Father Mavie

Chapter 125 Choice

Chapter 125 Choice (Please Subscribe!!!)
"Red wine stewed lamprey, this is a delicacy that only the nobles can taste!"

In the living room, Jay Lan took his wife to sit down, and said proudly: "The lampreys on the market cost 7 shillings a pound, and most people can't afford it. Fortunately, a school of fish suddenly appeared on the pier today. The tooth-dashing festival is also good. Why don't you eat it?"

Igor stared at the fragrant lamprey garnished with cumin on the plate, his expression gradually indifferent.

Although he has lost his memory, he can still feel the joy from the lampreys. This is the first type of family he meets after waking up, and they are also the most loyal.

His dependents, the human beings whom he considered as friends, peeled and cut into pieces, and cooked them into food.

"Jelan, do you humans regard food as your friend?"


What nonsense is this kid talking about?
Jailan looked at the expressionless Igor, thought for a while and said, "Food is food. If you treat food as your friend, you must feel guilty when you eat it."


"I think you're asking the wrong question. Instead of treating food as a friend, it's better to say that we don't treat friends as food. This logic is correct."

food, friends.
Hearing Jielan's answer, Igor asked again: "What if your friend is eaten? What will you do?"

"That goes without saying, of course it's revenge!"

"What if it was another friend of yours who ate your friend?"

Jielan opened his mouth, but swallowed the words again.

This question is difficult to answer.

At least he couldn't think of a suitable solution for a while.

"It seems that the rules of your humans cannot solve this kind of problem. Then do it the way I think."

The palm pierced Jaylan's left chest.

Igor took out the beating hot heart of Jaylan's chest, and the blood gushed out and splashed on the lamprey on the plate.

The sudden change stunned Jaylan and Louise.

Igor moved so fast that Jaylan didn't even realize that he had lost the most important organ at the first moment. When the severe pain that penetrated the bone marrow came, he lowered his head and looked at his empty chest, with a dazed expression. In the middle, he was short of breath, his face turned pale instantly, and he fell into his wife's arms, struggling to push Louise away and let her get out of here.

The heart that kept pumping out blood was raised to the sky, and Igor greedily sucked up the scarlet viscous liquid, his eyes glistening with gold.At this moment, all the cells in his body let out joyful cheers, as if they were welcoming the king's return.

The storm hovering in the sky stopped for a moment, and then, before the roar became more intense, the entire port of Rosslare was dark and plunged into darkness.

Igor felt something awakened in his body, his blood was boiling, an invisible black stream circulated along the blood vessels like a thin snake, the bones creaked, the membrane coat fell off, and a bone wing stretched behind his back
He. Holds the authority of power!


Louise screamed, holding her husband lying in her arms, panicked, her mind went blank, and she could do nothing but scream.

After draining the blood from his heart, Igor dropped the piece of meat in his hand and said softly, "Not enough."

He looked across to Louise.

"no no."

Jailan guessed his thoughts, ignored the severe pain, staggered up, threw himself into Igor's arms, and said with all his strength, "Let her go. She's pregnant, please."

Igor looked at him indifferently: "When you dissected the internal organs of the lamprey, did you ever have the slightest bit of compassion?"

Without waiting for Jaylan to answer, he said the answer himself: "No, of course you don't have pity for the lamprey, because it is your food. What kind of pity does food need?"

"Food only needs to be obediently awarded first-class death!"

"You taught me this truth, and I like it very much."

He pushed away Jaylan who had lost the power to resist, came to Louise, bent down, kissed her forehead covered in cold sweat, opened his arms and hugged her tightly, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, it won't hurt after a while gone."

The sharp claw-like fingers inserted into Louise's back, and pulled out the violently beating heart.

Seeing this scene, Jaylan fell to the ground with a line of tears, gritted his teeth, stared at Igor with red eyes, and many complex emotions such as remorse, bewilderment, and anger intertwined on his face.

Igor raised his palm slightly, and Jaylan's body immediately flew into the air, as if a pair of invisible big hands clamped his shoulders and lifted him up abruptly.

"Jelan. Until now, I don't understand what a friend is. I may have never had a friend, or I may have had one."

In the inconsistent words, even Igor himself is not sure what a friend is. In his opinion, dependents seem to be more reliable than friends.

"You are a kind person."

Igor no longer thinks about what a friend is, because Jaylan in front of him has a livid face and is about to die. He doesn't have much time: "From the standpoint of a human being, you didn't do anything wrong. I appreciate your kindness." Personality, I really want to be friends with you, and we even became friends once, if your wife didn't bring out this big meal."

Jailan was panting hard, his eyelids were as heavy as lead, his consciousness began to be chaotic, his eyes were blurred, the pain was far away, and endless darkness came to him.

His life, like a weak candle in a storm, will be extinguished at any time.

"You don't want to die, do you?"

Igor looked at Louise, who was also on the verge of death, lying on the ground, "You are pregnant, and the birth of a new life is something to be awed by. I shouldn't have done this, but you have to understand that there should be food destiny."

At some point, behind Louise and Jaylan, two ghostly shadows appeared. They had only a rough outline and held a sickle-like weapon in their hands.

Jailan and Louise couldn't see the shadow, but Igor could.

The two shadows stretched out something like arms to Louise and Jaylan respectively, just when they were about to touch Jaylan and Louise.
Igor spoke suddenly: "I think you should wait for a while and wait for them to make a choice."

The arm-like outline froze suddenly, unable to move forward any more.

After a long silence, the two shadows withdrew their arms and waited quietly.

"Jielan, in order to thank you for your helping hand when I was 'distressed', and in order to thank you husband and wife for your kindness, I decided to provide you with another choice."

Igor stretched out his finger, and two drops of black blood oozed out from his fingertips, hanging in the air, and floated in front of Jailan and Louise:
"Either accept it, become my family member, get rid of the fate of food, and live as a blood family, or go to the kingdom of death with these two guests who can't wait."

(End of this chapter)

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