Father Mavie

Chapter 288 Absolutely Neutral

Chapter 288 Absolutely Neutral (Please Subscribe!!!)
"Chaos is the beginning of everything."

Gray-haired, gold-rimmed glasses and age-spotted face, Michelsson lifted the black curtain to reveal a picture of an inverted equilateral triangle with 'Chaos' written in the bottom corner and 'Good' in the upper right corner and 'Evil' in the upper right corner.

"At the beginning of human birth, thinking has not yet formed, there is no concept of right and wrong, good and evil, ethics and morality, that is, babies."

Enjoying the gaze of countless fiery gazes, Michelsson's tone was unhurried, and he didn't even need a speech, as if all the laws of order had been engraved in his mind: "Order is the opposite of chaos, and Good and evil are the two poles of order."

"If a person has a kind personality, it is like my dearest student Kursa"

Michelson looked at Kursa who was sitting in the front row and smiled: "She is very kind and has nothing to do with evil, but before she came into contact with our School of Order, although she was kind, she didn't know how to follow order, so Before, she belonged to chaotic goodness."

"People who are chaotic and kind do not have a firm enough view of right and wrong. They are often influenced by emotions. They will not hurt others, but they are always hurt by others. Among you, there must be people who belong to this category."

"Chaotic kindness is easily influenced by others, and they are often the targets of bullying, because they don't know how to use order to maintain their due power!"

"Take Kursa as an example. After joining the School of Order, she understood the power of order, so she changed from being chaotic and kind to today's lawful kindness. Such a person, although kind, knows how to use the power of order. Power, her life has also undergone earth-shaking changes Kursa, tell everyone, how is your life now?"

"very good!"

Kursa stood up, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were bright, she said: "My father always beat me and my mother before. I didn't know what to do, and I just endured it. As a result, my father got worse. With the help of my mother, I started to use order, and now my father no longer dares to hurt me and my mother! I also moved out of the house with my mother and started a new life!"

"How did you get rid of your own father?" Someone in the mission hall questioned.

"This is the next topic to talk about. What is order?" Michelson pressed his hand towards Kursa and motioned her to sit down. "The so-called order naturally refers to the rules of the world. In the dark, Everything has its own unique numerology, such as human society, hundreds of thousands of years ago in the Stone Age, human beings were in the hazy chaos, they united together to form tribes in order to resist nature and wild beasts.”

"The tribal system is the embodiment of order used by human beings in the early days. With tribes, our ancestors were able to unite, kill deadly beasts, and multiply. It was also at this time that our ancestors tasted the taste of order, and slowly , established city-states and kingdoms, and eventually evolved into what it is today."

"The kingdom is the most intuitive manifestation of order. Small officials manage civilians, big officials manage small officials, and so on until the king. If people want to live better, they must follow the order and climb up step by step."

"And the order Kursa uses, in addition to the law, also has the help of others, that is, our order school."

As he spoke, Michelsson smiled: "The law is a management system that exists on the bright side of society. It belongs to order, but it cannot fully represent order, because criminals never follow the law."

"For this reason we call the criminal Evil, Evil is another offshoot of Chaos, the opposite of Good, Chaos Evil, lawless, they do what they please, they don't take the law into account, Sometimes poor people get hurt and can't find a way to protect themselves."

Tears welled up in Michelson's eyes. He took off his eyes, wiped the corners of them, and put them back on. His voice suddenly became high and firm: "Chaos and evil are the most terrifying enemies of order! They have broken the rules of society! Wanton Hurt us recklessly!"

"Then what should we do?" Someone from the audience asked again.

"It's very simple, use violence to control violence!"

Michelson waved his hand and said decisively: "Chaotic and evil people cannot be taught! If the order of law cannot protect us, we should take up arms and defend our own power! The School of Order was established for this! We We will protect kind and neutral believers and strictly enforce the laws of order! We are order! Sweep away all evils in the world! Establishing a completely lawful society is the mission of our school of order!"

There was warm applause from the audience, and all the audience agreed with Michelson’s speech, even Daniel, Kovalev, and Rusov couldn’t help applauding
Ma Wei and Junia, who were calm and unresponsive, seemed out of place with the surroundings. They were wrapped in a warm atmosphere, just like Zhong Xuegao in the hot summer.

Ma Wei's eyes sank slightly, watching Michelson enjoying the cheers and applause on the stage, and vaguely guessed the effect of the blue mist floating in front of him.

"This gentleman."

When Ma Wei was watching Michelson, Michelson also found the silent Ma Wei, and he asked curiously: "Do you have any doubts about what I just said?"

Countless hostile gazes shot at Ma Wei, as if he would be punished by the fanatics if he disagreed.

Ma Wei didn't launch the water mist, but stood up, looked around, and said lightly in countless pairs of red eyes: "I don't disagree."

The hostility disappeared in an instant, and was replaced by gentle and soft eyes. Everyone smiled, as if they were all fellow travelers.

"Then why don't you applaud?"

"Oh, I just don't want to applaud. Since everyone is applauding, I don't think I need to applaud anymore, right?" Ma Wei said indifferently.

"He is a rare talent!"

Michelson suddenly cried out excitedly, jumped off the podium, pressed Ma Wei's shoulder and said, "Absolutely neutral! Absolutely neutral! No one in a million is absolutely neutral! My God! We finally welcome an absolutely neutral companion." Come on stage, please, you are a model figure at the textbook level!"

Mavi frowned, and under Michelson's warm invitation, he had no choice but to take Junia up to the pulpit, becoming the focus of everyone's attention.

"Absolutely neutral, a rare individual free from good, evil, and chaotic order! He is also the only genius who can distinguish himself in a chaotic situation! This is absolute rationality!"

Michelson spit and shouted with red eyes: "Only absolute rationality is qualified to control the balance of order! Because we want to maintain order, and maintaining order cannot rely on subjective assumptions! Who is his referrer? Who is it?" yes?!"

"Me! It's me, mentor!" Kurtha raised her arms high.

"Great! I didn't see you wrong, Kursa!" Michelsson laughed, and a terrifying light shot from behind the gold-rimmed glasses. He looked at Mavi up and down, as if looking at a rare treasure: "As long as you are willing to join our School of Order, you will definitely become an adjudicator of Order! This is a great honor! We need someone like you to hold the balance of Order!"

"Order Adjudicator? What exactly does it do?"

"Adjudicator of Order is a high-level existence that judges order and chaos!" Michelsson said: "Everyone knows that the boundary between order and chaos is very blurred. Some people are neutral evil, and some are neutral good. Neutrality is the judgment of order. The watershed between chaos and chaos, if we want to eradicate chaos, we need absolutely rational people to make judgments!"

Michelson patted Ma Wei on the shoulder vigorously, and said with great relief: "Generally speaking, the order judge can issue judgments on people. If you rule that a person is an uneducable chaos, then we will get rid of him. If If you rule that a person is a person who conforms to the order, then we will try our best to naturalize him. Do you understand?"

Ma Wei nodded: "That is to say, if I join you, I can take charge of life and death?"

"That's right! Your sentence will be the only one that must be obeyed! This is order!"

"sounds good."

"You agreed to join us?"

"Think about it, after all, I don't even know the benefits of joining you."

"There will be, there will be, you can do whatever you want." Michelsson said with a smile: "We will prove the power of order to you."

The seminar ended here, or stopped halfway.

Michelsson hastily suspended the seminar, and after asking Kursha Mavi's pseudonym, he quickly left the church without a trace.

On the way back to the hotel, Mavi noticed that someone was following him.

The old woman on duty didn't look good when she saw Ma Wei again, maybe it was because Ma Wei didn't buy a chair from her.
After Ma Wei stepped up the stairs and returned to the room, the old woman took out a round golden pendant from her chest, engraved with three square bricks built in the shape of a Chinese character, she lowered her head and kissed the pendant, and then walked into the lounge beside her , Not long after, Melissa woke up yawning and came out.

"Dad, that tutor is so strange"

In the afterglow of the evening, Junia lay on the bed with the bear doll in her arms, looked at Ma Wei standing in front of the windowsill and said, "He seems to appreciate you very much."

"Well, the School of Order is not easy."

Ma Wei sighed, rubbed his brows and asked, "Does the power you feel come from Michelson?"

"No." Junia shook her head: "It came from the small door on the side of the pulpit. When the instructor was speaking, something was spying on us in the dark."

"It seems that there are many secrets hidden behind the School of Order." Ma Wei pondered: "I hope Daniel and the others are all right, I have to ask them how they feel at night."

(End of this chapter)

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