Father Mavie

Chapter 223 The 1st Congress of Truth

Chapter 223 The First Truth Congress (Subscribe!!!)

"So, Chopper cried loudly in the snow, bid farewell to Doctor Hiruluk, joined the Straw Hat Pirates, and became their fifth companion."

In Dad's steady narration, Junia fell into a deep sleep, and Mavi kissed her forehead, covered her with the quilt, closed the door gently, and found Christopher.

dong dong!

"Come. Father?"

Putting on his pajamas, Christopher, who was about to rest, saw Ma Wei standing at the door of his bedroom, and asked in astonishment, "It's so late, what else can I do?"

"Go downstairs to the living room and have a little meeting," said Marvie.

"Oh, good."

Christopher put on the kerosene lamp, and followed Ma Wei to the living room on the first floor. After tidying up, several sofas had been placed here. At the moment, a raging flame was burning in the fireplace, and the sofas were full of people.

Levine, Dino, Edward, Selina, Fat Orange and Little Black.
All the main members of the Church of Truth are present.

The fire burning in the fireplace illuminated everyone's faces, Ma Wei patted Christopher on the shoulder, motioned him to find a place to sit down, then walked to the tea table and moved a chair.


Mavie poured himself a cup of hot tea, threw a mint leaf into it, and raised the cup: "First of all, I think we should raise our glasses to welcome Christopher and Selina."

Dino holds up the vodka, Levine holds up the silver jug, Edward holds the goblet.

Everyone raised their glasses to Christopher and Selina.

Taking a sip of hot tea to moisturize his throat, Ma Wei said in a calm voice: "I called everyone here this time to hold the first truth conference. I think that the church will have more and more members in the future, and rules and order must be established." , so it is essential to hold a meeting, and we must bring the current problems to the meeting for joint discussion."

"Won't the goddess participate?" Fat Orange asked.

"This is the first proposal for the Congress of Truth." Ma Wei said: "As for the identity of the goddess, we must keep it as secret as possible. The better."

"In the future, I will regularly hold truth conferences, and Junia will also participate, but she is not a goddess to participate in the conference, understand?"

"But as the Church of Truth grows, there will definitely be newcomers who will doubt the identity of the goddess. What should we do then?" Levin hesitated: "We can hide it for a while, but we can't hide it forever."

"With the tears of the siren, it is not difficult to create a false goddess. Once the true identity of the god is revealed, the consequences will be disastrous, and we must take precautions." Ma Wei said: "The goddess Junia is a symbol of truth. Let her Too much contact with believers is not a good thing for believers' faith, remember, being close is not bad."

Levin and others nodded, agreeing with Ma Wei's statement.

Mavi did this to protect Junia. For example, Levin, who first came into contact with Junia, his feelings for Junia, from the awe at the beginning, to the gradual relaxation later, to today, insisting on saying How much he was in awe of Junia is pure fantasy, and Levin still does.
What about the others?
Keeping a certain distance and concealing the true identity of the goddess is the best decision at present.

"The second proposal is about the expansion of the Church of Truth tomorrow."

Glancing at the others, Ma Wei took out the notepad in his arms, and said in a deep voice: "At present, we have stabilized our foothold in Qiumen City, and the Romanov Kingdom has also won the first counterattack, and the situation is very good. , we need to make a systematic plan for the future of the Church of Truth, these are several important directions I have listed, please pass them on.”

Levin was the first to get the notepad. He put down the silver jug, and with the help of the fire, carefully read the several plans written by Ma Wei. After reading, he handed it to Dino who was beside him, and asked : "Boss, you said above that relief of refugees and development of believers are inseparable. I agree with you very much. However, with the current financial resources of the Church of Truth, I am afraid that the acquisition of factories will not be possible."

"So I listed it at the end." Ma Wei nodded and said: "The Apocalypse God has left 35 parchment scrolls, which recorded 35 kinds of magic, plus the tears of the siren and the heart of the jungle we have. Gems, a total of 37 kinds of magic, this is the foundation of the Church of Truth."

"We can't always rely on the Siren's Tears every time we deal with emergencies. As the number of believers increases, we should also classify the power, type and applicability of magic. Some magic can be safely handed over to believers. Some magics are not acceptable, for example, the Sea Demon's Tears is an important magic that must be kept strictly confidential, and the level of confidentiality should be ranked at the highest level."

"As for the acquisition of the factory, my idea is to use the scientific industrial foundation to mass-produce magic props and distribute them to believers who are loyal to the truth. While assisting Her Highness Katerina, at the same time, strengthen the strength of the Church of Truth, so that we have enough resistance risk capacity."

The acquisition of factories and the mass production of magic props were Ma Wei's ideas before. If the Church of Truth wants to gain a foothold in the cracks of many large churches and occupy a place, it must not just rely on lip service, but must show its cards to deter other forces.

With more believers, Junia's power will also increase, but Junia has no skills and has not yet awakened. Mavi and Levin alone are not enough to compete with the Church of the Three Goddesses of Fate and the God of Wisdom.

To this end, it is necessary to rely on the power of other believers, and the matching magic props naturally become an urgent problem.

Just like the army, no matter how well you train, if you don't give them weapons, is it useful?
All eggs cannot be put in one basket.

"It needs money." Dino handed the notepad to Edward, and said solemnly, "A lot of money."

"I've already thought about the money." Ma Wei said, "Someone will send us the money soon."

"Give us money? Who would do that? Your Highness Katerina?"

"It's not her. Her funds are used to support the army and cannot be moved."

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Ma Wei smiled: "The one who gave us money is our enemy."



"Boss, are you sleepy?" Levin said tactfully, "Whether it's the God of Wisdom or the nobles, it's impossible for them to give us money! Isn't this killing them!"

"As far as nobles are concerned, of course they won't spend their money to support their enemies, but what if... turn enemies into friends?"

Levin and the others looked at each other, but they were a bit interested: "Turning an enemy into a friend? Do you want to win over the nobles, Boss?"

"To be precise, it is to force the nobles to come to our side." Ma Wei said lightly: "The enemy hugs each other for warmth, the stronger the external force, the tighter they hug, just like dung beetles. In this case, Either seek a stronger external force to forcibly crush their hard shells, or use internal differentiation methods to sow discord and make them create gaps between each other."

"A head-to-head confrontation is doomed to pay a huge sacrifice, which is unwise. After thinking twice, I decided to implement a policy of division and disintegrate their alliance from within at the lowest cost!"

(End of this chapter)

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