Father Mavie

Chapter 189 Lost in the Ice Field

Chapter 189 Lost in the Ice Field (Please Subscribe!!!)

The old man's shriveled body fell heavily, and in the blink of an eye, Edward sucked out the blood in his body. Edward looked at him in surprise, very surprised.

It bent down and grabbed the two gold rings worn by the old man, and after observing it, it suddenly realized.

"It's also the magic of the main god. But it's not the same as Bishop Fowler's."

"He worships Tilde, the Goddess of Sin."

Toure Crowley looked at Edward and said, "The only ones who can use healing magic are the followers of the goddess of health, Wilde. Unfortunately, the bishop is currently on another ship and will not be able to make it in a short time."

"It's useless for him to be here."

Edward put away the two gold rings, ignored the messenger of death who floated out of the mist to harvest the old man's soul, and glanced at the trembling adjutant with golden pupils.

It didn't make a move, but quickly looked away, and said indifferently: "Tell your king, tell your next pope, and tell the goddess of health Wilde, I, Edward, will definitely take away the lost things in the future. "

The huge black bone wings vibrated, setting off a gust of wind, Edward soared into the air, and returned to the icebreaker.

"nailed it?"

Ma Wei, who was holding her daughter, came over and asked.

"nailed it."

Edward took out two gold rings and threw them over: "I don't like to speak harshly. Next time, please find someone else for this kind of thing."

"Who else is more suitable for this task than you?" Ma Wei said with emotion: "Is Toure okay?"

"According to what you said, I left a witness, that is, his adjutant. In this way, he will not be punished even if he lets us go."

Even the bishop with extraordinary power sent by the church is dead, what else can Toure Crowley do as an ordinary person?

Edward, who boarded the main ship and went on a killing spree, was obviously not on the same level as their opponents. The adjutant was terrified, and Toure Crowley could also be terrified—whether he was terrified or not.

As the icebreaker approached the main ship, the sound of the guns gradually subsided, and the other ships did not dare to fire. If the ship went wrong and accidentally sunk the main ship, it would be a serious crime.

Through the rising water curtains on both sides, Mavi saw Toure Crowley standing on the edge of the ship, and the other party was also looking at him. The icebreaker intersected with the main ship and sailed towards the distance.


The adjutant who came back to his senses said tremblingly, "Should we... order the pursuit?"

"No need, order the ships to count the casualties and losses, and then call the bishops on the other ships." Toure Crowley withdrew his gaze from looking at the icebreaker, and said in a deep voice: "There is an extremely powerful presence on the other ship, not our current one. Blind pursuit of those who can resist will only cause greater losses.”

"But if you don't give the order to pursue the enemy," the adjutant swallowed, and said in a hoarse voice, "General, you are likely to be suspected of collaborating with the enemy. After all, so many people died, but you are safe and sound."

"Is there such a thing in the world?"

Toure Crowley sneered and said: "I successfully surrounded them and ordered to fire. As a result, an extraordinary person appeared on the other party's ship, which led to the breakthrough of the blockade. What does this have to do with me? I have to ask those people Bishops with extraordinary powers, what are they eating! Order! Call them all over!"


The adjutant quickly raised the small flag in his hand and waved it quickly.

On the sea where the cold wind was howling, the icebreaker struggled to crush huge pieces of ice floes, and while the hull was trembling, it sailed towards the snow-covered land not far away at a steady speed.

Wrapped in a coat and wearing a felt hat, Ma Wei stood at the bow of the boat and held up the binoculars in his hand. When he saw the ice field, his tense mood relaxed slightly.

After breaking through the Royal Navy's blockade, they sailed for another week, and finally arrived in the northern Siberia region of the Romanov Kingdom two days before the big cold wave. At this time, the temperature had dropped to minus 25 degrees Celsius. Even the flame in the steam oven is not so strong.

In such a cold weather, the crew members were shivering and their limbs were stiff, as if they were running out of oil.

Because the pre-booked destination was the city of Pevek, the icebreaker did not carry any means of transportation to cross the ice sheet. Fortunately, the big cold wave has not yet come, and the Inuit living in this area will take advantage of the last hunting time. It is possible to obtain food for the winter, and the seals that occasionally emerge from the shore are one of their important sources of energy. As long as you move along the coastline, you can always find traces of the Inuit.

Leaving half of the crew, Ma Wei and others set off immediately, wearing thick down coats and hiking boots, and embarked on a journey to find the Inuit.

The god of luck favored them, and they advanced a few kilometers on the ice field. They found several ice caves left by the Inuit, and only a thin layer of ice formed on the water surface, which proved that the Inuit had just left.

The fact is also true, the sleigh marks left by the Inuit are still clear, along the traces, Ma Wei and others found a group of Inuit who were going to return to the camp for the winter.

This Inuit team wore brown coats made of animal fur, and was completely wrapped up, with only one face exposed. Their sleds were piled up with dead seals, and they had obviously just experienced a rich hunt.

Yakov stepped forward and negotiated with Alutu, the leader of the Inuit. When he told about the predicament he encountered, the simple and kind Alutu immediately expressed his willingness to help, and his choice It was also unanimously approved by the tribe.

still have a question.

If the Inuit choose to help Mawei and others, they can indeed use sleds to send them to a city 200 kilometers apart before the cold wave comes. But in that case, the Inuit will have to brave the cold wave and return to the camp. It is so dangerous that even the veteran hunters who are most familiar with the ice field can't guarantee that it will be safe.

"They can stay in the city until the spring begins in March next year, when the cold wave subsides, and then return to the camp to join their families." Katerina said: "In return, the extra fuel, coal, food and The drinks are reserved for their clansmen, and these supplies are enough to supply them through the cold winter next year."

This is not a deal, but Katerina's gratitude. The Inuit are willing to help them cross Northern Siberia, and they should do their best to repay each other.

Everyone has no objection to this. It is impossible for them to take away all the supplies on the icebreaker. This ship is destined to be abandoned. In this case, the supplies that cannot be taken away are better than those in need.

Alutu divided the tribe into two groups. One group sent the excess supplies on the icebreaker back to the camp to prepare for the severe cold wave. The other group was led by him personally, driving more than a dozen sleds, and sent Ma Wei and others to the 200 Kilometers away is the city of Ustitalia.

Ustitalia, this is a city standing on the ice sheet, located on the banks of the Piasina River. A team of 50 people is stationed all year round.

The polar night covers Ustitalia. In the cold winter, people living here hardly need to work. They either stay in their homes with fires to keep warm, or go to the only tavern in the city to have a drink. But this year the situation is different. The tavern is full of people, but it has lost the lively atmosphere of the past. People in thick coats gather together, scrambling to read the three-day-old newspaper first.

This is the last time they read newspapers this year. Two days later, a severe cold wave will come. There will be no merchants in northern Siberia, and Ustitalia will become an isolated city in ice and snow. It will not recover until the spring of next year. Some vitality.

"Damn it!"

An uncle with a beard put down the newspaper and thumped the table. The weak table almost collapsed, and a wave of dust was thrown up, "We have lost the battle again! What are the kingdom's troops doing? They collect high taxes from us every year and take away our land. There is not much food, what is the result? We are losing steadily! Anyway, we are losing, and I can do it!"

His words aroused echoes in the tavern. People drank low-quality vodka and cursed slightly drunk. The crowd was excited and full of fear for the future, as if they foresaw the future of the kingdom's failure.

They couldn't do much. The harsh environment of northern Siberia didn't even allow them to leave this land. It was already very difficult to get by. How could they dare to travel thousands of miles?
Cursing and cursing, the uncle seemed to be thirsty, and sullenly ordered another glass of vodka, looked at the men in brown military coats sitting at the door, and said, "Captain Silomov, I didn't scold you It means, you are good soldiers, guarding this barren land all year round, you are our good friends, and you even helped us shoot a bear last year!"

The man named Simolov smiled helplessly. He turned around and said half jokingly and half seriously: "These are important matters for the kingdom. I heard that the soldiers of the Kingdom of Windsor can use magic. Undead monster, if the rumors are true, how can we not fail?"

"But you have guns in your hands!" the bearded uncle yelled viciously: "A gun that can kill even a brown bear! What monster isn't afraid of it?"

Just as Simolov was about to speak, the door of the tavern was knocked open, and a young soldier with an old musket rushed in, exhaled a few breaths, and said quickly, "Captain! Inuit sleigh! On the sled is a woman who calls herself Katerina Romanov and wants to see you!"

The heated cursing in the tavern stopped abruptly, and a gust of cold wind blew in through the open door, making everyone shiver.

Katerina Romanov
What a thunderous name!

Grand Duke Mosk, the only daughter of the respected Peter the Great, sister of the current king!

No one dares to pretend to be such a person, unless he doesn't want to live anymore.

"Where is she?" Simolov stood up immediately.

"she she she"

The young soldier looked out the door, "She's already here"

(End of this chapter)

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