Father Mavie

Chapter 176 Set Sail

Chapter 176 Set Sail (Please Subscribe!!!)
The freighter hadn't sailed very far, and there were terrifying fluctuations at the pier.

Ma Wei stood at the stern of the boat, looking at the burning pier not far away, with a very serious expression on his face.

He didn't know what happened there, and he didn't know who fought after he left. Even if he brought a telescope, he couldn't observe the details of the battle, as if...
That battle did not take place in his space.

"Edward, do you know something?"

Recalling Edward's behavior of staring at the bottom of the river during the battle, Ma Wei asked, "Who is hiding at the bottom of the river?"

"I don't know." Edward leaned against the side of the boat and glanced at the pier: "I really don't know the identity of the other party. The reason why I can feel their existence is because the lamprey reported to me."

The opponent's aura was hidden very well, and Ma Wei didn't notice the existence of the black shadow at all, but the three goddesses of fate found them, and a vicious fight broke out between the two sides.
Is it because the enemy does not know, but it is definitely not a friend. The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, maybe the other party wants to be an oriole?
Regardless of the outcome of the battle, Mavi did not intend to return to the pier. Now that he had set sail, he had to continue sailing and head for the Kingdom of Romanov at the fastest speed.

"Father Marvie."

Katerina came over with a middle-aged man wearing a sable hat, and introduced: "This is Yakov Petrovich, Lieutenant Commander of the Romanov Kingdom, he once led the 9th Battleship Fleet He is in charge of cruise escort missions in the Black Sea region, has rich experience, and is also the captain of this journey. Yakov, this is Father Mavi Enders, and from today on, he will be our ally."

Yakov Petrovich is a standard Eastern Slav, with deep gray eyes, brown curly hair, and a short, thick beard around his cheeks. He is about 40 years old, and his face is full of years of wind and sun. red blotches.He stretched out his strong and strong arms, briefly shook hands with Ma Wei, and said with a smile in Eastern Slavic: "I have heard about your deeds, Your Highness."

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped, and then said in broken, rough and extremely non-standard Windsor language: "Father Mawei, I know your name. If you want, we can have a fight."


Levin next to him was slightly taken aback, thinking that this is too impolite, do you have to single out when you meet for the first time?

It is said that the Eastern Slavs like to be brave and fight hard, drink three or five glasses of wine and dare to beat the brown bear, now I see you.
Sure enough.

"I think he was talking about the opportunity to exchange ideas." Katerina explained: "Yakov's Windsor language is not very good, he only knows some simple daily vocabulary."

Yakov nodded with a smile, although he didn't understand Katerina's words at all.One of his crew once told him that no matter what foreigners say, you just have to smile and nod.

"No problem." Ma Wei said in Eastern Slavic: "I also want to see the strength of the Romanov Kingdom's navy."

"Oh! You can speak our language!"

Captain Yakov said in great surprise: "Great! I'm just worried that I don't know how to communicate with you!"

On the side, Levin held a translation dictionary he bought yesterday, and together with the goddess Junia, he turned the pages, quickly looking for the words used by Yakov, and translated them on the spot.

When they figured out what Yakov said, Mavi had already been pulled into the cabin by the other party.

The cabin is very spacious, with many rooms and well-equipped equipment. The accumulated dust has been cleaned up early. This is an icebreaker made of fine steel. It was born for fishing, so hardness and space are essential. .

Yakov first took Ma Wei to visit the food storage on the ship. Except for some wheat flour necessary for life, more than half of the storage was filled with tin cans. There were a lot of meat and peas, but there was no fish.

Immediately afterwards, Yakov introduced to Ma Wei the Sergey twin brothers who were in charge of the meals on the boat. They were two round and fat guys, as if they were carved out of the same mold, with two small mustaches drooping around their mouths. , wearing a chef's hat, is cooking a pot of brown viscous unknown suspicious liquid.

According to them, the pot is a warm soup for keeping out the cold, and a sip is as warm as swallowing a fireball. When Mavie saw them pour a whole bottle of strong vodka into the pot and stir, he believed it. up.

In addition to them, there are Boris in charge of cabin hygiene, Nikita in charge of coal filling in the boiler room, Maxim and sailor Lermontov, a total of 23 crew members.

"They are all elites in the Royal Navy." Dino said with emotion: "When we returned to New Rose City, we encountered a storm. If it weren't for them, the ship would capsize."

"They are indeed elites."

Ma Wei nodded, looked at the busy sailors in the cabin and said, "Everyone knows what to do, and it's very important to be orderly."

"There are no heavy weapons such as artillery on the ship, only some rifles." Katerina said: "So we can't fight the Royal Navy, even if it is protected by extremely hard steel plates."

"Your Highness is right." Yakov agreed, "This is just a commercial icebreaker. There are a lot of harpoons and fishing nets, but they are of no use at all. Once encountering an enemy ship, the consequences will be disastrous."

"You don't have to worry about that."

The voice from behind caught everyone's attention. They turned their heads and saw Edward said disapprovingly: "The lamprey will report the situation to me. If there are hidden reefs, icebergs, enemy ships and other dangers around, we can be the first Time to get information."

Yakov looked at him blankly until Katerina nodded, pointed to the stairs leading to the second floor of the cabin and said: "The crew's room is on the first floor, where I live with the sailors. The second floor Leave the captain’s cabin to you, it’s more comfortable to live there, there are wooden barrels in the room, which can be used for washing, don’t worry about supplies, the food and drinks on board are enough for a year.”

To Mavi's surprise, Katerina did not choose to live in the captain's cabin, but lived in the deepest room on the first floor, where the space was small, with only a table and a bed, definitely not a noble person will choose the residence.

Then Mavi lived in the captain's cabin with peace of mind.

You can't live without me, isn't the luxurious captain's room a waste?
It is shameful to waste.

As the night darkened, after familiarizing himself with the environment on board, Mavi asked Levin and Junia to study the dictionary hard, and came to the deck alone.

The woods retreated from both sides of the river, and the icebreaker tore through the water and set off towards the mouth of the sea. In the cold wind, Ma Wei held the side of the boat with one hand and the compass with the other, looking up at the bright starry sky above.

"Why, do you still need to survey the direction for just one air route?"

The crisp female voice interrupted Mavi's observation. He lowered his head, looked at the direction of the compass, and said without turning his head: "Navigation at sea is full of variables, so you can't be careless for a moment."

Katerina walked up to him, glanced at the utensils in his hands, "Can't you trust Yakov and the others?"

"I trust my own judgment more."

"There's something I want to tell you."

Ma Wei turned his head and frowned: "What's the matter?"

"Our return journey this time will definitely encounter danger." Katerina said: "Because my brother will not let me go back to the Romanov Kingdom, he must have prepared an ambush."

"Since you know there is danger, why do you still come to the Kingdom of Windsor in person?"

"First of all, I want to meet the priest of the Church of Truth in person, and secondly."

Katerina smiled slightly:
"If I don't risk myself, how will I know who betrayed me?"

(End of this chapter)

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