Chapter 816 Chaos
"No more, all gone!"

"After so many years of hard work, it's all in vain."

"Damn Chen Qi, he must have done it."

"If you dare to go against our Skull and Bones Society, he will be dead!"

On the branches of the tree, all the members of the Skull and Bones Society yelled curses at the Imperial Viscount.


Because after carefully studying [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul], the Skull and Bones Society came to a very sad conclusion.

[Superman] should be completely dead.

[The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] has become an ordinary spiritual world.

And all this could only be done by the Imperial Viscount.


Isn't it just malnutrition? It's still far from starving to death!

"We have worked hard for Angsa City for hundreds of years!"


The Imperial Viscount went too far this time. How could he not leave any room or give them any dignity at all?

Although the Skull and Bones Society also finds this extremely unbelievable, it must be the truth.

Now everyone is angry, and of course there are many people responding.


"That Chen Qi must be treated the same as Elonis and be included in our must-kill blacklist."

"Then shall we still run?"

"We definitely can't just let it go."

However, Rogers, who was in charge of intelligence, spoke again.


If you do something wrong, you have to pay a price.

"Anyway, our business is bankrupt, and the Sword of Judgment is also busy with celebrations and has no time to take care of us."

But for the other nine Yakuza organizations and the dark forces in the inner ring world, it is a great shock.

Fortunately they didn't stop stupidly before, otherwise they might have been beaten!
Run, keep running.

"After he participates in the celebration of the Sword of Judgment, we will kill him."

Naturally, the entire army was wiped out, and even Krolas couldn't escape.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Tongyoushu not only did not stop, but accelerated again.


After several bouts of sadness, the big boss at the top of the tree, who was extremely hostile to humans, made the first suggestion.


The Imperial Viscount likes to report so much, and the Skull and Bones Society is of course worried that they will be "plotted against".

Not only did he report [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul], but he even didn't let go of the biochemical path.

Even the big bosses who wanted to make peace with humanity did not dare to say anything.

"It's better to let Tongyou Tree replenish more energy."

Now, it should be fine, right?

"Should we stop and take a rest?"


Damn, the Imperial Viscount is so despicable.

So far, the top ten organizations of the Yakuza have become nine.

If the Tongyou Tree continues to run like this, the branch he is on will be unable to bear its weight.

A big boss whose branches became dry and fragile finally waited for a "turning point."

This suggestion is reasonable and reasonable, and everyone has long been aware of Tongyoushu's malnutrition.

Rogers just received "bad news"!
During the meeting of the Biochemical Path, the top ten super spell academies joined forces to "check the water meter".

"The Tongyou tree has been running with all its strength, and its skin is peeling off from exhaustion."

The destruction of the biochemical path will not have much impact on the other world.

This is definitely not a good thing.

I had always been worried about being hacked to death in the real world, so I didn't dare to stay.

"As a result, I haven't caught anything yet."


As the inner world devotes its energy to the spiritual dimension.

The chaos in the inner world is getting bigger and bigger, and there are even signs of chaos.

The dark forces in the secular world have seen the opportunity and are preparing to make a big move.


But the destruction of the biochemical path directly poured ice water on them.

This moment reminded them of their fear of being dominated by "justice."

It is of course impossible to correct evil and return to righteousness.

But it is necessary to stay away from the limelight.


"Didn't find it?"

"What a bargain for these scumbags!"

"Trash, is this the result of your divination?"

"Aren't you very good at blowing?"

"Why did you blow the cowhide today?"

In the high-speed spacecraft, two pieces of information appeared in the hands of the Imperial Viscount.


Naturally, it was a good news. The whole army of the Biochemical Path was wiped out, and Krolas was beheaded.

As for the other one, Chen Qi was very sorry.

The time and location he provided were inaccurate. The team responsible for encircling and suppressing the Skull and Bones Society missed the Tongyoushu.


Although Chen Qi failed to report this time and provided "false information."

But the man in charge of the Sword of Judgment’s encirclement and suppression of the Skull and Bones Society was still “full of praise for the accuracy of the Imperial Viscount’s intelligence.”

He also expressed that he would welcome Imperial Viscount to report frequently in the future.


The reason for this is, of course, because it is normal for "divination" to go wrong.

If divination could accurately pinpoint the Skull and Bones Society, the latter would have been torn into eight pieces.

The Tongyou Tree can be regarded as a sacred object, and it instinctively resists all kinds of divination.

Otherwise, the Skull and Bones Society wouldn't hang themselves on a tree branch.

This is just taking advantage of the buff!

In every encirclement and suppression in the past, the team of the Sword of Judgment could not even see the shadow of the Youshu.

To be able to pass it this time is "a huge improvement."

As long as you do it more often, sooner or later you will be able to catch these rats from the Skull and Bones Society.



On the screen of the Destiny Game Console, the big-headed son was sobbing in "grievance".

The person Chen Qi reprimanded just now was naturally this rebellious boy.


After finishing the [God Killer] mask, Chen Qi finally had time to talk to Big Tou's son.

After some "heart-breaking teaching", Datou's son repented and decided to work for "Xiao Chen's father" for free in the future.

No more "imposing conditions" and deliberately "smoothing foreign workers".

As a result, the work was messed up on the first day of work.


"Reflect on this."

"Why are you not doing your job well?"

"This must be unintentional and lazy!"

"Otherwise, is it because you are incapable?"

Chen Qi knocked on the golden head of the Destiny Game Machine, and the big-headed son on the screen nodded repeatedly, indicating that Xiao Chen's father was right.

It just means "not having a correct attitude", and it definitely does not mean a lack of ability.

I will definitely change it in the future and there will never be a next time.


Of course, Chen Qi didn't believe it at all.

But this dog was overfed before, so it would be a pity to kill it now.

To deal with this guy, you have to take your time.

[Dimension War] Now is the busy time, please wait!

"Kill, kill the demon!"

"Hahaha, I did it, I really did it this time."

"For justice!"

"For humanity!"

In the spiritual dimension, humans' pursuit of the demons is still in full swing.

Given that the Demon is not good at fighting against the wind, this battle scene can be imagined.

It was entirely human beings who launched a one-sided massacre against the demons.


If there is a war with other intelligent races at this time, the human pursuers will have to worry about the opponent "faking defeat" and then "ambushing" them.

But if the opponent is a demon, there is no need to worry about this problem at all.

Because the demons are a bunch of idiots, no matter their brains or abilities.

It is not enough to support them to complete such a difficult operation.

So the human army was really happy to kill them.


"The Bubble General will be victorious!"

"Kill the devil!"

Among all the pursuing human armies, a fleet with as many as 500 warships stood out.

Under the leadership of a golden general, there was no evil wherever they passed.

The demon fled away.


"Congratulations to Senior Gu for paying off the mortgage ahead of schedule!"

"Senior, I can finally feel free from worries!"

At the Nantian Gate, Chen Qi, who was still busy with his three eyes, took a moment to congratulate Gu Yunqing.

Senior Gu's heavenly soldiers and generals cut melons and vegetables all the way while chasing the devil, and finally earned enough for their mortgage.


Although Chen Qi no longer has to stare at [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul].

But his third eye has no chance to be lazy.

At this time, Chen Qi had one eye staring at the [Reincarnation Realm] and the other eye at the [Void and Real Boundary].

The third eye was naturally placed on General Bubble.


"Junior, senior has benefited from you this time."

"Without the protection of millions of players, my heavenly soldiers and generals would not be able to carry out such efficient harvesting."

"I won't say any more polite words. If you need help with anything in the future, just call me!"

People feel refreshed during happy events, perhaps because they paid off their mortgage early.

Although Gu Yunqing looked tired, his waist was straight. This momentum is completely different.


"Senior, what's wrong with the spiritual worlds affected by the world of reincarnation?"

"The world of reincarnation is so golden that you can't see anything clearly."

"The place now resists entry by [outsiders], and the alliance's investigation team has been blocked from the spiritual world."

After some small talk, the topic between the two naturally shifted to the [Reincarnation Realm].

This is currently the biggest hot spot in the spiritual dimension, even overshadowing the pursuit of the demon.


After all, it is an "old practice" for the demons to be defeated miserably.

Although everyone was happy counting money, they were just happy.

The [Reincarnation Realm] is different.

That is the golden spiritual world. As long as humans enter the spiritual dimension, there is no one who is not curious.

It's a pity that the golden spiritual world is too powerful and cannot be approached by most humans.

Now there is a sudden problem in the [Reincarnation Realm], and naturally humans in the entire spiritual dimension are taking advantage of it.


Because of their special status, Chen Qi and Gu Yunqing were honored to be on the front line of eating melons.

Chen Qi's mission is to keep an eye on the [Reincarnation Realm].

But Gu Yunqing's mission is to keep an eye on those spiritual worlds that have been affected by the [Reincarnation World].


"Junior, there is definitely a big problem in [Reincarnation Realm] this time."

"A very strange thing happened in those spiritual worlds shrouded in golden light."

"Their plot characters have actually crossed paths with each other."

"This is truly an unheard of thing."

Perhaps because what happened this time was so weird, Gu Yunqing's face had a look of ecstasy.


At first, Gu Yunqing thought that those spiritual worlds had "internal problems", which meant they had suffered some kind of invasion or had split themselves.

But he really didn't expect that plot characters in the spiritual world could also travel through each other.

When he first saw this scene, he was immediately stunned.



"The plot characters between different spiritual worlds actually traveled through time?"

"Damn, I need to take a look at this!"

Originally, Chen Qi was just casually browsing the inside story, but now he is really interested.


He has just finished the world of [Purgatory Ghoul].

In this process, [The Legend of Purgatory Ghoul] has achieved many things that only the golden spiritual world can do.

Such as "birth consciousness".


He has even accomplished some things that may not be possible in the golden spiritual world.

For example, assimilating the demon, [restart].

But it is really not possible for [Purgatory Ghoul] to have an impact on other spiritual worlds and allow characters to travel through each other's plots.


Bubble Tianjiang is still very fierce right now, and he won't be able to die for a while.

Chen Qi immediately turned his third eye to a spiritual world covered in golden light.

It is a weak gray spiritual world, which evolved from a classic urban love comedy.


【Modern Building】In the spiritual world, there should be a lot of traffic and crowds of people.

As an urban sitcom, the appearance of the entire world should be extremely modern and close to reality.

At least there couldn't be immortal cultivators flying around or carnivorous dinosaurs biting people everywhere.

However, all of this is now available in the [Modern Building].


"You're a small mortal, I just beat up a few ruffians, how dare you detain me?"

"It's such a chaotic atmosphere, such a lack of distinction between right and wrong."

"This world is really rotten. No wonder the spiritual energy has disappeared!"

"This world needs to be corrected!"

Crack, crackle!
On the high-voltage line, an immortal cultivator was replenishing his energy with lightning shining brightly.

Around him, several armed helicopters were circling, constantly shouting at him.


The next moment, the immortal cultivator who consciously recharged his energy directly hit the iron bird in the sky with a thunder method.


Along with it, an armed helicopter turned into a fireball and crashed to the ground.

The battle between modern weapons and immortal cultivators has officially begun.


On the ground, many "melon-eating people" are holding live broadcasts on their mobile phones.

But unfortunately, more than a dozen velociraptors suddenly appeared in the green belt.

These guys just jumped and appeared in the live footage.

Click, the live broadcast was interrupted instantly.


"What happened to this world?"

"It's just that the dinosaurs appeared. Experts explained that they were cloned products from a certain laboratory and accidentally escaped to the outside world."

"But what about those humans who can eat high-voltage electricity and stage human body magnetic levitation?"

"Is it also the product of some evil experiment?"

"It's better to say they ran away from a mental hospital!"

Inside the modern building, the protagonist Lu Xiaoxian was watching the news and making complaints.

The world is in complete chaos!
Fortunately, the building he was in was extremely safe, and the chaos did not spread here at all.


"No, Xiaoxian seems to be passing by there today!"

"She's not going to meet a dinosaur, is she?"

Lu Xiaoxian, who was eating melon, suddenly thought of his girlfriend Du Xiaoxian.

After the world changed drastically, he had already persuaded the other party to stop working and stay in the apartment with him.

But he never had the right to speak in front of Du Xiaoxian.

This time, it won't be such a coincidence, right?


With an inexplicable emotion in his heart, Lu Xiaoxian began to call Du Xiaoxian.

As a result, I called more than a dozen times, but no one answered.

After much hesitation, Lu Xiaoxian still didn't dare to go out and search, so he could only call the police.


Half a day later, under the quiet comfort of my new girlfriend.

Lu Xiaoxian finally accepted the fact that his ex-girlfriend was missing.

Hey, if you don’t see people alive or dead bodies, you might as well meet a dinosaur!


"Hahaha, bitch, how dare you fight me."

"I, Du Xiaoxian, am familiar with Gongdou Opera and am just waiting for an opportunity to practice it."

"Now the opportunity has finally come!"

"The Emperor is mine now."


[The Legend of the Great Lie Dynasty] In the world, Du Xiaoxian is "domineering and powerful, fighting against the three thousand beauties in the harem alone".

But becoming a queen is just a small goal of Du Xiaoxian.

Her goal is to rule the world and have a harem of three thousand.


Who says women are inferior to men?
She, Du Xiaoxian, wanted to prove it to the world.

It's a pity that the scumbag Lu Xiaoxian is not here, otherwise he would have to be castrated and made to work as a eunuch in the harem.


"It's chaos, it's all chaos."

"What should we do now? Just watch?"

"If we continue like this, the connection between these spiritual worlds and the real world will only become weaker and weaker."

"Once they cannot get power feedback from the real world, decline and degradation are inevitable."

"If there are only a few, a dozen would be fine, but this time there are tens of millions of spiritual worlds affected by the world of reincarnation."

[Modern Building] In the spiritual world, a "suppression" team sent by the Demon-Slaying Alliance looked at the chaotic world quite speechlessly.

It is indeed exciting to watch the excitement, but the problem is that they are here to do a task.


"Don't panic, the decline of the spiritual world is a long process, don't rush it."

"We have done what we can do before."

"But this is no ordinary invasion at all. We killed the immortal cultivator more than a dozen times, and every time he was reset and resurrected by the [Modern Building] world."

"This shows that he has been recognized by the will of the world and is regarded as a plot character in [Modern Building]."

"This is incredible."

The leading captain let out a long sigh. All they could do was to suppress the immortal cultivator occasionally so that the plot of [Modern Building] would not collapse too much, at least the protagonist would not have any problems.

As a result, the heroine Du Xiaoxian disappeared under their noses.

This could only be because the influence of the [Reincarnation Realm] has not ended yet.


"Wait a minute, it's simply not something we can do to completely solve this problem."

"We can only place our hopes on the big guys!"

"These gray spiritual worlds we are responsible for are pretty good!"

"The time-travelers are all time-travelers in their true form."

"[Soul Penetration] has appeared in those spiritual worlds above white."

"This kind of time traveler is more stealthy and more destructive."

"There are even suspicions within the alliance that the impact of the [Reincarnation Realm] on the spiritual world is far more than what we see."


It seems that the commotion is getting bigger and bigger, and it has even begun to affect the immortal cultivators in modern buildings.

All members of the suppression team could only go out again to "suppress" the cultivators and let them calm down.

But it can only be suppressed for a while, and then it has to be exposed to let it escape.


Otherwise, this person would rather die than surrender, and he would self-destruct.

Not only the cultivators, but also the dinosaurs.

This phenomenon can only prove that the purpose of [Reincarnation Realm] is really not simple.

At least in terms of holding back and causing trouble for humans.

[Reincarnation World] definitely did it.

(End of this chapter)

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