Demon Game: I Have a Dice of Fate.

Chapter 565 Well of the Moon

Chapter 565 Well of the Moon

"Hahaha, I finally found it!"

“It’s not in vain that we have worked so hard for thousands of years!”

"The legendary [Well of the Moon] in the Magic Empire really does exist."

In the Black Death Desert, somewhere in a huge ruins, a group of Rashomon explorers were crying with joy.


Not far from them, an ancient dry well existed alone.

It's just such an ordinary-looking, dry well.

But it was something that Rashomon had been thinking about for thousands of years.

Because this is the sacred object of the magic elves, [Well of the Moon].


Since ancient times, there have been countless stars in the starry sky.

But in the eyes of intelligent life, the most important or most magical things are undoubtedly the sun and the moon.

Almost all intelligent life worships the moon and the sun.

And gave these two existences too much "meaning".


For example, there are intelligent civilizations who regard the moon as pure water.

There are also intelligent civilizations who regard moonlight as a spiritual light that cleanses the soul.

What's more, the moonlight is regarded as the "Emperor's Liquid", and the wisdom of all things is opened by it.


Taiyin Star Lord, the goddess of the moon,...

Throughout the ages, the moon has had too many titles in different civilizations.

This phenomenon also applies to the sun.

It can be said that in front of the sun and moon, no star can take away its brilliance.


What is quite interesting is that it is different from other stars in their aloofness.

The sun and moon will respond to intelligent life quite enthusiastically, and they will accept the worship of any intelligent civilization impartially and selflessly.

They will even be very considerate and turn into the "sun and moon" in the cognition of this intelligent civilization.


For example, some intelligent civilizations believe that the moon waxes and wanes, so the moon will have cyclical changes.

In the eyes of some intelligent civilizations, the moon is eternal, so it will always be full and high.


Even as to whether there is life on the moon, different intelligent life forms have different perceptions.

The moon will still provide thoughtful satisfaction for this.

Golden toad, osmanthus tree, moon rabbit, fairy, moon pit...

This is where it comes from.


Throughout the ages, no one knows whether the sun and moon in the sky are eternal.

But one thing is very clear. All intelligent civilizations see the sun and the moon completely differently.

Even if everyone lives in the same period and in the same region.

But in the eyes of different intelligent beings, what they bathe in is never the same sun and moon.


In the knowledge of magic elves, the moon is the purest source of magic.

This is the purest energy in the world, which can wash away all impurities and dirt.


All living beings yearn for beauty and pursue perfection.

If there were only one race of magic elves in the world, these little dwarfs with only one meter in height would certainly not feel ugly.

But there are too many intelligent beings living at the same time as them, and even "human beings" who have always been known for their ordinary appearance are enough to beat them in height.

So the magic elves were "unwilling to give in".


"The Well of the Moon is indeed the Well of the Moon!"

"The Well of the Moon was built by the magic elves with all their efforts to collect sacred objects of the power of the moon."

"It is said that after every magical elf is born, he will enter the Well of the Moon to bathe."

"Only in this way can they be born with a connection with magic and possess more powerful magic talents."

"Even after becoming an extraordinary being, bathing in the Well of the Moon is a supreme blessing to the magic elves."

"Because they transformed into extraordinary beings prematurely, the heights and bodies of these dwarfs will not change at all."

"Only by constantly bathing in the Well of the Moon will their bodies gradually grow taller and become more perfect."

"Finally transformed into the perfect elf in the legend of the world."

Corkin lay excitedly at the mouth of the well and kept looking down.


If the person behind him hadn't grabbed him in time, he might have fallen directly into the ancient well.

There was nothing he could do. After his body was exposed to radiation, his appearance was reduced to the same level as that of a magic elf.

Only the legendary Well of the Moon can bring him back to the peak of his appearance.


"Kirgin, calm down, calm down!"

"The Well of the Moon is now dry!"

"It's useless even if you eat the dirt inside!"

"I have checked. Tens of thousands of years of corrosion have caused 99% of the Moon Well to be scrapped, with only a little bit of the base left."

"And even if we can repair the Moon Well, the moon now will not be the moon it was then."

"After all, the moon back then has been eaten by [Son of Heaven, Moon Bite]!"

"The moon that was eaten by that one will never appear again, not to mention that all the magic elves have been completely destroyed."

Marin, who is specifically responsible for the Moon Well Project, tried to calm everyone's excitement.

Finding the Moon Well is only the first step, they are still a few steps away from success.


"Hey, indeed!"

"Now the moon in the inner world is the moon of mankind!"

"Even if the Moon Well can be repaired, it will be of no use."

Under Marin's persuasion, Korgin finally pulled his head out of the well.


Unlike Marin, who is mainly responsible for manpower organization and material supply, Kolkin's main business is to study the magical elf ruins.

In order to find the Moon Well, he sacrificed too much and gambled his whole life.

It is normal to lose control when you are emotionally excited.

But after he calmed down, he immediately regained his professionalism as an expert.


"Marin, judging from the damage to the Moon Well."

"The 4th Celestial Dynasty was indeed the first to destroy the moon of the magic elves, which led to the genocide of the magic elves."

"Just the existence of a tiny flaw caused the destruction of an entire race. How difficult it is for intelligent life to exist in this world."


"According to my many years of research, the reason why magic elves have fewer lives compared to other races is determined by their evolutionary path."

"Bathing in the Well of the Moon allowed them to purify themselves, improve their magical talents, and even achieve transcendence for all."

"But it has an impact on their fertility, which is a price that must be borne!"

"If that's the case, this evolutionary path cannot be wrong."

"But in order to improve the bathing effect of the Moon Well, the magic elves worshiped the moon crazily, or [distorted] it, shaping the perfect [moon] in their hearts."

"This method works really well, resulting in the birth of a tall and handsome elf with a height of 185cm."

"But the more baths they take, the stronger the connection between the magical spirits and the moon becomes."

"And once something goes wrong with the moon and becomes contaminated, it's natural that the magic elves will be in bad luck!"

"The magic elves back then probably didn't expect anyone to be able to eat the moon in one bite."

"The old days were so cruel and crazy!"

Corkin began to draw conclusions about his research.

He felt that after the Moon Well Project was completed, he could write a "History of the Demise of the Magic Empire".


"Where is [Book of Four Symbols]?"

"As the foundation of magic civilization, magic elves worship the moon. Does [Book of Four Symbols] not mind?"

Another researcher on the exploration team expressed his own different opinions.

Being able to find the Well of the Moon is not just the result of you, Kirkin, alone.


"[Four Symbols Book] Why should you mind?"

"It is the source of magic, and the growth of magic elves will only benefit it."

"What's more, the magic elves regard the moon as the "purest source of magic power", which is almost equivalent to letting the "Book of Four Symbols" get involved in corroding the moon."

"No intelligent race will put the safety of their own race in the same basket."

"In my opinion, the magic elves shaped the moon as [the purest source of magic], probably because they wanted to create a source of magic independent of the [Book of Four Symbols]."

"But in the eyes of [Book of Four Symbols], this is the magic elves helping it expand its field of power."

"For [sacrificial vessels] like the [Book of Four Symbols], don't think of them as incredible. After all, they are just machines, not real intelligent life."

Corkin unceremoniously defended his authority. He was an expert in the study of magical elves.


After Corkin's well-founded argument, everyone present was "convinced."

There is nothing he can do if he refuses to accept it. After all, the Well of the Moon was really found by Kolkin.

And according to the rules of Rashomon, Korkin, who is about to obtain a heavenly amount of merit points, is the truth.


"Kirgin, can the current Moon Well meet the next plan?"

"The moon now is indeed not the moon of yesteryear, but the power of the moon of yesteryear still exists in those dried corpses."

"It is for this reason that the life elements within the dried corpses can persist for tens of thousands of years."

"We can completely extract the life elements directly from the dried corpse with the help of the Moon Well."

"This is more convenient than using living organisms to transfer the original pollution first and then extract it."

Marin consulted the expert Kolkin for his opinion. This was their purpose of searching for the Well of the Moon.


"This is a great step in the evolution from handicraft workshops to industrial production!"

"As long as we have a large amount of life elements, our Wonderful Gate will definitely succeed!"

"By then, we will surely be the first batch of humans to enter the portal and complete their transformation!"

"Kirgin, you can become a perfect human being!"

Without hesitation, Marin described the bright prospects for the future to Corkin.Sure enough, when he heard that he could become perfect, Kolkin immediately became energetic.


"No problem, even if there is a little trouble, it can be debugged and overcome!"

"I can complete the overall engineering design in half a year at most!"

"At that time, all the mummies in the entire Black Death Desert will be turned into our endless wealth."

"As for the original pollution power, as long as we can succeed, we can just run away!"

"The gathering power of the original pollution in the entire Black Death Desert will definitely cause an extremely terrifying disaster."

"Anyway, we are in troubled times now, so let's let the top ten super spell academies put out the fire."

Corkin patted his chest and made a promise.


Perhaps because he saw a bright future and success was imminent, he seemed elated.

But Chen Qi, who had been quietly watching the performance of these guys, almost exploded with anger.

Good guy, you dare to let our top ten super spell schools come to resist the thunder.

This Viscount’s trip to the Black Death Desert really came to the right place.


After getting the results calculated by the Destiny Game Machine, Chen Qi quickly arrived at the circled area out of curiosity.

Even though Kolkin and others were under the earth, they were still instantly sensed by Chen Qi.

This is Chen Qi's current strength.


After discovering the existence of living people, Chen Qi wavered the time and space mirror a little, and everything in the underground ruins appeared in front of him.

It even includes conversations between Corkin and others.

For Chen Qi now, no matter whether it is life, energy, or information, as long as they are in the same space, they cannot escape his capture.


In fact, Korkin and his team are quite powerful, with two of them in Silver alone.

But not to mention that there is a huge strength gap between those two guys and Chen Qi.

What's even more interesting is that their perception seems to be severely weakened by those who often hang out in the Black Death Desert, and are even worse than ordinary top controllers.


This must be caused by the pollution radiation in the Black Death Desert. Considering that the power of the original sky itself has a mind-depressing effect, this situation is very normal.

Chen Qi couldn't help but suspect that even if he appeared in the ruins now, they might not be able to sense it.


Chen Qi naturally listened to every word of the conversation between Corkin and the others.

Then Chen Qi knew what this ruins was.

Unexpectedly, the legendary sacred object of the magic elves, the Well of the Moon, actually existed.

Chen Qi was also a little excited when he first heard that it was the Well of the Moon.

But after some testing, he found that the Moon Well was no different from rags.


I never expected that even if it was a pile of junk, Rashomon and the guys could make a "big splash".

Once the original power of heaven loses its attachment, there will be a convergence effect.

Chen Qi knows this better than anyone else.

If it were true, Korkin and the others could use the Well of the Moon to drain all the mummies.

Then the original power of the entire Black Death Desert will be gathered together. This will definitely be a disaster no less than the previous Gurman Shipwreck.


Now that Chen Qi has seen it, of course he can't let it go.

So he casually grabbed it into the time and space mirror, and in the next moment, a giant hand appeared in the underground ruins and directly snatched the Moon Well away from its roots.

"Who? Who is it?"

"In the Black Death Desert, there are still people who dare to rob our Rashomon's things?"

The moment the giant hand appeared out of thin air, Marin sensed it.


But his reaction was still a little late, and he could only watch the Moon Well disappear into thin air.

Hey, no, why is Koljin gone?
Bastard, who is it?
Not only did he steal treasures, he also dared to steal people!

It's a pity that Marin's thoughts can only work up to this moment.

The next moment, the ruins suddenly collapsed.

No, it wasn't a collapse, but a terrifying force acting on the ruins.

The entire ruins were directly leveled!


Marin didn't even wait to react before his whole body was directly pressed into the soil.

If it was just like this, with Marin's silver-level combat power, how could he be suffocated to death by dirt.

But what scares Marin is that the earth's magnetic field, or the material field of the surrounding world, is frantically assimilating them.


It's a pity that Marin, a silver-level alchemist master, was directly transformed into a stone statue.

At the last moment of his life, Marin screamed in despair.

Where did this colleague come from to be so cruel to his own people?


If they are not proficient in the alchemy of matter and life, how can they be so targeted and leave them without the slightest resistance?

Which alchemy school is it that has targeted their Rashomon so early?

It's a pity that Marin will never know the answer.

And Korgin, who knew the answer, almost fell to his knees in fear.


A huge handprint suddenly appeared in the black sand dunes.

The handprint is extremely long, covering hundreds of square kilometers in the palm of your hand alone.

The entire palm print appeared suddenly, but it was extremely clearly imprinted on the Black Death Desert.


The reason for this is that the entire palm print directly turned the sand dune into a small basin up to a hundred meters deep.

Not only that, the entire palm print turned everything it touched into black rocks.

The rock exudes endless light in the sun, as if it were black glass.


In the sky above the palm print, a 500-meter-high energy body slowly dissipated.

This was clearly Chen Qi's apostolic weapon, and it wiped out the entire ruins with one strike.

In the spaceship, Korgin looked at the giant black palm print below, and his face turned green with fear.

After all, he was born in Rashomon, so of course he saw the secret of this attack.


This is not pure brute force, but contains terrifying control over the material field.

The black colored glaze below is not transformed from sand through high temperature and high pressure.

Instead, it changes directly at the atomic level and turns into a new substance.

Just looking at the helpless struggle of Marin and others in the black glass, you can tell how terrifying these substances are.

They actually solidified two silver masters and hundreds of controller-level humans into amber.


I really didn't expect that they in Rashomon were searching for mummies every day, but today they were mummified by others.

What a shame!

But Kolkin didn't want to end up in the same fate at all, so he just accepted it.

Since the terrifying big man in front of him didn't kill him immediately, it must be because he still has value.


"Tell me about your research results!"

"Especially about the 4th Celestial Dynasty and that [Son of Heaven, Moon Bite]!"

"If you can satisfy me, I'll give you a chance to live!"

While Chen Qi rubbed the space-time mirror in his hand, he glanced lazily at Korkin.

The Well of the Moon was directly thrown into the small world by Chen Qi. Unexpectedly, it caused Jin Laihua to become restless, and Chen Qi had to comfort him.

As for Corkin being able to survive for a while, of course it was because something he knew aroused Chen Qi's interest.


Half an hour later, Kolkin, who took the initiative to confess everything and had all his memories copied by the Destiny Game Machine, appeared in the giant handprint with a confused look on his face.

The big shot really kept his word and didn't kill him.

But why am I put here?

An hour later, Korkin slumped down on the black glass with a look of despair.

He finally understood the other party's intention.


No matter how hard Korgin tried, he could not get rid of the black palm prints.

The palm lines in the palm prints were like some mysterious magic circle, trapping him firmly in the palm of his hand.

No matter which method Colkin uses, he will always come back to where he came from.


Not only that, when Keljin attacked the black glass, trying to break those palm prints.

He was horrified to find that he could not cause any harm to those black colored glasses.

Not only that, the black glass can also reflect his attacks.

You can imagine how desperate Korgin must be feeling after being beaten to the point of vomiting blood by his own attack.


If it were just that, Korgin would just be in jail.

But as time went by, Koljin found that he was being assimilated by the black glass.

What will happen to him? Marin and others who are solidified in black glass are his best examples.


Colkin, shrouded in endless despair, suddenly recalled how similar the scene before him was.

Those mortals who were treated as experimental subjects by him must have been so desperate and helpless at that time!

But at that time, I just thought it was interesting.

It is a lifelong honor for these humble mortals to contribute to a great experiment.

This is the greatest value of their lives.


In endless despair, Korgin wanted to beg for mercy and begged the other party to give him another chance to repent.

But he knew this was impossible.

Because the one in the sky has long since left, perhaps the City of Ten Thousand Caves should also be in despair at this moment!

Thinking of this, Kelkin suddenly felt much better.

(End of this chapter)

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