I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 194 The Impact of the War Results

Chapter 194 The Impact of the War Results

Crete Sea.

Ships from all directions are like big fish, converging towards the port of Knossos city in the east of Crete.

Even if the results of the war between Athens and Knossos gradually spread, it did not affect the status of Knossos as a trading hub.

Because it is difficult to find another safe and stable port city to replace Knossos.

Even if another port city wants to become a new trading hub, there are not enough interests to drive sea merchants to trade in another city.

East of Crete.

The Royal Palace of Knossos.

At this time Deucalion was kneeling in the hall of the palace, pleading guilty to Minos on the throne.

After Deucalion recounted the process of his two defeats, the royal family and nobles in the hall accused Deucalion of underestimating the enemy, which caused huge losses to Knossos and many vassal city-states.

Deucalion knelt on the ground without saying a word, without making any excuses for himself.

Seeing that the accusations from the royal family and nobles were becoming more and more excessive, and some people even said that they would abolish Deucalion's status as the first heir to the throne, Minos couldn't help but said in a cold voice.

"Enough is enough, you all! If you were to fight against the city of Athens, you would only lose even worse. The soldiers in Athens all wore armor made of paper, and they burned [-] catties of olive oil during the naval battle and used fire to attack us. , This is a situation that I can't predict. I asked myself if I went to fight the city of Athens, I would lose to the city of Athens like Deucalion."

After hearing Minos' words, the royal family and nobles fell silent, not daring to criticize Deucalion any more.

Because they all have self-knowledge, knowing that if they fought against the city of Athens, they would indeed lose even worse.

"My child, stand up first!"

After Deucalion stood up, Minos continued.

"In this battle between the city of Knossos and the city of Athens, there were many things in the city of Athens that were beyond our expectations. We did not expect that there would be three thousand soldiers in the city of Athens, nor did we expect that there would be a hundred warships in the city of Athens. The ship, let alone the fact that the Athenian soldiers were all wearing paper armor and using bronze spears. There are so many things in the city of Athens that are beyond our expectations, and it is not wrong for us to lose this war. It will crush our city of Knossos. The merchant ships that come to trade in Knossos city every day will provide us with taxes, and we will soon be able to recruit new soldiers and build new warships."

After listening to Minos' words, a nobleman asked excitedly.

"King Minos, do we want to launch a new war against the city of Athens to wash away the shame of our failure?"

Minos turned his head, glared at the nobleman with cold eyes and said.

"It is indeed necessary for us to start a new war, but we are not going to attack the city of Athens, but our vassal city-states."

Seeing everyone's bewildered reaction, Minos continued.

"The news that we lost to the city of Athens will definitely make many vassal city-states out of our control, so we must prepare to launch wars against these vassal city-states that have separated from Knossos. If we don't punish the vassal city-states that betrayed us, everyone Some vassal city-states will choose to betray us."

The vassal city-states of Knossos, in addition to the weak city-states of Crete, there are also some island city-states in the Aegean Sea.

Those vassal city-states of Crete may not dare to betray, but those island city-states far away from Crete will definitely have the idea of ​​leaving Knossos after learning that the navy of Knossos has suffered huge losses.

"Father, please give me a chance to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds."

Deucalion knelt on one knee and begged Minos.

"No matter what the reasons are, I am the sinner who caused Knossos to suffer defeat and loss. If you really love me, let me make contributions to make up for my crimes."

Minos hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said.

"Then I will give you fifty warships and [-] soldiers, and you are ready to go at any time."

Myrtoon Sea, Crete Sea, and Thira Sea—the junction between these three seas is one of the important waterways in the Aegean Sea.

Aries sailed in this sea area with [-] large warships, and did not become the target that the merchant ships avoided.

Because the Aries fleet obviously cannot be a pirate, it is more like a navy.

In fact, most merchant ships regard the fleet of Aries as the navy of Knossos.

After Aries came to this sea area, he conscientiously carried out Roy's order. Whenever a merchant ship passed by this area, Aries would present twenty catties of salt to each merchant ship and persuade each captain to go to Athens. city ​​for trade.

If there is not enough motivation, even if Loy sends 200 catties of salt equivalent to [-] million catties of grain, it is impossible for sea merchants to choose the city of Athens as a new trading hub.

But after the news of Athens' defeat of Knossos spreads, sea merchants will realize that Athens, like Knossos, has the strength to provide them with a safe trading environment.

Most importantly, the city of Athens had a highly valuable commodity called salt.

Fifty catties of grain are used to buy one catty of salt in Athens, and at least one hundred catties of grain can be sold elsewhere.

Maritime merchants conduct dangerous trade on the sea in pursuit of profit.

The profit of the commodity salt was so great that it drove merchants from the sea to the city of Athens.


Mycenae in the Argos region.

When the news of Athens' defeat of Knossos reached here, Acrisios, king of Mycenae, was holding a meeting to conquer the Arcadia region.

"The people of Knossos lost to the people of Athens so quickly?"

After hearing the news brought by the soldiers, Acrisios said disappointedly.

"I thought the Athenians would defend the city and fight a long siege battle with the Knossos. I didn't expect that Roy not only took the initiative to attack, but also defeated Deucalion so quickly in land and sea battles. .”

Perseus frowned.

"Grandfather! Not only did Roy summon [-] soldiers for this war, he also had [-] bronze spears and [-] paper armor. If this army is used to attack us Mycenaeans, we will also be wiped out by him .Now we have to admit that the Three Goddess Alliance formed by the cities of Athens, Corinth, and Thebes is really stronger than our Mycenaeans."

Acrisios nodded.

"Fortunately, we have agreed with the Three Goddess Alliance not to attack each other. Until our strength catches up with or even surpasses the Three Goddess Alliance, we must avoid conflicts with them."

Pelops said at this time.

"Grandfather, maybe we can also form alliances with other city-states. The city of Sparta in the Sparta region of southern Peloponnese and the city of Tenaron in the Pylos region are not within our conquest goals. It is precisely what we can Fight to be the target of an ally."

Acrisios' eyes lit up, and he couldn't help laughing.

"The patron saint of Sparta is the goddess Hera, and the patron saint of Tenaron is the goddess Persephone. Maybe we can form an alliance of four gods."

A Mycenaean nobleman said directly.

"We can make the goddess Hera the wife of Zeus, and the goddess Persephone the wife of Poseidon, so that we can become a family with the cities of Sparta and Tenaron."

(End of this chapter)

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