I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 347 Negotiations reached the end of the war

Chapter 347 Negotiations reached the end of the war
The time is approaching June, and the temperature at noon becomes very hot.

Just when Roy was about to have lunch with Hippolyta and Phyllis, Aeetes finally came outside the coalition camp of the Kingdom of Athens and the Amazon tribe and asked to continue yesterday's negotiations.

Roy and Hippolyta brought Phyllis to Aeetes, and Aeetes said straight to the point.

"I agree to your request. I am willing to cede the Thracian Plain between the Great Plains of Macedonia and the Sea of ​​Marmara to the Amazon tribe and redeem my daughter Phyllis."


Although it was expected by Phyllis that her father would try her best to redeem herself, her father really used tens of thousands of square kilometers of land in Thrace and tens of thousands of people from five major tribes to redeem herself. Ruth couldn't believe it.

Hippolyta recovered from her shock and immediately said to Aeetes.

"Then we swear now in the name of the gods that we will not start a war in the next year."

Aietes nodded.

"I swear now in the name of the sun god Helios that I will not wage war against the Amazon tribes in the next year."

"I swear now in the name of Bendis, the goddess of the moon, that I will not launch a war against the Sun Tribe in the next year."

After taking the oath, Hippolyta asked Aeetes.

"King Aeetes! Now that we have made an oath, when do you plan to hand over the Thrace region to me?"

"Give me three days to prepare, and after three days you can take over the Great Plains of Thrace."

Hearing Aeetes' answer, Hippolyta turned to Phyllis with a bright smile on her face.

"Phyllis, now you can go back to your father."

Aeetes had sworn a sacred oath in the name of the sun god Helios, and Hippolyta had no fear that Aeetes would break his oath.

Phyllis walked to Aeetes with hurried steps, and immediately questioned Aeetes.

"Father, why did you accept their request?"

"Silly boy, you became their captive to save me. Do you think I don't know?"

Aietes smiled.

"It is also a fact that the Sun Tribe can't defeat the coalition forces of the Kingdom of Athens and the Amazon Tribes. Let's take it as the price we pay for underestimating the enemy! One year later, I will take back everything we lost with my own hands."

Aeetes was willing to accept Loy and Hippolyta's request for a truce. The first main reason was for his daughter Phyllis, and the second main reason was that the Sun Tribe could not defeat the coalition forces of the Kingdom of Athens and the Amazon Tribes.

As this war continues, the Sun Tribe will lose more and more.

After Aeetes left with Phyllis, Hippolyta looked at their leaving figures with a solemn face and said.

"Loy, will you still fight against the Sun Tribe with us in one year? The Sun Tribe is too powerful. Even if all the knights of the Amazon Tribe use bronze weapons a year later, I still have no confidence in defeating the Sun Tribe."

Roy shook his head without hesitation.

"I will not sacrifice the soldiers of the Kingdom of Athens to defend your Amazon tribe."

Roy is now fighting against the Sun Tribe with the Amazon Tribe, because the main enemy of the Sun Tribe is actually the Kingdom of Athens.

The Sun Tribe just wants to surround the Amazon Tribe on three sides and force the Amazon Tribe to surrender to the Sun Tribe, and has no plan to directly wage war with the Amazon Tribe.

But now, the Amazon tribe has become the main enemy of the Sun tribe.

The war launched by the Sun tribe to the Amazon tribe a year later was to regain territory and population, not against the Kingdom of Athens.

"If I hire you with gold, cattle, sheep and horses, are you willing to defend the Amazon tribe as a mercenary?"


Roy said with a smile.

"If you are willing to cede the central part of the Great Plains of Macedonia to the Kingdom of Athens, I will fight for you as a mercenary."


Hearing Roy's request, Hippolyta couldn't help frowning.

In fact, not only farming peoples care about land, but nomads also care about their land.

After all, with more land, more cattle, sheep and horses can be grazed, and more people can be supported.


Hippolyta said with a pleading expression on her small face.

"I can give you more cattle, sheep, horses and gold, and I can also give you myself to bear children for you. In the future, our children will be the next generation of Amazon kings."

"I'm not a fool!"

Roy shook his head again and said.

"If you become my woman, my child is the heir of the Amazon tribe, and it will become my responsibility and obligation to take care of the Amazon tribe. So even if your beauty is worthy of the status of the daughter of the moon goddess, I will not do it for you. You give up the land."

"You—you are a heartless man."

Gazing at Roy with mournful and dissatisfied eyes, Hippolyta continued.

"Thank you for helping me win this war. I will give you two thousand horses and ten thousand catties of gold as a reward."

Two thousand horses—

Ten thousand catties of gold——

Thinking that he could cast a pure gold throne, and also create many gold ornaments for the girls around him, Roy said with a satisfied smile.

"Dear Hippolyta, I look forward to our next cooperation."

The camp of the Sun Tribe.

Aeetes took Phyllis back to his king's tent, and immediately asked Phyllis for various information about the Kingdom of Athens and the Amazon tribe.

"Father, I don't know much information."

Phyllis tried to remember and said.

"But I can be sure that the news that there is a gold mine in the Amazon tribe is true, because Sister Hippolyta is so extravagant that even the tableware is pure gold. The strength of the Kingdom of Athens seems to be stronger than we expected, Roy It is said that [-] bronze weapons will be sold to the Amazon tribe within a year. It seems that the Kingdom of Athens can cast both sharp black iron weapons and bronze weapons."

"This time we lost the war because we didn't have any understanding of the strength of the Kingdom of Athens."

Aietes sighed.

"If I had known that the black iron weapons of the Kingdom of Athens were so powerful, I would not have launched a war rashly. Phyllis! According to your observation, how is the relationship between Hippolyta and Roy?"

"Sister Hippolyta offered to marry Roy in order to get assistance from the Kingdom of Athens, but Roy didn't accept it."

Hearing Felice's answer, Aeetes immediately said happily.

"In this era, only marriage can ensure that the alliance between the two parties is unbreakable. Since Loy and Hippolyta are not married, next year our enemy will only be Hippolyta. We will definitely be able to regain the lost territory and population."


Phyllis said with a hesitant expression.

"I want to ask you a question, do we Thracians always have food shortages? We kill the weaker babies, and the tribes start wars with each other. The essence is to reduce the population and reduce the need for food. needs?"

(End of this chapter)

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