Father Mavie

Chapter 269 Temporary Military Conference

Chapter 269 Temporary Military Conference (Please Subscribe!!!)
In the afternoon of the next day, just after lunch, Duke Ivanovic sent someone to send the battle report. They successfully recaptured Ivjeli. After paying a heavy price, they defeated the Kingdom of Windsor and at the same time repelled Sardinia. kingdom.

The sneak attack was unexpected. At the critical moment, Archbishop Henry rushed to the battlefield in time and rescued Duke Ivanovic who was under attack.

Hearing that Archbishop Henry came to the front line in person, Ma Wei's hanging heart was finally relieved. He knew that the Wisdom God and King Paul I would not take action against the Church of Truth until the Fisa coalition forces were resolved.

The temporarily retreating Sardinian Kingdom army numbered no less than [-]. Although the equipment was not as good as that of the Frederick Kingdom, they also used magic that Ma Wei had never heard of. A showdown of the century.

The description in the battle report is not exhaustive, but from the above few words, Ma Wei can see that Archbishop Henry is slightly better, not only repelling the enemy, but also seriously injured Archbishop Edmondo.

The reason why the Sardinian Kingdom retreated was not the strength of Archbishop Henry, but a reason that Mavi couldn't even guess—it was time to eat.

The war that broke out in the city of Ifgeli started in the morning. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Sardinia traveled long distances, and rushed up with guns before they had time to eat breakfast. They fought until noon. In desperation, Marshal Ennio ordered the army to retreat.
For this result, Mavi was neither surprised nor surprised, and had an illusion that there was nothing wrong with it.

But after he thought about it carefully, he realized that something was wrong. During a war, any country would provide the army with ready-to-eat dry food, such as bread and other foods that do not need to be cooked.

Although the taste is average, it is not a problem to fill the stomach.
Did the Sardinian army have no bread?

There must be, but they want to eat better.

In addition to the food problem, Ma Wei is not very clear about whether the retreat of the Kingdom of Sardinia was due to the Battle of Chelyabinsk.

Perhaps, the Kingdom of Sardinia withdrew because it received news of the withdrawal of the Frederick Kingdom.

If they don't withdraw, they will face a situation where they are attacked from both sides. The risk is too high, and no commander will make such a low-level mistake.

"Duke Ivanovic asked us to go to Nizhny Tagil to attend the military meeting." After reading the battle report, Katerina said, "He named you and Edward, the priest, to attend. It seems that Archbishop Henry already knows about the blood race." gone."

The news of Edward's move must not be hidden, and it will be leaked sooner or later. Duke Ivanovic must of course react to the sudden appearance of such a powerful transcendent. For him, the good news is that Edward stood On the Romanov side, the bad news is that Edward is helping Katerina. Unlike his camp, there will be a hard fight sooner or later.

"Do we dare to leave Chelyabinsk?" Bodlinov, with bandages on his shoulders, pondered, "The Kingdom of Frederick will launch an attack at some point, and they are probably watching the situation. If Your Highness, you and Mavi The priest and Mr. Edward went to Nizhny Tagil, and Chelyabinsk was empty."

"This military meeting must be attended. It is very important for us to discuss the next step of the Romanov Kingdom's military deployment." Katerina said: "Besides, we lost a third of our troops yesterday and wanted to stop Fett Kingdom of Lie, we must replenish our military resources, otherwise we will not have enough manpower."

"If you can go and come back quickly, there should be no problem." Edward replied: "Jelan and Louise can last for a while. As the next generation of blood, they also have extremely powerful abilities, even if they are a level lower than mine. , is also a force that cannot be underestimated."

"Can they stop Pope Doppler II?"

"Pope Doppler II was injured by me yesterday. He doesn't have the blessing of the Immortal Domain, so he won't be able to recover in a short time."

"Father, what do you think?" Katerina looked at Mavi who was silent.

"I have no opinion."

"Then let's make a decision like this." Katerina said, "Let's leave immediately and go to Nizhny Tagil!"

Dozens of fast horses were galloping on the cold winter road, with snowflakes splashing under the hoofs of the horses. Wrapped in thick padded jackets, Mawei and the others set off for Lower Tagil in the north against the biting cold wind.

Nizhny Tagil lies in the middle of the Ural Mountains. It is built at the exit area of ​​the only flat passage that runs through the north-south Ural Mountains. It links the Siberian Great Plains and the Eastern Plains. Its strategic significance is no less than the Strait of Gibraltar. It is an extremely important railway hub. .

And Nizhny Tagil is also an intermediate city between Ivdeli and Chelyabinsk. No one will suffer when a military meeting is held here, and the arrival time is basically the same.

On this trip, Katerina only brought dozens of guards, seemingly unprepared, but in fact, Ma Wei and Edward were by her side, and she was not afraid of Archbishop Henry.

On January 1, the third day after the end of the Battle of Chelyabinsk, Mawei and others finally arrived in Nizhny Tagil, 19 kilometers away.

Like Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Tagil also experienced tragic battles. Countless houses were bombarded by artillery fire, and there were dark black blood stains on the ground that were difficult to wash away. Nearly half of the city was reduced to ruins, and even the railways were retreated. The enemy army was blown up.

The main force of the Kingdom of Windsor was not placed in Lower Tagil. Katerina was facing the Second Army led by Marquis James, and Duke Ivanovic was facing the First Army led by Baron Edwin. The two sides concentrated The total strength of the troops in Nizhny Tagil did not exceed [-]. Even so, Nizhny Tagil was severely damaged.

The post-war reconstruction work alone did not know how much food and materials would be spent, which made the financial situation of the Romanov Kingdom even worse.

After arriving, Ma Wei and others came to the central church non-stop. This ancient building made of hard black stone withstood the gunfire and the baptism of the years, and still stood tall. There was even a half statue of Nereida, the god of revelation, in the sermon hall. The stone statue, but only half of it remains.

Duke Ivanovich and other senior officers who arrived one step ahead of time cleared the hall, simply set up a few tables, and then held a military meeting to decide the next step of the Romanov Kingdom.

The results of the meeting will be sent to Tyumen City after the conclusion, and presented to King Paul I, who signed the battle plan with the names of all senior generals. Paul I cannot disagree, and Archbishop Henry is his spokesperson.

On the right side of the long table composed of several square tables, senior officers of the aristocratic faction headed by Duke Ivanovic and Paul I sat, and on the left side of the long table were only Katerina, Mavi and Edward. The seat is occupied by Archbishop Henry holding a scepter.

The door of the church was slowly closed. Duke Ivanovich cleared his throat and said in a deep voice: "The temporary military meeting is now starting. The enemy is now, and the Kingdom of Romanov has reached a very critical moment. I hope everyone will abandon their previous suspicions and propose Opinions and plans that are beneficial to the kingdom, in our hands, hold the future of the Romanov kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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