I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 414 The Hyksos 1 Divides into 2

Chapter 414 The Hyksos Divide Into Two

"You want us Hyksos to submit to you—"

Kefus was not angry when he heard Roy's request.

Because the current Hyksos are on the verge of subjugation.

As long as Nafir's [-] troops attack the Hyksos, the Hyksos will disappear from history.

Kefus said with complex expression.

"More than 100 years ago, the ancestors of our Hyksos conquered northern and central Egypt and made the southern Egyptians submit to us. The king of the Hyksos became the king of all Egypt. The southern Egyptians came from us. Learning to make more advanced bronze weapons and chariots is to learn tactics on the battlefield from us. But the southern Egyptians not only did not appreciate us, but used the weapons and chariots that we Hyksos taught them to make against us, To the point where we Hyksos are about to be completely defeated. If the Egyptians conquer us, they will surely turn us Hyksos into slaves as revenge for our Hyksos conquering the Egyptians. For us The future of the Hyksos, I can let you inherit the throne as my son-in-law and become the new King of Hyksos."

"I object!"

A Hyksos noble stood up immediately and said.

"We are a group that worships the male god Zeus, not a goddess. Even if the king's son-in-law can inherit the throne, it should be when all the king's sons and brothers are dead. Your Majesty Cepheus! Your brother Phineus is a great hero, and his claim to the throne should be higher than that of Princess Andromeda."

The opposition of the nobles was completely expected by Cepheus.

Kefus looked at Phineus calmly and said.

"Phineus, do you want to inherit the throne and take on the responsibility of leading the Hyksos?"

It is of course impossible to say that Phineus had no idea about the throne.

But now that the Hyksos are on the verge of subjugation, Phineus doesn't think he has the ability to turn the tide.

Giving up the throne like this made Phineus feel unwilling in his heart.

At this moment, Roy said with a playful smile.

"Father-in-law, I have something to say. After I become the king of Hyksos, I will rule the Hyksos with the policy of the Athenian Empire. In the Athenian Empire, except for the royal family centered on me, everyone else is Commoners. So under my rule, the nobles of the Hyksos will lose their nobility and become commoners, and lose the property they acquired with their nobility and privileges."

For Roy to become king of Hyksos, only a small number of nobles originally opposed it.

At this time, hearing Roy say that the nobles would be deprived of their identity and property, almost all the nobles stood up and opposed Roy's succession to the throne.

Kefus couldn't help frowning and said.

"Loy, why do you want to deprive the nobles of their identity and property? Our royal family and the nobles have a common ancestor, and they are all worthy helpers for us. Do you want to rule the Athens Empire alone?"

"Father-in-law! Perhaps the royal family and nobles of the Hyksos do have a common ancestor, but they have nothing to do with me. I have no reason for them to become nobles of the Athens Empire."

Roy said with a smile.

"Now my father-in-law can make a choice! If my father-in-law chooses the common people of the Hyksos, then give me your throne and abandon these nobles who share your ancestors. If my father-in-law chooses your common ancestors Nobles of the ancestors, I will immediately leave your palace and stand with Queen Nafer of Egypt. Because the Hyksos refuse to submit to me, your daughter Andromeda will also lose her right to marry me .”

Hearing what Roy said, Andromeda hurriedly said to Cepheus who was hesitating.

"Father! Without the help of Loi, we Hyksos will be defeated by the Egyptian queen Nafir. When we Hyksos become slaves of the Egyptians, we Hyksos royal family and nobles Not only will we lose our current identity, power and wealth, but our lives and freedom will also be lost."

Cepheus showed a shaken expression on his face, and finally he asked Roy.

"Loy, can you accept that I divide the Hyksos in two? I can hand over the throne to you and make you the new Hyksos king, but you must agree to Phineus and the nobles bringing leave with their families, possessions and followers."

Seeing the pleading look in Kefus' eyes, Roy nodded and said.

"I agree."

Hearing Roy's answer, Cepheus smiled gratifiedly and said to Phineus and the nobles.

"My dear brother Phineus! Dear nobles! We Hyksos have lived in Egypt for more than 100 years, and now it is impossible to lead 10,000+ people to migrate. Worshiping the Almighty God, the Illuminati has already decided You must continue to stay on the land of Egypt. For the future of the majority of the people, I must lead them to join the Athenian Empire. If you do not want to lose your status, power and wealth as nobles, then go to us with your family, wealth and followers The kingdom of Babylon ruled by the same family as you!"

"I don't want to be ruled by this Athenian."

Phineus gritted his teeth and looked at Roy and said.

"This Athenian was the enemy of the great god-king Zeus, who overthrew the statue of Zeus in the Peloponnese, and drove the god-king Zeus from the throne of the patron saint of Argos. Make him king of Hyksos, he It will definitely drive Zeus, the king of gods, from the throne of the patron saint of the Hyksos."


Roy admitted with a smile.

"I overthrew the statue of Zeus in the Peloponnese, and drove Zeus from the throne of the patron saint of Argos. After I inherited the throne of Hyksos, the first thing I did was to drive Zeus from the Hyksos. The throne of the patron saint of the Xoss. Because the Athens Empire only welcomes unmarried goddesses to join, male gods and married goddesses are not welcome.”

After Roy finished speaking, a nobleman said immediately.

"This Athenian not only wants to deprive us nobles of our identity, power and wealth, but also drives our god-king Zeus from the throne, and I don't want to be ruled by him."

Then more and more nobles said.

"Me too!"

"I'd rather get out of here than bear to be ruled by him."

"Prince Phineus, we are willing to enshrine you as the new King of Hyksos, please take us away!"

In the end, all the nobles chose to leave with their families, property and followers.

Facing the support of many nobles, Phineus hesitated for a moment, then said firmly.

"Since everyone is willing to trust me, I will take you to migrate. Whether we go to seek refuge with the same people in the Kingdom of Babylon or migrate to other places, I guarantee that you will still have the status and power of nobles."

Hearing what Phineus said, the nobles immediately burst into cheers.

It's a pity they don't know that this era no longer belongs to the Aryans who worship Zeus, the god of thunder, but to the Aryans who worship the sun god.

Only by migrating thousands of miles to the Indian region of South Asia can they become conquerors and rulers again.

(End of this chapter)

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