I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 377 I am Your Majesty the Emperor

Chapter 377 I am Your Majesty the Emperor

History has always proved that the world is a linked whole.

Before 3000 BC, the ancient Aryans invaded West Asia and began to rob the locals of their living space.

Under the oppression of the ancient Aryans, the Pilaski people, who worshiped the snake goddess, were forced to migrate from the Asia Minor peninsula to Greece.

In addition to the Pilaski who worshiped the snake goddess, there was another goddess-worshiping group—the Phoenicians who worshiped Aphrodite were oppressed by the ancient Aryans.

In order to survive, some Phoenicians migrated to Egypt.

The Phoenicians who stayed in the Phoenician area began to travel to distant places to obtain food by sailing.

This history of ancient times can clearly prove that Aphrodite, the patron goddess of the Phoenicians, and Inanna, the patron goddess of Uruk, are not the same goddess.

Geographically speaking, the Phoenicians live on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Uruk people live on the west coast of the Persian Gulf. The two sides are separated by thousands of miles. Phoenician area.

In terms of time, Inanna, the patron saint of the Uruk people, rose from a local god to become the queen of the gods in the Sumerian region as the city of Uruk dominated the Mesopotamia 700 BC. .

But as early as 300 years ago, the ancient Aryans had ruled the area between the Mesopotamia and the Phoenician region.

With the ancient Aryans in the middle, it is impossible for Inanna's influence to spread to the Phoenician area, making the Phoenicians abandon the gods they worshiped, and make Inanna, who is thousands of miles away-realistically, have nothing to do with them. The goddess of influence is enshrined as his patron saint.

In order to migrate to the barren Phoenician region, the Uruk people died of thirst and starvation. They risked being killed by the ancient Aryans or other city-states and demoted to slavery. —

This is obviously a conclusion that normal people cannot accept.

Since it is impossible for the Uruk people to migrate to the Phoenician area on a large scale, the goddess Inanna of the Uruk people cannot be the goddess Aphrodite of the Phoenicians.

Geographically, the snake goddess worshiped by the Pilaski is more likely to have the same origin as the Phoenician goddess Aphrodite.

The Phoenicians entered the bronze civilization in the Near East around 2000 BC, and began to sail in the true sense of the sea.

Because of the appearance of bronze weapons, they can protect themselves in strange lands.

It can also use more advanced weapons to reduce the dimensionality of the locals when the number of locals is small, and directly plunder the wealth of the locals.

In this era, maritime trade means that the locals are powerful, so they trade normally with the locals.

If the local people are weak, they will plunder wealth and even colonize the local people.

After 400 years of development, the Phoenicians now have a mature navigation route.

This sailing route starts from Egypt, sails along the concave coast of North Africa, and sails all the way to the remote Iberian Peninsula [Spanish Peninsula].

There were many reasons why the Phoenicians did not choose the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea as their voyage route.

The rugged coast of the northern Mediterranean will increase their sailing time.

From the Asia Minor peninsula to the Greek region, these areas were either barren or fertile plains occupied by nomadic peoples, and the benefits of normal trade with them were far less than that of trade with the natives along the North African coast.

It is precisely because the Phoenicians looked down on the trade routes on the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea that the Greek city-states represented by Athens did not become a colony of the Phoenicians and developed into competitors for the hegemony of the Mediterranean trade with the Phoenicians .

Because the Apennine Peninsula is a trade route on the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, it did not attract the attention of the Phoenicians.

On the contrary, Sicily next to the Apennine Peninsula was used by the Phoenicians as a maritime coordinate for sailing in the central Mediterranean, and some settlements were established along the coast of Sicily.

Roy led a large fleet of 150 warships, sailed in the Ionian Sea for six days, and finally arrived at the southern part of the Apennine Peninsula on the seventh day.

Calabria, the southernmost part of the Apennine Peninsula.

Roy's large fleet sailed into the port of Catanzaro in a mighty manner, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the local people.

Just like the Greek area at this time, there are three ethnic groups living in the Pilaski, Illyrians, and Caucasian nomads.

At this time, there were also four different ethnic groups living in the Apennine Peninsula.

The Sikur people live in the southwest of the Apennine Peninsula. They regard Paliqi, the god of agriculture, as the highest patron saint, and Adrenus, the god of war, and Hebra, the goddess of the sea, as their patron saints.

The Sabines lived in the southeast of the Apennine Peninsula, and they regarded Quirinus, the god of war, as their patron saint.

The Latins lived in the central part of the Apennine Peninsula. They regarded Mars, the god of agriculture, as their patron saint, and they also worshiped gods such as Diana, the goddess of the oak tree.

The Etruscans lived in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula. They regarded Jupiter, the sun god, and Minerva, the moon goddess, as their patron saints.

Neptune, the god of the sea, Vesta, the goddess of the stove, Venus, the goddess of the orchard, and Janus, the door god, are also important gods in the Apennine Peninsula.

The area of ​​Calabria where the port of Catanzaro is located is the area where the Sicurs live.

Legend has it that their ancestors lived in the central part of the Apennine Peninsula. Later, as the Sabines and Latins went south to rob living space, the Sikur people could only migrate southward. Now some Sikur people have left the Apennine Peninsula and migrated to Sicily.

The Sikurs originally only worshiped Palic, the god of agriculture. Later, they continued to wage war with the Sabines and Latins before they began to worship Adrenus, the god of war, and Hebra, the goddess of the sea. They also migrated across the sea safely. Sicily.

Port of Catanzaro.

After Roy's flagship landed, Roy was preparing to land first, when a large group of men with black hair and black eyes and wearing sackcloth rushed out of the woods near the port with wooden and stone weapons.

These Sikurs stopped 20 meters away from the port, and then a Sikur asked loudly in the lingua franca of the Eastern Mediterranean.

"Who are you?"

From the reaction of these Sikurs, it can be seen that they are full of fear of the large fleet of the Kingdom of Athens.

Because they have never seen such a huge fleet, nor have they seen the black iron weapons used by Athenian soldiers.

The unknown has always been a source of fear.

Roy jumped from the flagship to the beach, and said as he walked towards the Sikul in front of him.

"You don't have to worry, we are not your enemies. Now let me introduce my identity to you. From the moment I set foot on this land, I am the emperor of the Athens Empire, the mainland of Greece and the province of Rome 38 The ruler of 200 square kilometers of land and [-] million people. The land where you Sikurs live—this Apennine Peninsula is the Roman province of our Athens Empire. That is to say, I am your emperor. You You can call me His Majesty the Emperor, or you can call me Your Majesty Luo Yi by my name."

(End of this chapter)

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