Father Mavie

Chapter 327 Jaylan's commission

Chapter 327 Jaylan's commission (please subscribe!!!)

The darker the moment, the brighter the aurora, which is why Mavi named the special organization the Aurora Society.

He hopes that this special organization can be like the aurora, which can illuminate the sky of believers when they are in danger of darkness. In the daytime, the aurora is not easy to detect, and you can't even find their existence.

A special organization that is independent of the church and directly obeys the goddess will protect the believers of the truth.

Before the end of the war, the skeleton of the Aurora Society will be set up, and things cannot wait until the end. Mavi has set up a very clear division of positions for the Aurora Society, and when Levin can be alone, he can directly sit on the chairman Location.

Of course, before the prophesied time comes, the existence of the Aurora Society does not mean much, and protecting the church and believers is their main task.

Believers who are qualified to join the Aurora Society must go through strict examinations. They cannot be moved by money, cannot be treacherous and greedy, and must have firm beliefs. All in all, there must be no mouse feces in this pot of soup.

Otherwise, there would be no point in establishing the Aurora Society.

The task of testing a believer can only be performed by Yunia. She is a goddess, and she can most intuitively feel whether a believer is firm in her faith. The stronger the believer's faith, the more power of faith she will be provided with. That's all. , she can detect who is the best candidate to join the Aurora Society.

"Christopher, have the accommodation arrangements for Mr. Schmidt Jr. and his mother?"

After letting the scheduled members who joined the Aurora Society leave, Mavi asked.

"It's been arranged. I rented them a small apartment in the Garylin district, not far from the church." Christopher said.

"How is his mother's illness?"

"There are some changes." Christopher recalled: "It seems that after coming to Tyumen City, his mother's illness is not as serious as before. I don't know if it is because of the change of environment or something."

"That's good, you go to work."


Christopher walked out of the church, and his back disappeared into the afternoon sun. Ma Wei went back upstairs and was about to continue working when suddenly the door was pushed open.

A man in ordinary linen clothes came in. Ma Wei put down the quill and asked, "Aren't you Edward's family? What's the matter?"

"You can call me Lante." Jaylan said his pseudonym: "I'm looking for you because I want to join your upcoming Aurora Society."

Ma Wei frowned and asked, "Why?"

Although the Aurora Society is a special organization independent of the church system, it is specially used to deal with supernatural beings and strange objects, but this is a hard job, not to mention the wind and the sun every day, but also to perform some dangerous tasks, far from staying in the church comfortable.

"The master called me. It said before, Father Mavi, you will definitely set up an organization similar to the Demon Hunters of the Church of the Three Fates, so let me help you."

What is it trying to do by letting its subordinates join the Aurora Society?
From the heart, Mavi doesn't want the members of the blood clan to join the Aurora Society. The Aurora Society is of great significance to the Church of Truth and directly obeys the goddess. However, the members of the blood clan have not yet become believers in the truth. In this case, Mavi can't guarantee their loyalty.

In other words, the object of their loyalty is Edward, and Edward and the Church of Truth are just a cooperative relationship.

If Edward regains his memory in the future and betrays the Church of Truth, wouldn't the blood clan members who joined the Aurora Society become time bombs?
"Let Master Ni come and tell me about this matter." Ma Wei waved his hand: "Go out first."

Jalan stood still.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Ma Wei's face darkened slightly.

"Yes, Father Mawei, I still have something to do." Jaylan nodded, obviously he wanted to say something, but he didn't speak for a long time.

What are you doing? Is there something unspeakable?

But if you have something to hide, shouldn't you go to Edward to discuss it?

Ma Wei stared at Jaylan for a while, thought of a possibility, got up and opened the window, and said to Younia who was sitting in the yard eating melon seeds: "Younia, come up."

"Come on dad!"

Junia jumped off the stone and ran upstairs quickly, looking at Jaylan curiously with her big blue eyes, and walked up to Ma Wei.

Holding Junia's little hand, Ma Wei activated the water mist magic, and the blue mist rose in the room, covering Jaylan's body completely, before Ma Wei asked, "Can we talk now?"

Jaylan touched his chest, took a long breath, bowed deeply, and said, "My real name is Jaylan Edwards, and my name is the weakness of the blood race, so the name the master told you is also wrong."

"I know this, Edward told me." Ma Wei narrowed his eyes: "Tell me this in private, you want to betray Edward?"

"This is not a betrayal. Louise and I were forced to become a blood race. From the very beginning, I didn't want to be a blood race. I just wanted to be a human being."

"What's wrong with being a blood race? Nearly infinite life, immortality, no different from gods."

"But I don't want my unborn child to become a blood race." Jaylan clenched his fists and said unwillingly: "It took out the hearts of me and Louise, threatened us with death, and forced us to become a blood race. me."

Mavi really doesn't know about Jaylan's experience. As far as he knows, the blood clan members are all willing to become blood clan members, and Edward didn't force them
Could it be that what Edward said was a lie?

"Except for me and Louise, the master really didn't force anyone else."

"Why just you and Louise?"

"The master seems to regard Louise and me as very close friends, and of course it may be punishment." Jaylan murmured: "At the beginning I mistook the master for a drowning tourist, so I pulled it up from the sea and brought it back We went home and entertained it for dinner, but who knew that the lamprey turned out to be the owner’s family member, we cooked a lamprey as an ingredient, and after entertaining the owner, the owner was very angry, so he took out the hearts of me and Louise.”

Ma Wei, a female blood family named Louise, has also seen it. She has been pregnant for a long time, and I am afraid that she will give birth in the near future. She is inseparable from Jailan.

The fact that Edward turned the couple into a blood race still caught Mavi's attention.

Jaylan and Louise killed Edward's kin, even if it was just a lamprey, and they did.

Ma Wei is not a racist, he treats any intelligent race equally, and it is right to be more biased towards humans, but he will not show favoritism when it comes to right and wrong.

Things like killing Edward's family and causing Edward's revenge are the most difficult to judge.

From a human point of view, Jaylan and Louise are indeed innocent, but not necessarily from Edward's point of view.

Ma Wei didn't want to define this matter either, he only asked one sentence:

"Are you telling me this because you want me to intercede with Edward and let him turn you back into humans?"

"No, human beings who have become blood races cannot be changed back." Jaylan shook his head: "The matter between me, Louise and the master does not want to embarrass you, Father, because we don't even know who is right and who is wrong in this matter." I can’t explain it clearly, but the child in Louise’s womb is about to be born, I want to give him a human identity instead of making him a blood race like us without a choice.”

Even if you tell me about this, I can't help it.
For Jay Lan's request, Ma Wei agreed to it willingly, but he couldn't do it at all.

He doesn't know much about vampires, and it sounds impossible for pregnant vampires to give birth to humans
"Please, Father Mawei, only you can command the master." Jailan said sincerely, "It only believes in your words."

"You're wrong. Edward and I are just a cooperative relationship. If you really want to say loyalty, it's not necessarily true."

Tapping the table with his index finger, Ma Wei pondered for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will find a way to do this, you don't want Edward to know about this, right?"


"But have you ever thought about it, if the child your wife gave birth to is a human being, Edward will definitely notice it."

Jaylan was silent for a moment, but still said: "Louis and I are not afraid of death. If the master wants to punish us, he should punish us."

"Okay, now that you have made up your mind, I will take over this commission, but please remember, Mr. Jalan, you ... and your wife owe me and the Church of Truth a favor."

"I will definitely remember your kindness." Jielan nodded and bowed.

"Go out."


Jaylan left the study, and Mavi also unlocked the water mist magic, looking at the direction where Jaylan disappeared, lost in thought.

"Younia, do you have a way to make Jalan's child human?"

Junia, who threw cucumber seeds into her mouth, tilted her head, her eyes filled with confusion.

Sure enough not
Then you have to ask Edward, who is the lord of the blood clan.

It's always right to keep an extra hand ready.

Of course Mavie trusted Edward, but what he trusted
It was Edward who had lost his memory.

(End of this chapter)

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