Father Mavie

Chapter 346 Rising Winds and Storms

Chapter 346 Rising Winds and Storms (Please Subscribe!!!)
The Senate meeting ended with Archbishop Henry and the aristocracy taking a step back.

The conversations, proposals, and even what happened at the meeting were all recorded by O'Hare. As soon as the meeting was over, he took the train back to Moscow overnight.

Fortunately, the railways leading to the main cities were the primary restoration targets after the war, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Windsor did not destroy them thoroughly enough to transport the treasures. Therefore, it only took two months for the main railways on the western plains to be destroyed by the Kingdom of Romanov. Completely fixed.

Katerina got the minutes of the meeting, went to the St. Basil's Cathedral next door without stopping, and told Ma Wei about it.

The moment Archbishop Henry proposed the "Freedmen's Act", Ma Wei was still somewhat nervous, until he found that Archbishop Henry had agreed to the "reasonable" request of the aristocracy, and his laughter almost knocked off the roof of the church.

A lot of monks gathered outside the door of the living room, and even Levin and the others were attracted by Ma Wei's laughter. They looked at Ma Wei who was laughing heartily on the sofa, and looked at each other with bewildered expressions. .

"Haha. Sorry, lost my temper"

Ma Wei stopped laughing, and said to Katerina, who had strange eyes: "I really can't hold it back, I'm sorry."

"Is there anything funny about this meeting minutes?" Katerina was very puzzled. She felt that this was a very threatening report. Once the Wisdom God Cult was allowed to succeed, the situation would be bad!
"It's funny throughout, and it's the funniest joke I've ever seen."

Ma Wei threw the minutes of the meeting on the table, took a sip from the teacup, his tense body quickly relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face: "Your Highness, you know, did I finally understand something just now? "

Katerina shook her head.

"That is, only those who really think for you and do in-depth investigation and research can understand your real appeal."

The smile disappeared, and Ma Wei's expression became serious. He glanced at the monk standing outside the door, and said in a deep voice: "If we don't consider the people sincerely, we will never find out what they actually need. For example, Archbishop Henry proposed The Freedmen's Act, I thought at first that he really understood our teachings, but I later found out that he knew only the superficial surface."

"Fur?" Katerina picked up the meeting minutes on the table, re-examined the relevant content of the "Freeman Act" above, and asked in doubt: "Is the abolition of serfdom and the granting of freeman status and general citizenship to serfs just superficial? "

"Your Highness, for the large number of serfs living in dire straits in the Romanov Kingdom, what they urgently and fundamentally need is not the status of freedmen. Of course the status of freedmen and general citizenship are very important, but that is only the second needs.” Ma Wei Youyou said: “Their first needs are fertile land that can be cultivated, a baking oven that can be used without rent, and enough food to fill their stomachs.”

"When you have enough food and you don't have to worry about life, people will pay attention to other things, like citizenship in general, voting rights and so on."

"When you don't have enough to fill your stomach, giving them the status of free citizens and general citizenship is a temporary solution, not a permanent cure, like giving a piece of dry bread to a thirsty and hungry traveler in the desert. What he wants to drink most is water. , without water, dry bread will only make him die faster."

Hearing this kind of metaphor, Katerina and the monks outside the door all showed sudden expressions. Ma Wei has already explained it very thoroughly, pointing to the core of the problem.

"But Father, isn't the bill you asked me to propose at the assembly to abolish serfdom? If Archbishop Henry treats the symptoms but not the root cause, then you"

Ma Wei nodded and nodded: "That's right, the abolition of serfdom is the first step, because the status of serfs will be exploited and squeezed by landowners, and my real goal is the "Land Reform Act" that will be implemented later."

Seeing that Katerina couldn't quite understand the core content of the "Land Reform Act" she said, Ma Wei got up and left. After a while, she came back with a handwritten paper document.

"This is the first draft of the bill I drafted. The main contents have been listed. Please take a look, Your Highness."

Katerina took the paper document, and the first line on it shocked her:

【Church of Truth will make every effort to promote and implement public ownership of land for all people】

"Public ownership? Father, you want to nationalize all private land and redistribute wealth?!"

Ma Wei said blankly: "This is the only way to save the Romanov Kingdom. Overthrow the existing aristocratic system and build a basic framework that is conducive to the development of people's livelihood. Things that are closely related to people's livelihood, such as cultivated land and housing, must It will be nationalized and public ownership of the whole people will be implemented in the form of state ownership, so that farmers have land to cultivate and workers have houses to live in.”

At this moment, Katerina finally understood where Ma Wei had the confidence to create the Church of Truth.

A small church dared to accept her invitation. Faced with such a difficult and difficult situation in the Romanov Kingdom, what it could offer must have shocked the world.

Regardless of other things, the first article of the bill proposed by Ma Wei alone is enough to gain countless fans of serfs. If it is just like this, there is nothing to be afraid of. The result is economic collapse.

The really scary thing about Mavi is that
He did not put forward the "Land Reform Bill" on the spur of the moment, but after careful thinking.

Compared with the "Freedmen's Act" proposed by Archbishop Henry, Mavie's draft "Land Reform Bill" is obviously more attractive to the people, and it is many times larger.

Katerina also expected that once this bill is proposed, it will inevitably cause an uproar.

No wonder Mavi said earlier that the aristocracy would not allow his bill to pass.
This is equivalent to copying the house of the noble faction, okay?
"Father, your bill... I'm afraid it won't be supported by O'Hare and the others."

Katerina pondered for a long time, then suddenly sighed: "There are too many interests involved, you are simply making enemies of all the rich and nobles in the Romanov Kingdom!"

"I know." Ma Wei nodded: "So I need your Highness's support. Only with your consent can those nobles who support you accept this bill."

"I'm afraid my prestige is not enough to make them support this "Land Reform Bill." Katerina said frankly: "They follow me to seek greater benefits, and this bill is precisely to make their fantasy It has turned into a bubble, Father, is it too impatient to directly carry out land reform? I think we should use the method of boiling frogs in warm water, and take it step by step."

"His Majesty Peter is also pursuing the reform method of boiling frogs in warm water. What is the result?" Ma Wei looked serious and said in a very serious tone: "Your Highness, we are not orthodox at the moment, and the Romanov Kingdom is not suitable for slow reform. You have to get It is the popular support, not the aristocracy."

"Of course, Your Highness, your concern is not unreasonable. If all our own people run away, then we will become poor commanders?"

"As long as your Highness can keep Onufri, Raffle, Makarov and other generals who are loyal to you, we don't have to care about the ideas of the aristocratic faction."

Katerina was deep in thought. Of course, she knew the benefits brought by the "Land Reform Act". For the Romanov Kingdom, when power is fully centralized and an ambitious king is added, the rise of the kingdom is only a matter of time. The light shines on Romanov is no longer empty talk.

How many nobles would continue to support them after the Agrarian Reform Act?
Katerina is not sure, she has no idea.

This is simply testing the loyalty of generals and nobles!

"Father, what are your chances of winning?" Katerina raised her head and looked straight at Ma Wei.

"If it was before Archbishop Henry agreed to the request of the aristocratic faction, I would only be 5% sure, but he agreed to the damn thing. Thanks to him, I think we are sure."

The window trembled slightly, Ma Wei turned his head, stared at the dark night sky, and whispered: "Your Highness, the wind is blowing."

"Is it our wind?"

Ma Wei smiled: "Of course, this is the wind of change."

Archbishop Henry has already revealed a flaw, and this flaw will be fatal in Mavi's eyes.

"Presumably, in order to suppress the Church of Truth, Archbishop Henry will quickly pass the "Freemen Act", and at the same time include the requirements of the aristocracy. The opportunity has come."

Ma Wei got up and said: "Your Highness, I will draft the bill as quickly as possible and entrust O'Hare to propose it at the next general meeting. Please be sure to keep your generals steady. They are the only variable, but I think there is nothing wrong with it. "

Katerina smiled wryly, "Father, you seem to be more confident than me."

"Of course, we have Edward, who can control humans." Ma Wei said: "In order to prevent someone from attempting to murder His Highness, all chefs, servants, and doctors in the Kremlin must undergo strict scrutiny, and food, drinking water, and medicines must also be purchased uniformly." , Strengthen defense."

"At the same time, I will let Edward continue to protect you, Your Highness. At such a critical moment, your safety must be guaranteed, Your Highness."

"Edward is enough to help me." Katerina nodded and said, "As for the chef and servants, don't worry. I have already arranged for Bodlinov to investigate. What have they done and what have they been in contact with recently?" Who, where the family is, how many people are still in the family, where the ancestors are buried, and who they have contacts with are all investigated."

Ma Wei was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have taken precautions, Your Highness."

"I will not let what happened to my father happen to me."

Working with smart people is peace of mind
With emotion in his heart, Ma Wei turned to look at Dino in the crowd at the door: "Dino, the time is right, distribute the newspapers we publish to various cities and towns, and hand them over to the responsible monks in the local area. Once the "Decree" is officially promulgated, the distribution will begin immediately."


(End of this chapter)

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