Father Mavie

Chapter 309 Be careful with Levin

Chapter 309 Be careful with Levin (please subscribe!!!)
"Boss! Are you awake?!"


The dizziness in his mind receded, Ma Wei slowly opened his eyes, and his vision was occupied by several faces.

He supported the carpet with one hand, sat up slowly, rubbed his slightly swollen temples, and asked, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Less than 5 minutes."

"Only five minutes?"

Ma Wei was a little surprised. In his cognition, at least half an hour had passed since he entered the kingdom of the God of Reality. Even if his sense of time was wrong, the error would not be much different.

Could it be that the time flow of the Kingdom of God is different from that of the real world?
Ma Wei thought of this possibility, and was not surprised. The kingdom of the gods must have something peculiar, and it cannot be the same as the real world.

"Boss, what happened to you just now?" Levin asked, "Why did you suddenly become unconscious? Overworked?"

"The reason for the real pocket watch."

Ma Wei put away his pocket watch, and told the story of how he met Baji, the god of truth, after listening.
Levin, Daniel, and Fat Ju all looked in disbelief: "Your soul went to the Kingdom of God?"

"This should be."

Ma Wei pressed his chest and said, "Baji still put something in my body, I don't know what it is."

The information provided by Alan is correct. Excessive use of real pocket watches has indeed attracted the prying of the God of Reality. Not only the prying, the God of Reality even summoned Mavi's soul to go to the kingdom of God where he is.

Fortunately, the other party was not malicious, and Ma Wei was able to return safely.

"The God of Truth won't kill you. It doesn't do him any good to kill you." Fat Orange said, "He definitely wants to come to this world again, that's why he wants to use you and see that you don't agree with his conditions." , just put something in your body. The real pocket watch should be the medium through which He summons you, you are very important to Him, and the God of Reality will definitely do his best to protect you when it comes to whether He can come or not."

"If that's the case, that would be great!" Levin said excitedly, "That's the God of Truth! With His protection, what do we have to be afraid of?"

Fat Orange gave Levin a sideways look, and said in a cold voice: "Don't forget, Father Mawei's greatest role in helping the God of Truth is to help him come. If you seek too much help from the God of Truth, then Father Mawei will It will become a sacrifice or a medium for the coming of the true God, once the other party comes, he will definitely rebuild his former glory, the Church of Truth is his stumbling block, there is no need to keep it."

"Of course I know this. A person as careful as Boss will definitely not be succeeded by him!" Levin was still stubborn.

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things."

Ma Wei got up from the ground, patted the dust off his clothes, knocked his swollen head twice, and looked at the housekeeper and the beautiful woman with a mole on her lips: "You two, about Baron Wolas, I It is a pity that his death has nothing to do with our arrival, so I promise you two that I will avenge Baron Wolas."

One yard counts for one yard. If Mavi and the others hadn’t come to Tara Town, there is a high probability that Baron Wolas would not be in danger of death, so Mavi feels that he is responsible for this matter. Anyway, he has to investigate the Freedom Association, why not By the way, help Baron Wallas avenge himself.

Liberty will add another crime here in Mawei.

The beautiful woman sobbed louder. She was not only saddened by her husband's sudden departure, but also worried about her own future.

Baron Wallas has no children. After his death, no one can inherit his title of nobility, and his lineage is completely cut off. As for the succession of the title, it must be inherited by other relatives, such as his uncle—— Lord Tully.

The title of nobility is secondary to a beautiful woman. More importantly, the property left by the Baron Wallas family also belongs to Baron Staley. The beautiful woman only has the right to use it, but not the right to control it.

To put it bluntly, from the moment Baron Wallas died, the fate of the beautiful woman was out of his control.

"Father. Father"

The beautiful woman suddenly remembered something, staggered and rushed to Ma Wei, her eyes were red, pear blossoms sobbed with rain: "You are friends with Her Highness Katerina, she...she must have a way to help me ,right?"

"Katerina is struggling in the muddy water on the front line, and her own situation is not very optimistic. I'm afraid I can't help you."

The beautiful woman let go of Ma Wei's sleeve and fell to the ground, her emotions were on the verge of collapse.

"About the issue of inheritance law, I will advise her that the laws of the Romanov Kingdom are too partial to nobles, which is not in line with the truth, and Katerina wants to reform wholeheartedly, and the inheritance law is also in the process of reform, so please Madam Don't be too pessimistic, the dawn will definitely come." Ma Wei truthfully expressed his thoughts.

"How long will it take?"

"I can't give you an exact time because the war is not over yet, but please remember that as long as we win the final victory, your safety will be adequately guaranteed."

The mood on the verge of collapse was relieved, and the beautiful woman seemed to see a glimmer of hope. She opened the safe in the corner of the bedroom, took out a stack of ruble coupons, and handed it to Mavie: "Father, this is our family's deposit, although It’s not much, but it’s a little bit of heart, war needs money, a lot of money, and the money will definitely come in handy!”

"I can't take this money." Ma Wei shook his head and refused.

"Why? If you keep it, it will become Baron Staley's property!"

"Although I don't know Baron Staley's character, I don't think anyone wants the property that is about to be lost. I accept the money, which will affect your future life, madam. Before the day of victory, live Going on is the most important thing." Ma Wei said calmly: "Guaranteeing the material foundation of the people, protecting their private property and personal safety, this is what the country should do, if Madam, you have too much money to spend, Just go and dismiss the serfs at home and give them back their status as free people, because serfdom won't last long."

"Kebut, don't you need help?" The beautiful woman was a little puzzled: "The king's power is huge, you want to reform, it's not that simple, it's easy to do things if you have money."

"Money is a good thing. No one would dislike having a lot of money, but some money can be taken, and some money cannot be taken." Ma Wei said: "Madam, you can just protect yourself. Leave other things to us. Those who need help When the time comes, we will speak naturally."

Levin and Daniel heard all the conversation between Mavi and the beautiful woman. Levin was surprised to find that Mavi's determination seemed to be stronger than in New Rose City. He seemed to be transforming, walking out of a small place Father, metamorphose into a true pope.

"Now I know why you follow the teacher so hard." Daniel said with emotion, "If I were a commoner or a serf, I would also be willing to follow such a priest."

"Now you are no different from a commoner." Levin gave him a blank look: "This is the Romanov Kingdom, not your Wangyou Palace. Why do you speak so condescendingly?"


"Look at what? Am I wrong?"


If this is Wangyou Palace, I will definitely ask the guards to fork you out. No!Must be thrown into the dungeon, hungry for three days and three nights!

The dungeon can't seem to hold him
Daniel's flickering, fierce and dazed expression caught Levin's attention. While Ma Wei was not paying attention, Levin approached Daniel and whispered in his ear: "If you dare to catch my attention, be careful! I'll go to your mother's bedroom to talk about life."

"you dare?!"

Levin picked his ear with his little finger and said nonchalantly, "Do you think I dare?"



"Why do you apologize?!"



"To whom are you sorry?"

"Mr. Levine." Daniel used the honorific.

"Let's say it together."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Levin, but I dare not speak in a superior tone again."

"Well, good boy, Boss can't do anything to you, can I still do anything to you?"

Levine laughed wildly.

"What are you laughing laughing?"

Mavi turned around and slapped Levin on the head: "Hurry up and prepare, help to contain Baron Wallas' body, and then inform Baron Staley of the news. When he comes, we can investigate him!"

"Oh, got it"

(End of this chapter)

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