Father Mavie

Chapter 204 Destruction

Chapter 204 Destruction
The night in Hasha Village was as peaceful as ever, with no calls of livestock or too annoying scolding. Soldiers carried guns and patrolled the village, occasionally stopping to strike a match and light a cigarette. The wind is inhaled into the lungs together.

In the temporary command post in the center of the village, Marquis James was lying on the bed, wrapped in a thick quilt unearthed from the villager's house, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.For some reason, he felt restless tonight and couldn't fall asleep.

"What a ghost."

While muttering, he felt a rush of urgency coming from his bladder, he lifted the quilt, walked out of the command post, found a corner where no one was around, and unbuttoned the leather buckle, shivering while urinating.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew, he screamed and cursed, then pulled up his pants, shook his hands, walked out of the darkness, and walked to the well to wash his hands.

A thick layer of ice had formed inside the bucket, and even the wooden spoon was frozen. It took a lot of effort for Marquis James to pull the wooden spoon out of the bucket, and then he saw the water stains left on the wooden spoon A layer of glacier formed quickly.

Slightly taken aback, Marquis James looked down at the wooden barrel, his expression uncertain. After a while, he threw away the wooden spoon, rushed into the command post, grabbed the thermometer hanging in the house, and walked into the cold wind.

The mercury in the thermometer continued to drop, breaking through zero, and just like the mood of Marquis James, it slowly fell to the bottom.

"Ellison! Ellison!" he yelled.

Ellison, who was dozing by the door frame, heard the officer's call, opened his eyes dimly, and hurriedly said, "Here we come! What's your order, sir?"

"Go and call Dennis and Cayden over! I want to call an emergency meeting!"

"Now?" Ellison asked subconsciously, not yet awake, "Sir, it's only 5:30 in the morning!"

"Do you know what temperature it is now?!"

The Marquis James looked gloomy and threw the thermometer into Ellison's arms: "Minus 30 degrees Celsius!"

"Ah" Ellison said blankly, "It's a bit cold. I'll add some firewood to the stove."

"Idiot!!!" Marquis James roared: "30 degrees below zero means that the river will freeze!!! There will be holes in our previous defense line! Go and call Dennis, Kaiden and the others! I want to re-arm !!!”

"Yes Yes!"

Ellison shrank his neck, turned his head and ran. He ran very fast, but he still couldn't smooth out the uneasiness in the heart of Marquis James.

He knew why he couldn't sleep.

It was too quiet tonight. Because of the cold, even the hounds kept in the army hid in their dens. Their noses lost their function in the extremely cold environment, and they couldn't detect the enemy's movements.

The Marquis James looked at the dead silence in the village where everyone fell into sleep, and shuddered.

If the enemy chooses to attack at this point in time, can they block it?

He made an extremely serious mistake, and he didn't even realize it until it took a whole night to realize the seriousness of the problem.

The second army is scattered and deployed, but no one is monitoring the river. This is an excellent opportunity for the enemy. Once the enemy has enough smart generals, lead the cavalry to launch a surprise attack on the command post.
The consequences could be disastrous!

The deployment has been completed, and the position of the defense line cannot be changed within two or three hours. Marquis James can only pin his hopes on the enemy ignoring the weather factors. With a tense face, he looks at the dense and dark night in the distance, and keeps praying in his heart.

But what he feared most happened. On the hillside in the distance, there were suddenly dots of flames, which were torches. Then the earth began to tremble faintly, and a long river composed of torches rushed towards the village like a torrent. getting closer and closer
"Alert! Alert! Enemy attack!!!"

The Marquis James took out his pistol and rang it to the sky. The soldiers in their sleep were awakened by the sound of the gunshots. They hurriedly put on their boots, put on their coats, put on their rifles and rushed out of the house before they could see the face of the enemy clearly. Bullets shot out one after another, piercing their bodies.

"Gimme it! Gimme it!!!"

The Marquis James retreated while issuing orders. He recognized the cavalry, which were brave and skilled Cossacks. The black cloak looked like the scythe of death, and they had reached the edge of the village.

"Don't panic! Form a two-row formation! No! No!" James Marquis was in a state of confusion, thinking quickly about the knowledge taught by the military academy, "You can't use a two-row formation! This is not an open area! Find Shoot the enemy cavalry from cover!"

"Father. Where is the priest of the church?!"

Amidst the screams of the soldiers, Marquis James thought of the priest accompanying the army. This was his last and biggest hole card. As long as he could use magic to create an immortal warrior, he would definitely be able to defeat the enemy!
The fact is also the same, the priests accompanying the army walked out of the house and used magic without hesitation, and the impressively bright ring opened up the field of immortality, covering their own soldiers very selectively.

"Scatter the enemy formation!"

Katerina threw away the loaded pistol, pulled out the long knife at her waist, and pointed at the priest accompanying the army surrounded by Marquis James: "Kill the priest first! Onufri, Raffle, you stop the enemy's return! The others follow me!"

The well-trained 15th and 19th Cavalry Regiments immediately dispersed and rushed into the lanes under the command of Onufri and Raffle to block the soldiers who wanted to return to the command post and rescue Marquis James.

Katerina led a troop of cavalry straight into the center of the village. Although the dense houses could block the cavalry's charge, they could also block the bullets of the enemy soldiers, preventing them from exerting the full power of their rifles.

The soldiers only fired two shots, and Katerina led the cavalry and rushed in front of them. The shining sword swung down and cut off the right hand of a priest. Just as the scream was about to come out, another long knife chopped down his head.

This is a fully charged cavalry. The soldiers are unable to stop their offensive. In the blink of an eye, corpses are scattered all over the field, and the priests accompanying the army also suffered heavy losses.

As the primary target of beheading, priests accompanying the army have become the target of public criticism. They have the protection of the Immortal Domain, but the premise is that the magic can be activated normally. If the arm wearing the golden ring is lost, the Immortal Domain will naturally collapse.

The sound of horseshoes and screams resounded in all directions, and the flames were soaring into the sky. The Cossack cavalry threw torches into the houses, igniting these wooden buildings, making it impossible for the Marquis James and others to escape and retreat. They could only choose Fight to the death in the middle of the road.

This was a devastating battle. The cavalry were nibbling away at the chaotic soldiers like tigers and wolves. In the monstrous flames, the soldiers had nowhere to go, and there were enemies everywhere. charge again and again.

"Lord James."

A priest accompanying the army pulled Marquis James back, under the protection of the soldiers, he kept retreating, and said quickly: "You have failed, let the soldiers withdraw."

"Withdraw?" Marquis James roared angrily, "How to withdraw?! The situation is out of control!!!"

"We still have a kind of magic that can help you recover from the decline, but." The priest accompanying the army said in a deep voice: "It is the magic of indiscriminate attack. If the soldiers are not allowed to retreat, it may cause great casualties."


Marquis James smiled wryly: "Open your eyes and see Father, our casualties are already high enough, the enemy is unstoppable, if the command post is over, you and I may become their captives."

"I understand, since you think so, then I don't care about anything anymore."

The priest nodded and walked forward with several priests who were dressed differently from the priest who activated the domain of immortality, and slowly raised the arm wearing the golden ring:
"The field of death."

(End of this chapter)

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