Father Mavie

Chapter 219 Misha

Chapter 219 Misha (please subscribe!!!)
"One piece for you, one piece for you, and one piece for you."

On the streets crowded with refugees, Junia walked up and down among the crowd with a bag of bread in her arms. Whenever she saw a lonely child or pregnant woman, she would stop and take out a large piece of bread to share with them.

The white figure shuttled between the gaps, no refugees snatched the bread in her hand, and everyone looked at her quietly.

Everyone hopes to get more bread to fill their stomachs and not worry about tomorrow's food, but no one resorts to violence.

Who awakened their conscience?
Maybe it's the Church of Truth, maybe it's the holy and dust-free Junia.
Even thieves and pickpockets who sneaked around all day couldn't bear to ruin the scene in front of them.

Soon, with the last loaf of bread left in Junia's hands, she looked around for other people who were alone and unable to work.

A thin figure curled up in a corner caught her attention.

It was a plainly dressed girl with a dirty face. She looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. She was wearing dirty clothes and her hair was braided. She was holding a half-eaten potato tightly in her hand, staring blankly at her. The woman in front of her was covered with a cotton padded coat, her face was dusty, her body was cold, she had been dead for a long time.

A pair of beautiful small leather shoes appeared in her field of vision, and the white skirt caught the girl's attention. She raised her head and saw Junia holding bread.

"Here you are."

Junia stuffed the bread into her arms, looked at the woman's body and asked, "Is she your relative?"

The girl nodded in a daze, "She is my sister"

Junia blinked, turned around and ran back to Ma Wei, pulling him over: "Dad, her sister died."

Ma Wei looked at the corpse on the ground, then at the girl curled up in a ball, pondered for a moment, and called Christopher: "We have forgotten a very important thing, the issue of the collection of corpses of dead refugees must be taken seriously. "

The 2000 million refugees have traveled long distances, exhausted, and sickness is too common. Even if there is enough food, some people will die of disease every day. This is force majeure, and Ma Wei has no good way.

When the wooden sheds are built and the blankets are distributed, the number of sick people will be greatly reduced, but the refugees who died before must also be properly resettled.

"Father, you mean to hire some more workers to bury the corpses together?" Christopher asked.

"We are not short of manpower now, and we don't need to deal with them in a centralized manner. Let's bury them in the forest for each person." Ma Wei said, "Let their relatives write down the location of the burial, so that they can come back to see it in the future."

"Okay, I see."

Christopher nodded, turned around and began to recruit people. He had already done a similar thing yesterday, and he was familiar with it.

"Dad, what will she do then?"

Junia asked: "This seems to be her last relative"

How many orphans are there in Tyumen?

Without systematic statistics, Mavi doesn't know the exact number, but the number must not be too small.

Monasteries and churches generally help orphans, but there was no church in the Romanov Kingdom before. For orphans, the government's approach was to send them to the workhouse. But at this moment, the workhouse is already overcrowded, and there is no room left.

What can a fifteen or sixteen year old girl do?
Ma Wei thought for a while, squatted in front of the girl, and asked softly, "What's your name?"


"Can you sew clothes?"

"A little bit, my mother taught me"

"The Church of Truth recently needs a tailor who can sew blankets. Would you like to come?"

Last night, Dino said that since we have enough people and so many cats, why spend money on finished blankets?

It's better to get some fur from cats and let workers make blankets, which can save a lot of money.

Ma Wei disagreed with his thoughts, because even if all three thousand cats were wiped out, they would only be able to make a few blankets. It was only later that Dino realized that what Dino said was just angry words. A man is angry when he spends a thousand rubles.

Compared with finished blankets, the price of raw materials is much cheaper. Dino went out early in the morning to find buyers and discuss raw materials. When he came back, he would definitely need a lot of people to sew the blankets.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ma Wei also came up with a way to resettle the orphans.

As for the orphans who can't sew clothes, they can do other things, such as helping workers carry things and handing tools and other chores.

"Would you like it, Misha?"

Seeing the girl bowed her head and said nothing, Ma Wei asked again.


"Very good, when we recruit people, remember to sign up, the church is in the middle of this street."

Ma Wei took off his overcoat, put it on the thinly clothed Misha, and turned to leave.

After he left, Misha raised her head and stared straight at his receding back.

At noon, the bread was distributed, and Levin and Selina, who went to other blocks to distribute the bread, came back, including the idle Edward, who was caught by Dino and failed to stay out of the incident.


Ma Wei found Levin who was drinking water, and gave him a new task: "Go and buy some old newspapers, the more the better."

"old newspaper?"

Putting down the kettle, Levin asked in amazement, "What do you want that thing for? Going to the toilet?"

"There are Sudoku problems on it." Ma Wei picked up this morning's newspaper, turned to the middle page, pointed to the Sudoku column on it, and said, "As long as you successfully solve the Sudoku problems, you can get rewards from the newspaper, you don't know ?"

"I know, I know." Levin wondered, "Is anyone really able to fill in this thing? Boss, do you want to take a bunch of old newspapers, solve the Sudoku puzzles on them, and send them to the newspaper office for rewards?"


"It's exactly the opposite of what you said." Edward guessed Ma Wei's thoughts, "The priest probably wants to give the old newspapers to the refugees so that they can answer the questions on it."


"Don't you understand?" Edward shook his head, "Refugees who can solve Sudoku puzzles must have smart brains, and even if they are not good enough, they will be sensitive to numbers. As long as they are screened twice or three times, they will not be able to solve the problem." Find out the genius hidden in the crowd? The priest is looking for talent and planning for the future."


Levin's eyes lit up: "This method is wonderful!"

"There must be rewards to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people." Ma Wei nodded and said: "We can use bread and rubles as rewards to get everyone involved, but the rewards can't be too much, otherwise the workers will not want to work. .”

"What happens after we find the geniuses?" Levine asked. "Where do we put them?"

"Aren't there many researchers in Tyumen City?"

Ma Wei grinned: "As long as you ask Her Highness Katerina for help, it is not difficult to send these geniuses to study in the Academy of Sciences. The church needs time to grow, the same."

"Genius takes time too."

(End of this chapter)

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