouth, gesticulating with her little hands in the air: "It's so fast!"

"It shows that our policy is working."

Ma Wei breathed a sigh of relief. Whether the Church of Truth is developing fast can be most intuitively reflected from Junia. As long as her power is still growing, then there is no problem with the development policy of the church.

During the half month since the release of the General Decree on Breaking away from the Serfs, the situation has been changing every day. Instead of being grateful to King Paul I for their 'compassion', the serfs who suddenly regained their freedom broke out hundreds of riots ,uprising.
The entire Romanov kingdom fell into chaos.

Big cities like Moscow and Petersburg that rely on industrial areas are okay, even if riots occur, they will be suppressed quickly, while the situation in other remote areas that mainly rely on agriculture is not so optimistic. It is difficult for the local police and nobles The anger of the former serfs was appeased, and the turmoil continued.

Under such circumstances, the God of Wisdom did not dare to help. The reason is simple. Whoever helps the police and nobles is against the former serfs, and these former serfs are precisely one of the most important sources of faith for the church.

Who dares to sideline the fight against public outrage?
Therefore, the God of Wisdom taught Mingzhe to protect himself, turned a deaf ear to the riots outside, and even took the initiative to distribute bread and milk to the former serfs who were about to starve to death, so that they would have the strength to continue the riots when they were full.

The church-kingdom-people pyramid system exerted its power at this moment, and the kingdom became the target of the people to vent their anger.

The Church of Truth is also one of the beneficiaries. After the promulgation of the "General Decree", the monks who went to various places to establish churches and monasteries preached at the fastest speed and successfully gathered a group of believers. These new believers are not very interested in the truth. It is enough to know that the Church of Truth will feed them.

What really worries Ma Wei is that during the riots, the Wisdom God Sect hyped up the true meaning of wisdom, robbed believers frantically under the banner of 'freedom requires wisdom', and launched a doctrinal war with the Truth Church in various places without gunpowder.

Did Archbishop Henry really fail to see through the deep meaning behind the aristocracy's request?

Does he really not know the possible consequences after the promulgation of the General Act?

When the Wisdom Church put out the slogan "Freedom requires wisdom", Ma Wei had a new judgment on what Archbishop Henry did.

He finally understood what Archbishop Henry wanted to do.

"Sure enough, he's a smart guy. The noble faction was put together. Well, that's what makes it interesting."

Mavie ate the last loaf of bread and slapped the residue off his hands, not at all upset.

What they are going to do is an earth-shattering event. If they can succeed by just talking about it, that would be too much fun.

The fact that the old gods can overthrow the older gods shows that they have enough strength and wisdom. Ma Wei is very pleased to have such a powerful opponent.

It's his pleasure.

It is his mission to overthrow them.

Ma Wei put down the newspaper, walked out of the restaurant, and handed over several bills he had drafted to Rusov for him to send to the Kremlin next door.

Due to the frequent riots in various places, the next senate assembly will be held ahead of schedule, that is, in these two days. The assembly will discuss countermeasures to quell the unrest, which is an excellent opportunity to introduce bills.


After Rusov left, Daniel found Ma Wei who was about to give lessons to the monks, pulled him to a corner, and whispered, "Teacher, you must be careful of the God of Wisdom."

"You think Archbishop Henry will send someone to assassinate me?"

"Assassination, not for the time being. The situation has not developed to that point yet." Daniel said solemnly: "Teacher, you should be wary of the next move of the God of Wisdom."

Daniel, who is extremely sensitive to political issues, said in a deep voice: "The slogan of the Church of Wisdom is 'Freedom Needs Wisdom', which means that the Church of Wisdom is calling on believers to use wisdom to gain rights and interests, while the way of our Church of Truth is simpler Rough, so."

Mavi understood what he was trying to say.

The Church of Truth, which calls on the common people at the bottom to take up arms and defend their own rights, will definitely become a thorn in the side of the aristocracy. If at this juncture, the Church of Wisdom, the state religion, defines the Church of Truth as a 'heresy' and a 'source of turmoil' if.
Then the Church of Truth may be persecuted by the aristocracy.

Daniel has always been very sensitive to this aspect. He faintly felt that the Church of Wisdom was digging a hole for the Church of Truth, so he ran over to remind Ma Wei.


Ma Wei smiled and said, "How can there be reform without bloodshed? Although bloodless is better, reform without bloodshed is not thorough."

"Teacher, aren't you afraid that the foundation you have worked so hard to build will be ruined?"

"If the enemy really wants to persecute us, then let them do it. Once the mind rises, it cannot be suppressed by any violent means, because the mind exists in each of us. It cannot be seen or touched, but it is always there. guide your way."

Ma Wei pointed to his head: "The more brutal the oppression, the more it will arouse the people's resistance. In despair, people will understand the charm of the truth and join us more firmly."

"What about the church?"

"I have told them the method a long time ago. If someone wants to persecute them, they should hide and continue to preach in secret."

Having said that, Mavi doesn't think that the noble faction will launch a persecution campaign against the Church of Truth. After all, Archbishop Henry's purpose of using the noble faction as a sacrifice has been exposed. Duke Ivanovich sent the "Star of Adam" Judging from their goodwill, the aristocratic faction is also looking for a way out for themselves.

At a time like this when they completely fell out with the Church of Truth, wouldn't the aristocratic faction have nowhere to go?
They have better places to go.

Mavie remembered someone, Finn Drost.

At the beginning, Finn Drost had contacted Ilyich Brusinov, the Duke of Tbilisi, and the two parties even reached a business cooperation to sell the native products of the United States of Citi to the Kingdom of Romanov for profit. Gravity.

Later, under the operation of the fourth prince Arthur, the air route from the United States of America to the Kingdom of Romanov was cut off, many local products were seized, and business cooperation also came to a deadlock.

Now that the war is over, the Kingdom of Windsor will no longer block the sea route, which means that the United States of America can continue to trade with the Noble Faction, in this case.
Will the aristocracy turn their backs to the United States of America?

if so
Ma Wei narrowed his eyes, and suddenly felt that the passage of the "General Decree" this time was not that simple.

Is the aristocratic faction's concession based on proper considerations, or is the Freedom Society playing tricks behind the scenes?
Thinking of this, Ma Wei took out a real pocket watch and decided to test the reality of the aristocratic faction.

"A member of the Freedom Association, Finn Drost, who once went to the manor of the Duke of Tbilisi, reached a certain agreement with the boyar nobles of the Romanov Kingdom."

After the meditation ended, the red pointer jumped and pointed to the 3 o'clock position.


"This agreement is related to the Church of Wisdom and the Church of Truth."

Still 3 o'clock, correct.


Ma Wei put away his pocket watch and finally understood why Duke Ivanovic gave Katerina the 'Star of Adam' which was a supernatural item.

Giving it to Katerina is equivalent to giving it to the Church of Truth.

Behind everything is the Freedom Association.

The aristocratic faction that reached an agreement with Finn Drost has found their own escape route. In the worst case, they can also take their assets and flee to the United States of America, where they can start again.

Is the real purpose of the "General Decree" passed by them to stir up the struggle between the Church of Truth and the Church of Wisdom?
Freedom will pave the way for the Church of Truth to rise?

In the midst of
Mavi feels that the Freedom Society is also acting in accordance with Nereida's prophecy, or, in Nereida's prophecy, there are shadows of their existence.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Daniel asked curiously seeing Ma Wei standing there in a daze.

"I am fine."

Ma Wei shook his head and said softly: "The situation seems more optimistic than I imagined, if freedom will intervene."

(End of this chapter)

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