Father Mavie

Chapter 236 Sheepskin Scroll

Chapter 236 Sheepskin Scroll (Please Subscribe!!!)

No choice!

This sentence is like a heavy hammer, firmly falling on the hearts of young people.

Is there really a choice?
Maybe not in the first place.

Today's dinner is not a negotiation, but a surrender!

At Katerina's signal, the maids removed the red wine and opened the champagne, which symbolized celebration. The golden and bubbly liquid poured into the slender champagne glass. The young people with ugly complexions said: "Everyone, please remember that the light will surely shine on Romanov!"

After drinking the champagne, Katerina said softly: "Now, you can go, tell the elders of your family about the content of the conversation tonight, and ask them if they want to help me or become an enemy of the entire Romanov Kingdom. "

The young people got up in a daze, and left with the information sheets. Tonight, their worldview was greatly impacted. One was the benefits brought by industrialization, and the other was the situation they faced.

What Ma Wei said was not alarmist. The reason why nobles are nobles is because they are rare in number. If all the people in the Romanov Kingdom were nobles, then nobles would naturally lose their meaning.

As the ruling class, the aristocracy and the common people live in two completely different worlds, and the backlog of conflicts between the two sides is not a day or two, just like an expanding balloon that will explode sooner or later.

The day of the explosion is the day of vigorous reform.

No one is immune.

Before leaving, Goffman turned his head three times, wanting to say a few words to Katerina, but due to his current status, he could only grit his teeth and follow the ranks of the nobles. He is a nobleman, at least for now.


When all the outsiders in the restaurant were gone, Katerina poured another glass of champagne, sipped it, leaned on the soft seat, and said in a low voice: "You acted very strong tonight, and your tone seemed to be giving judgment." Just as determined, what changed your strategy?"

"It's Finn Drost."

Ma Wei picked up his teacup and said: "The situation is different from the previous few days. These military nobles already know that Citibank is willing to subsidize us unconditionally, which means that our last loophole has been filled. Military nobles are no longer necessary for us. Naturally, they lost their negotiating position.”

"Didn't we reject Finn Drost's proposal?"

"That's right, but the military aristocrats don't know. Even if they know, there is no guarantee that we will change our minds and accept funding from Citibank." potential."

Under the premise that the general direction remains unchanged, small strategies must be constantly changed according to the actual situation, that is, the so-called plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Now that Finn Drost has found a military nobleman, Mavi doesn't mind using him to achieve his goals.

Originally, in order to win over the military nobles, perhaps Katerina needed to give up some rights to fill the greedy hearts of the military nobles, but since the appearance of Finn Drost, there is no need to give up their rights.

Because they have no choice.

"I think they know how to make a choice." Katerina glanced at Mawei with her blue eyes, and said seriously: "But in this way, all the pressure will fall on you. The problem is solved, and the rest is the dispute between the churches. Only when the Church of Truth wins, can we usher in real light."

"The next competition is the teaching." Ma Wei said noncommittally: "Whoever has more popular teachings and policies will gain more believers. Similarly, the biggest advantage of the Wisdom God Sect is that they have the support of the king." , Therefore, Your Highness, you must become the real military god of the Romanov Kingdom, I need you, be victorious in all battles, regain a large area of ​​territory, and bring hope to the people."

It is no secret that Katerina supports the Church of Truth. The stronger she is, the more benefits she will bring to the Church of Truth. Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, living and dying together.

At the beginning, Katerina chose the Church of Truth, and the Church of Truth also chose her.

From that moment on, the two sides were completely bound together.

"How is the cultivation of believers going?"

"It will take a while, when will the counterattack start?"

"When the snow stops, the counterattack will begin." Katerina said: "The great cold wave will last for half a month. Now the front line has advanced tens of kilometers, and in a week at most, the second counterattack will be completed." Expand."

"One week should be enough." Ma Wei nodded: "I will hand over the trained monks to you within a week, but many of your troops are cavalry, remember to teach them how to ride horses."

"no problem."

At night, Mavi, Dino and Junia had a hearty meal before returning to Tyumen City.

A table of well-cooked dishes is too wasteful for no one to eat. I have to say that the cooking of the Bourbons is indeed much better than the cooks of the Kingdom of Windsor. This is not flattery, but a fact.

It was extremely difficult to buy vegetables in the Romanov Kingdom in winter, so before returning, Mavit asked Duke Hawke for a few cabbages, and planned to stew them with pork in a few days.

When they returned to the church, Levin, Fat Orange, and Edward had already returned. They searched around Tyumen City, but they couldn't find any trace of Finn Drost, and even the hotel had no similar occupancy information. .

Finn Drost just disappeared out of thin air, no one knows where he went.

"He must not have gone far. I will go to the surrounding villages tomorrow to ask." Levin said angrily, "I don't believe that he doesn't eat or sleep! As long as he is still around Tyumen City, he will definitely leave clues!"

Mavi didn't expect to find Finn Drost immediately, since the other party followed them all the way to Qiumen City, sooner or later he would show his feet, and it would not be too late.

And urgently.
After returning to the room, Ma Wei closed the doors and windows, walked to the desk in the corner, and activated the Siren's Tears.

The large and heavy desks turned into huge suitcases in the blink of an eye. This was a trick set up by Ma Wei. He believed that no one would suspect a desk, even if it was a thief, there was no reason to steal a desk.

Picking out a few parchments, Mavie closed the box and turned it into a table again.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Levin asked curiously.

"Go to a blacksmith shop tomorrow and re-engrav some magic rings for use by believers. Let's keep a few by the way."

After putting away the parchment, Ma Wei raised his head and patted Levin on the shoulder: "Go, find Edward and see if the blueprint it designed can be put into production."

(End of this chapter)

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