I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 525 Coming to Andromeda

Chapter 525 Coming to Andromeda

Babylon city.

royal palace.

Andromeda lay lazily on the throne in the hall, listening to the news reported by the palace maid.

Ever since the news of Roy's death was confirmed, what troubled Andromeda the most was the appearance of a large number of suitors.

In the Greek mythology of another world, Odysseus's wife is just the widow queen of Ithaca Island, which covers an area of ​​93 square kilometers, and can attract hundreds of suitors.

Andromeda ruled from Babylonia to Phoenicia—a territory of 30 square kilometers, more than [-] times the size of Ithaca.

Increase the number of one hundred suitors by three thousand times, theoretically, Andromeda could have as many as 30 suitors.

Of course, myths are, after all, fabricated false stories.

In reality, it is certainly impossible for the widow queen of Ithaca to attract hundreds of suitors, nor is it possible for Andromeda to attract 30 suitors.

Although Andromeda did not have 30 suitors, there were still [-] suitors.

To Andromeda's distress, her parents also supported her in choosing a new husband from among the suitors.

After all, Andromeda was under 20 years old and had not given birth to a child with Roy. Of course, she couldn't just be a widow for the rest of her life.

"Your Majesty! The suitor who wants to meet you today is the prince of the Kingdom of Elam."

"Kingdom of Elam—"

Hearing what the palace maid said, Andromeda said suspiciously.

"Didn't the hero god Gilgamesh say that he wanted to destroy the kingdom of Elam?"

"A large number of Elamites migrated from the Persian plateau to the Elam region, which strengthened the national power of the Elam kingdom. Therefore, Gilgamesh only conquered half of the territory of the Elam kingdom, and then returned to the throne of the hero."

"Since the Kingdom of Elam is still there, their prince shouldn't just want me to propose marriage!"

"It is said that there is also a prince from Elam who went to Uruk to propose to Queen Semiramis."

Seeing that Andromeda didn't respond, the palace maid continued.

"Queen Andromeda! If Queen Semiramis marries with the Kingdom of Elam, she may surpass you in strength."

"So you think I should marry the Kingdom of Elam?"

Andromeda looked at the palace maid with dissatisfied eyes and said.

"I don't know who made you say such unnecessary words to me, but I will drive you out of my palace and let others know the fate of betraying me."

"Her Majesty—"

As Andromeda's personal maid, not only can she get a huge salary, but she can also get close to Queen Andromeda, who is the center of power.

Now that she lost the job because of one sentence, the palace maid immediately showed regret and pain on her face.

After chasing away the talkative palace maid, Andromeda couldn't help but look to the southeast and said.

"Would Semiramis be as distressed as I am?"

Aryans are a patrilineal society, and women of the ruling class usually do not remarry.

This can be seen from the Greek mythology of another world.

In Greek mythology, a wife who is faithful to her husband is sung.

In the story of the wife's remarriage after the husband's death, only Hercules' mother remarried to Radamandes after the death of her husband Amphitryon.

Beyond that, there are no clear stories of widows remarrying.

Odysseus's wife was pursued by a hundred suitors, not only did not accept these suitors, but also used the fight between the suitors to delay time, and raised her young son.

Andromeda and Semiramis, as descendants of the Aryans, of course also received the education of being faithful to their husbands.

"If only I had a child."

Touching her lower abdomen, Andromeda sighed and said.

"If I had a child, whether it was a boy or a girl, I would remain faithful to you."

In Greek mythology, a widow with children would remain faithful to her husband.

Widows without children usually die in love for their husbands.

During the Trojan War, the first hero to go ashore was the first to die, and his fiancée or wife died in pain.

Andromeda wasn't a widow with children, but she didn't want to be a widow without children.

"Is that all you want for a child?"

Along with the joking ridicule, Roy's figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

Seeing Roy who suddenly appeared, Andromeda's eyes widened in surprise, thinking she was hallucinating.

It wasn't until Roy climbed up the steps of the throne and sat beside Andromeda, and stretched out his left hand to hug Andromeda's waist, that Andromeda pushed Roy away with both hands in panic and said.

"Who are you? My husband is dead. Are you a human or a god who wants to disguise him?"

Seeing that Andromeda doubted his identity, Roy was not only not angry, but said with a smile.

"Am I your dear husband? You can touch it to see if my face is fake."

After speaking, Roy brought his face to Andromeda.

"I am a foreigner from the far east, so my face is unique here, and it cannot be disguised by humans."

Andromeda tentatively stretched out her hands and pinched Roy's cheeks.

"Your face is real, so you can't be a human pretending to be my husband."

"Then do you think I'm a god who deceived you?"

Roy held Andromeda's small hands with his own and said.

"The city of Babylon is the territory of the goddess Aphrodite, and you are the highest priestess who serves Aphrodite. If I am a god who deceives you, Aphrodite cannot let you be controlled by me. "

"So you're not some god masquerading as my husband—"

Andromeda looked at Roy in disbelief and asked.

"Could it be that the news of your death is false? Did you deliberately fake the illusion of your death for a certain purpose?"

As he spoke, Andromeda's pupils gushed out bean-sized teardrops.

Because she feels that she has been hugely deceived.

Roy hurriedly hugged Andromeda in his arms and comforted her.

"Andromeda, I did not fake the illusion of death. Your husband Loi is indeed dead. The me in front of you now is the hero god enshrined by the Athens Empire, and also from the Armenian sun god Aleg. Gephaeton, the sun god who usurped the sun godhood."

"You say you're a god now—"

Andromeda looked at Roy suspiciously and said.

"You're lying to me, I heard that the hero god Gilgamesh doesn't have a real body. You have the same body as in the past, so you can't be the hero god."

"I am indeed different from ordinary hero gods."

Roy nodded.

"The Hero God doesn't have a body, so he can't move freely. I am a Hero God with a human body, so rather than being called a Hero God, I am more like a human-god between humans and gods."

In order to prove his identity to Andromeda, Roy stretched out his right hand and released a blazing solar fire in his palm.

Witnessing the miracle performed by Roy, Andromeda still said in disbelief.

"You have really become a human god now? Then can you still be with us humans?"

Roy pressed his forehead against Andromeda's and said.

"I come to you now to fulfill your wish - to let you have a child. Whether I can be with you or not, you will know by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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