I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 169 The 3 Laws of the King of Athens

Chapter 169 The Three Laws of the King of Athens
Lowy's first law was met with no opposition from anyone.

Because this law does not touch anyone's interests.

Under Pandion's angry gaze, Roy continued.

"The second law I want to make is to abolish the identities of small chieftains or nobles in the city of Athens. From now on in Athens, only the royal family headed by me has a special status, and the status can be inherited hereditary. Except for the royal family The people of Athens are all common people with equal status."

After Roy finished speaking, the little chiefs and their families were all in an uproar.

Just now the little chiefs did not object to Luo Yi's taking away his father-in-law's power as a son-in-law, because Luo Yi did not touch the interests of the little chiefs.

Now that Roy wants to abolish the identities and powers of the little chiefs, it is of course impossible for the little chiefs to accept it voluntarily.

"Why do you abolish our identity?"

A grumpy little leader spoke first.

"The leader of Pandion has said that we will become nobles and let our identities be hereditary. As a son-in-law, you should inherit the will of your father-in-law and respect our original identities and rights."

Another little leader followed suit.

"Don't forget that you were originally a foreigner, because you are the son-in-law of the leader of Pandion, we accepted you as the king of Athens."

"Don't you accept that I can't be the king of Athens?"

Roy looked at the little leaders with cold eyes and said.

"I will not only abolish your identities, but also make you hand over the tribal property that you managed as the little chiefs. If you want to resist me, then you are the big sinners who betrayed the Kingdom of Athens. All the men in your family will die. Women will be reduced to lifelong slaves, and your property will be confiscated."

After Roy finished speaking, the little chiefs and their families all fell silent.

After all, they are not fools.

Even if they wished to overthrow Roy immediately, they would not make such a stupid act of suicide at this moment.

Looking away from the little leaders, Roy looked at thousands of civilians and said.

"Men of Athens! The third law I want to enact is that all crimes must be punished. In the past, you civilians were oppressed by big chiefs, small chiefs, or their relatives, and you could only swallow your anger. But from now on, the King of Athens will protect you Everyone, punish all criminals who break the law. Not to mention the little chieftains and their families whose special identities have been abolished by me, even the royal families or even kings of other city-states will be punished by me if they break the law. I use Moti In the name of Goddess Si, I assure you that you are all subjects under my rule, and only the royal family headed by me can oppress you without any punishment."

After hearing the third law enacted by Roy, thousands of civilians all stared in disbelief, because this is a law that is closely related to their interests.

Even in the civilized age after 600 years, the strong bully the weak are still emerging endlessly, and it is difficult to be punished.

In this era, civilians are suffering from all kinds of oppression like grass.

If Roy can do what he says and guarantee that only the royal family can bully the common people without any punishment in the city of Athens, the common people will usher in a beautiful era that they dare not even dream of.

For example, without Lowe's law, there would be at least 100 people who could oppress civilians with impunity.

With Lowe's law, there will be only one person who can bully civilians with impunity.

That's the big change Lowy's law brought about.

Roy did not imitate the phrase "the emperor commits the same crime as the common people when he breaks the law" and shouted out that the royal family committed the same crime as the common people when they violated the law.

Because only a fool would believe such a thing.

If Roy fooled the common people as fools, the common people would never trust Roy's will to enforce the third law.

"People of Athens! In order to implement my third law, I will establish a court. Anyone who is oppressed or otherwise hurt can ask the court to punish the criminal who broke the law. Before the court is established, you can go directly to the palace, Let me, the King of Athens, do justice for you. Remember, neither I nor the court will demand money from you, and the actions of justice for you will be free, and I will make the sinner pay the victim property."

After listening to Roy's words, someone in the crowd finally couldn't help but said.

"Great goddess Metis, am I dreaming?"

"He not only stipulates that only the royal family can oppress us, but also punishes those who oppress us."

"Can we really usher in a beautiful era that we can't even dream of?"

After a commotion, someone in the crowd shouted with tears.

"Long live Roy, King of Athens!"

Then others yelled.

"Long live Roy, King of Athens!"

"Long live Roy, King of Athens!"

Listening to the roar of mountains and tsunami, Roy couldn't help shouting.

"You are all my people, so I will not allow anyone to hurt you with impunity except myself."

After the crowd quieted down, Roy continued.

"Now that you know that I am the king of Athens who rules you, this coronation ceremony can also be over. After you go back, you will still live as before. If you are hurt, the gate of my palace is always open for you."

After Roy finished speaking, thousands of civilians immediately rushed to the gate of the Acropolis like a tide, eager to leave the Acropolis.

After thousands of civilians had all left the Temple Square, Roy looked at Aries and ordered.

"White sheep! You took a hundred soldiers to ransack the houses of some little chiefs, and transferred all the tribal property that did not belong to them to my warehouse."

After Aries led a hundred soldiers to carry out the order, Roy gave another order to Kayone.

"Kione, you lead 250 Eleusis soldiers to protect the palace and drive out all the men in the palace. From now on, without my permission, there can only be one man in my palace."

Before Chione could leave, Roy ordered to Harmonia again.

"Harmonia, you bring five hundred Thebes soldiers to guard the guards here and at the gate of the Acropolis."

After speaking these orders, Roy stepped down from the altar, came to Pandion and said with a smile.

"Father-in-law, the coronation ceremony is over now, let's go back to the palace as a family!"

"Brother Roy..."

Hearing Roy's words, tears of sorrow welled up in Procne's beautiful big eyes.

Because after the coronation ceremony, it was supposed to be Pandion who married Roy and Procne.

Philomela said directly dissatisfied.

"Brother Roy, you should marry your sister next."

Seeing Procne's sad little face and Philomela's dissatisfied expression, Roy said guiltily.

"Right now my father-in-law is definitely not in the mood to hold a wedding for us, let's wait for a better day and let him hold a wedding for the three of us together! Philomela, now I don't need to hide our relationship, don't you want to be with Pu Lokner marry me together?"

Philomela hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a smile and said.

"I want to marry brother Roy with my sister."

(End of this chapter)

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