Father Mavie

Chapter 118 The Oasis of Truth

Chapter 118 The Oasis of Truth (Please Subscribe!!!)

"Thank you for your support. Today is the last performance of the Sunshine Circus in New Rose City. We will leave for the next stop tomorrow, but I believe we will see you again in the near future."

At the end of the performance, all the members of the Sunshine Circus stepped onto the stage amidst warm applause, and greeted the audience with a curtain call.

The audience left one by one, bathed in the cold wind in the late night, or took a carriage, or walked towards home on foot, and soon, the auditorium became empty.

The man sitting in the corner drinking alone finally stood up, as if he had made a decision, and stepped onto the stage.In an instant, the ordinary clothes on his body turned into a neat tuxedo, a carved silver cane appeared in his palm, and a cooing pigeon was parked on the tall top hat.

Hearing the sound of pigeons, Tiffany, who was about to return to the backstage, suddenly stopped, and turned her head slowly.

The other team members stopped in their tracks and looked over in disbelief.

"Don't yell so loudly."

Levin buttoned his ears, squeezed out a smile, and opened his arms, intending to hug Tiffany who was running towards him, however.
Tiffany rushed up to him, without saying a word, she punched him right in the lower abdomen, using all her strength to feed her.

Levin, who had no psychological defense at all, took a solid blow, his eyes went dark, and he fainted on the spot.

Arming him around his neck, Tiffany yelled: "Pack up your things quickly, and take the captain to leave overnight! You can't let him go back to that devil's lair!!!"

"Roger that!"

The group members swept away their depressed mood, and before they even had time to take off their makeup, they began to dismantle the tent happily.

As long as the group leader comes back, they will be fine. As for how to come back, what hardships have they experienced.

Not important at all.

The members of the group moved swiftly. In just one hour, they dismantled the tent that had been erected all morning, sent everything to the carriage, lifted Levin high above his head, hummed rhythmically, and stepped on the ground. On the way out of the city.

Like a dwarf who has caught a delicious game.

The morning sun was just right, and the air was fresh. On the rickety carriage, Levin was tightly bound, with a lace handkerchief stuffed in his mouth, his eyes wide open, and he yelled.

All the gems were confiscated, and Tiffany, who was sitting directly opposite him, held a few dazzling gems in one hand and rested his chin in the other, looking at the head of the team who was struggling non-stop with great interest.

"Leader, you should give up on this idea. Why do you want to join the Church of Truth? It would be great to continue performing with us!"


Levin twisted his body and leaned towards Tiffany as hard as he could, staring at the Golden Crow's Eye with trepidation, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead.

After a lot of hard work, he finally put his head on Tiffany's shoulders. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Tiffany pushed him away and said shyly, "What are you doing, Captain? It's broad daylight now."


"Really, I can't even hear what you are saying. Don't yell. This is the wilderness. No matter how loud you yell, no one will save you." Tiffany took off the lace handkerchief from his mouth.

"Gem! Give me the gem!"

"Come on, do you think I don't know that these gems are tricky?"

"The golden one! The golden one! Give it to me! I'm not kidding!"

Seeing Levin's pale face, Tiffany hesitated. She picked up the Golden Crow's Eye and said, "I can give it to you, but you can't sneak away!"

"Good good!"

With the Golden Crow's eyes in his arms, Levin let out a long sigh of relief, lay down on the floor of the car, and said weakly, "You almost killed me, untie the rope."

"I don't understand."

"I'm going to the toilet!"


The trotter buckle rope was untied, and Levin, who was free again, kept his promise and did not sneak away. Instead, he jumped out of the carriage and ran to the woods beside him to solve his physical problems.

A gust of cold wind blew by, he shivered, pulled up his pants, took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands, and returned to the car.

"Captain, are you hungry?"

Tiffany cut a piece of bread and smeared thick jam with a knife: "Here, eat quickly."

"Where's Gina?"

After taking the bread, Levin looked around.

"She's in the car behind."

"It's no use doing this, Tiffany."

After two or three mouthfuls of bread, Levin took out the jug and took a sip, then said in a deep voice, "Actually, I often come to your performances these days, and the Sunshine Circus can operate well without me, can't it? "

"But you are the soul." Tiffany shook her head: "A circus without a soul has no future. Everyone gathers together because of you. If you are gone one day, everyone's hearts will be broken."

Levin smiled silently: "I am a mascot, the real soul of the circus is you, Tiffany."

"I'm talking about faith."

"Faith? I'm a thief, I'm a thief, maybe I've done some thankful things, but that doesn't mean I'm a good person."

"It is enough that you are our good person, the rest is not important."

"But I have a choice now." Levin looked into her eyes and said word by word: "Be a good person in the hearts of more people."

With a 'thud' in her heart, Tiffany pursed her lips, gritted her teeth and said, "What kind of ecstasy soup did he give you?"

"It's not ecstasy soup, it's faith."

The withered trees flashed by in a hurry, showing a withered and dilapidated appearance. Levin looked out of the window and said, "Over the years, I have been looking for like-minded friends. You, Gina, everyone in the Sunshine Circus, all We met because of the ideas I believed in before, each of you is the soul of the Sunshine Circus."

"But this kind of life will end one day. We are alone and weak. No matter how well we do, we cannot change the world."

"I love when people smile from the heart. It's warm and has a magic that opens your heart. I've seen countless people smile from the heart, but I can never smile like them."

Covering his heart with his palms, Levin said softly: "I want to fill the emptiness in my heart with a smile, but the more I bring smiles to more people, the more powerless I feel. I become more and more silent, more and more The more lonely you are, just like a traveler who is about to die of thirst, frantically looking for water, a little juice can keep him alive, but it is not as refreshing as an oasis."

Levin's speech became faster and faster, and Tiffany, who was listening quietly, became more and more silent.

She had already felt the subtle changes of the group leader over the years, but she didn't take it to heart. In her opinion, Levin had already realized his dream, or
Levin is trying to realize his dream, isn't the process of chasing it an oasis?
She just realized that she was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

What Levine pursued was different from what she understood. She misunderstood the true meaning of a smile, and also misunderstood Levin's original intention of performing hard.

A traveler who has never been able to find an oasis will despair after being disappointed again and again. This traveler may think that he will never find an oasis again, until
The appearance of that beam of light.

On a rainy night with howling winds, searching without hope, everything seems to be doomed.

There, Levine saw more possibilities, and saw the reflection of an oasis that might be a mirage.

At least there is hope, isn't it?
The shackles that bound his heart were released, and he embarked on the journey again, this time.
He is no longer alone.

"It turns out that you are really leaving, Captain."

Tiffany pulled the hair hanging from her temples, sniffed, and returned the Siren's Tears and the Heart of the Jungle to him: "You go, I will manage the Sunshine Circus well."

"Tiffany Tiffany, look at me."

Holding her slender and soft palm, Levin said seriously: "Join the Church of Truth."


"I need you, truth needs you, and everyone in the circus."

"So, Commander, you came back just to make us believe in the truth?"

Levin shook his head slowly: "Originally, I wanted to disband the Sunshine Circus, but after watching everyone's performance, I suddenly realized that the circus has a place in everyone's hearts. This is a family, even if there is no blood relationship, there is no need for the circus." Still tied together."

"The Sunshine Circus today is not due to one person alone, but the result of everyone's joint efforts. It is our hard work and the proof of our years of hard work!"

"No one can destroy it, not even gods!"

"Well said, teacher."

There was a response from outside the carriage, and then, a figure rolled in.

"Gina, did you hear that?"


Nodding, Gina tied the horse's rein to the edge of the carriage: "What do you need us to do?"

"Join the Church of Truth, become a follower of the goddess Junia, and truly believe in the truth."

Faith is accumulated and deepened day by day.

And even more so with obscure, elusive truths.

Knowing this, Levine actually didn't have much hope, but...
"Understood, teacher."

Gina said without hesitation: "I will believe in the truth with all my heart."

"Faith is not born so easily." Levin smiled wryly.

"Teacher, do you believe in the truth?"

Levin froze for a moment, thought for a moment, and said, "I believe it."

"Then I believe it too." Gina tossed her ponytail and said firmly, "Teacher, what you are after is what I am after. I have already decided on this matter."

"Didn't you always want to be the second generation Rose Phantom Thief?"

Levin smiled and said: "I disagreed before because you lacked one thing. That thing is very important and cannot be learned by talent, but the situation is different now."



The palm was raised, and under the watchful eyes of Tiffany and Gina, Levin turned the cane into a revolver: "This is not magic, but real magic."

Neither Tiffany nor Gina showed much surprise, as if they had expected it.

"No wonder." Tiffany laughed dumbly: "I said, why do you always provoke the police and private detectives, even the king, so it's magic?"

"That's right, that's why I'm still at large." Levin said, "In the past, only I knew magic, but now"

"Is it related to the church?"

Gina found the key point at once, the Rose Phantom Thief who knows magic cannot be caught by ordinary people, and only magic can defeat magic.

Reminiscent of the blood rose case of more than 10 days, wasn't it Diloc Holmes and Father Mavie Enders who caught the rose thief?

After that, Levin suddenly joined the Church of Truth, and there must be some connection between the two.

After hearing about the coming of the gods, Tiffany suddenly rang the bell hanging above her head.

Ding Ding Ding!
Ding Ding Ding!
The bell rang far away with the wind, and the advancing convoy stopped immediately, and the team members who didn't know what happened, walked towards their carriages.

"Back to New Ross City." Tiffany said very simply.

"go back?!"

The team members looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to say anything: "Manager, we finally left overnight, what are we going back for?"

"Send the head back first, then"

Tiffany glanced at them: "Go and meet Father Marvie."

Under her order, the convoy turned around and began to return along the way it had come.

Regarding Tiffany, who acted decisively and without delay, Levine said with emotion: "Leaving the circus to you is probably the most correct decision I have ever made."


Tiffany sneered, "Who told you not to trust me?"

"I never mistrusted you."

"Then why didn't you tell me about magic before?"

Just as Levin was about to answer, Tiffany said, "I'm just thinking about your safety. It's better if you don't know some things. Ah, dear Tiffany, how can you think like that? I'm tired of listening to the same set, and sweet talk is useless to me, so it's better to have something practical."


Swallowing, Levin changed the subject tactfully: "You seem to have deep hostility towards the Church of Truth. If that's the case, why do you want to go back?"

"First of all, I don't have any deep hostility towards the Church of Truth." Tiffany snorted, "I just simply don't like Father Marvie, and secondly, I can't let the Sunshine Circus become your weakness!"

"The road to pursuing dreams must be full of ups and downs. There is no doubt about it. I am not one of those women with big breasts and no brains. I know when to get angry and when to think rationally."

"If you can get the protection of the goddess if you join the Church of Truth, I am happy to do so. But please promise me that no matter whether the truth is realized or not, you will not sacrifice your life for your dreams. Although you have always been a willful person, as the head of the group, I think you should not only think for yourself, but also for everyone in the circus!"

(End of this chapter)

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