Father Mavie

Chapter 244 I Can't Keep Affection Since Ancient Times

Chapter 244 I Can't Keep Affection Since Ancient Times (Please Subscribe!!!)

In the morning of the next day, Ma Wei continued to explain the "Book of Truth" to the newly recruited believers as usual, and there was no sign of panic in his speech and demeanor.

On the other hand, Dino looked calm, but his lips were dry and white, and he was already getting angry. There was a big sore in his mouth, and he had to pay attention to his volume when he spoke.

Don't be in a hurry, this is what Ma Wei told him, he also knows not to be in a hurry, but how can he not be in a hurry?
It's going to be 10 o'clock, and this is the last time they distribute the broth. After the broth is distributed, it won't be long before those farmers will come to ask for the final payment
Dino has no money, and now he only has some property contracts, wineries, stocks. These are the only things he has left.

Facing the bankruptcy crisis for the second time, Dino is not as depressed as he was three years ago, but the feeling of waiting is very bad, and it makes him restless.

The aroma of broth wafted from outside. Ma Wei stopped talking, looked at the time, clapped his hands, and signaled to the believers that they could go to lunch, and continued to explain the "Book of Truth" in the afternoon.

Junia rubbed her eyes and yawned as she walked down the stairs, as if she hadn’t woken up. With more and more believers, she slept longer and longer. She had to sleep until noon. morning
Simply hungry.

Mavie poured her a cup of warm milk and brought out the chestnut cake carefully prepared by Bourbon Chef Weil.
Ma Wei is quite satisfied with the Bourbon chef sent by Katerina. The other party is indeed an expert in cooking pastries. All the pastries are classic styles that Bourbon people love, and they are made with sugar. It was a bit too much, and it was too sweet. After repeated requests from Mavi, Wey reduced the amount of granulated sugar to make the pastries less sweet.

The arrival of Weil also freed up more time for Mavi.

Junia tied on a small white napkin, sat on a chair beside her and ate by herself, kicking her calves under her skirt, apparently in a good mood.


Dino found Ma Wei who was drinking tea, and kept looking at the door, hesitating to speak.

"We have already done what we need to do." Ma Wei said: "After the first person to eat crabs appears, the crabs will be served on the tables of every household, so don't worry, just let nature take its course. "

"Can this trick really work?"

"According to my past experience, everything is no more than three, which is also the research result of human psychology." Ma Wei said softly: "The first time may be accidental, most people will choose to wait and see, when the second time appears, people They started to waver, but still refused to respond, thinking that maybe it was a fluke, but the third time will completely destroy their fluke mentality."

Being able to survive the third time already has a strong psychological quality. A certain country, even the second time, did not hold on, and the crying father and mother surrendered.
Dino wanted to say something more, but before he could speak, he saw a figure walking into the church.

It was a man, dressed plainly, in a gray linen cotton shirt with several layers, a pair of cloth shoes stained with mud, with a thin face and fine white and black stubble. He couldn't tell his exact age, but at least he wasn't younger. At the age of 35.

"Here's a newcomer." Dino sighed, and didn't say anything more. He walked to the side bench and sat down, planning to wait for Mavi to finish his work.

Ma Wei turned his head and looked at the other party up and down, until he saw the clean nails of the other party, his eyes flickered slightly, he put down his teacup, got up and said, "Come with me to the study."

The man nodded, and silently followed Ma Wei into the small door leading to the inner side of the church. Dino was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, and quickly chased after him.


In the study, Ma Wei pointed to the chair next to him and asked, "Who sent you here?"

"I am the housekeeper of the Earl of Jorus, Vlad." The man took off his hat, nodded his head and saluted: "I am here to reply to you under the order of the master."

Dino, who came late, opened the door and walked into the study, just in time to hear what Vlad said, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Ma Wei.

"Well." Ma Wei didn't rush to make a statement, but showed a smile: "Your master is the last one. To be honest, I doubt his loyalty."

"The last one?" Vlad's face changed slightly: "They have been here long ago?"

"If you only count the members of the dinner party that day, that's right."

Vlad's expression fluctuated a few times, and finally reached into his arms, took out a stack of large ruble notes issued by the Romanov Royal Bank, and put them on the desk: "This is the sincerity of our master, please Tell Her Majesty Katerina."

"of course can."

"and also."

After hesitating for a moment, Vlad took out another stack of ruble coupons of the same thickness from his pocket, "This is a gift donated by our master to the Church of Truth voluntarily. The donor should remain anonymous."

Ma Wei glanced at the two stacks of ruble coupons on the desk, and said with a smile: "I already understand the sincerity of Earl Jorus, please go back and tell him that although he was the last one to express his loyalty, there is no order of loyalty." , long-term loyalty is what we want to see."

"Father, don't worry, we will send the same amount every month in the future." Vlad said hastily.

"Very good, stay for lunch."

"No, no need, thank you for your invitation, but I have to go back to report." Vlad put on his hat, bowed deeply to Mavi, turned and left.

When Vlad returned to the church, he saw Junia who was concentrating on eating the cake. Junia grinned at him, then lowered her head and continued to eat the cake.

However, 2 minutes ago, shortly after he followed Mavi into the study
A man with a very low brim and equally inconspicuous attire came to the church. He didn't see Mavi, but he found Junia. After asking
"Uncle, let's go to the kitchen and eat a piece of cake first. Dad has gone to the toilet, and he will be out in a while!"

The man who didn't want to attract attention entered the kitchen in the direction Junia pointed.

Less than a minute later, another man came to the church. Junia thought about it, jumped off the chair, ran to him and said, "Uncle, I want candy!"


Before coming, the man had of course investigated the Church of Truth, and knew that Father Mawei had a daughter, and the little girl standing in front of him, if nothing unexpected happened.
"Uncle has no sugar." The man showed a flattering smile, squatted down, and secretly took out a few ruble coins from his arms: "Uncle will give you money, okay?"

"No! I want to eat candy! Uncle, go and buy me some!" Junia said relentlessly.

Seeing that Mavi was not in the church, and Junia kept pestering him, the man had no choice but to lower his hat, hurried out of the church gate, and ran to the candy store on the corner to buy some chocolates, all as a greeting.

Junia quickly ran back to the chair and sat down, picked up the fork, and ate the cake, not long after
Vlad came out of the study.

After Vlad left, Junia said to Ma Wei, "Dad, there is an uncle looking for you in the kitchen."

"Oh?" Ma Wei asked in surprise, "You let him into the kitchen?"

"Well! Because I feel that Dad wants to fool you. No! It's a test of their loyalty!" Junia said with a smile.

"so smart"

After rubbing his daughter's head, Ma Wei walked into the kitchen, and smiled at the nervous man who was sitting upright:
"It seems that your master has made a decision. Although he is the last one, his loyalty is in no particular order."

(End of this chapter)

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