Demon Game: I Have a Dice of Fate.

Chapter 117 Chip Loading

Chapter 117 Chip Loading
April 17649, 4 AD, was a very ordinary day.

For Binks, though, it was a day of rebirth.

Just at 9:[-] this morning, he could finally leave this demon kingdom.


The steamship turned, and a huge cruise ship left the port city of Margitta.

"Hahaha, I'm finally free."

"I, Binks, swear that I will never set foot in this country again in my life."

"Damn bastards, wait for me, I'm back."

Binks, who took off his helmet, was in high spirits, and the sea breeze was full of his arrogance and pride.

On the pier, March kept waving to see the boss off.

His heart was also very excited.

He is finally in charge of the branch office, and maybe the next time he meets Binks, it's time for Binks to flatter him.

Think about it and look forward to it.

"Boss, do you just let that guy leave?"

"The bastard looks so smug."

Also on the pier, Lei Telie carefully accompanied his big boss, watching Binks' cruise ship disappear from sight.

According to his idea, Binks would be arrested directly, and everything would be recruited after a few more beatings.

"I also want to solve the trouble as soon as possible. Unfortunately, our opponent was too cautious and didn't come to see Binks off."

Chen Qi glanced at the compass in his hand, and except himself, there were ordinary people within a 3-kilometer radius.

If an apprentice enters this range, it is impossible for him not to notice it.

Unless the other party's identity is a scholar.

But then there is no way, scholars are mixed with ordinary people, he can't tell the difference at all.

In fact, Chen Qi was not too disappointed, he came here to try his luck.

As long as the people behind the scenes are not idiots, they will definitely not see Binks off.

It can only be said that Binks is lucky, if his friend from the other world really shows up here, he will be caught in the pot.

Then he wouldn't even think about leaving today.

"Did Binks reveal the source of the yellow talisman?"

"No tricks on March's side?"

After all, it was the first time to "handle a case", and it was impossible for Chen Qi to stay behind the scenes and direct.

As a qualified leader, you should show up when you should show up.

After all, the CIA of the Kingdom is also busy this time, so they have to come to inspect and express their condolences.

"Boss, there is absolutely no problem with March."

"As for the yellow talisman paper, no matter before or after, it will be sent to Cormier by express."

"We checked the courier and found nothing at all."

As a good brother, Lei Telie still dared to pat Ma Qi's chest.

Chen Qi nodded after listening to the answer, it's normal if he can't find out.

It would be hilarious if the opponent was so stupid as to be inferior to a gangster selling contraband.

"I'll be back in three days."

"Before that, everything will remain as it is, and the Cormier company will be handed over to March!"

The next round of courier delivery will arrive in three days, and Chen Qi wants to sit here for a few more days to show his presence and show off his hard work in handling the case.

But Xiaohong didn't live up to it, and was still waiting for him to go back to give first aid.

These days, I don't know whether Chen Qi overestimated his skills, or Xiaohong is at a low point of luck.

The fusion of the bloody chip went through many twists and turns, and failed several times.

If it weren't for the miracle doctor Chen Qi being alive, King Kestrel would have bravely left this world.

Even so, the Kestrel King, who had gone through more than a dozen rounds of rescue, still twitched from time to time.

It's too disappointing!
"Boss, don't worry, everything here is under our control."

"We will notify you as soon as the yellow talisman arrives, and we will never act rashly."

Lei Telie patted his chest hard, showing his loyalty and ability to the boss.

In recent days, he has been more energetic than Binks at this time.

Sure enough, choice outweighed hard work. The reason why their Hummingbird team was in trouble before was because they didn't meet the boss.

Chen Qi is quite satisfied with Lei Telie's performance, it seems that he can arrange more work for the Hummingbird team in the future.

I believe they will be grateful.

After turning the short needle of the compass again to confirm that there was still no abnormality, Chen Qi left Majita Port City by car.

When leaving, Chen Qi conveniently brought some local products to Xiaohong.

He bought ten boxes of Changshengsu that cost 300 million yuan per injection.

This is basically all of Cormier's inventory. After a few days, everything is over, and these are estimated to be out of print.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Fadil mining area, inside the metal castle.

A little red bird fluttered its wings on the ground with difficulty. It made such a desire to fly to the sky, but the wings were not like the original ones, and they did not listen to its commands at all.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

The Kestrel King cursed angrily. It stared viciously at the black pattern emerging from its feathers. It looked extremely ugly no matter how you looked at it.

"Master Kestrel King, it's time for you to take your medicine!"

Tarenno approached the kestrel tremblingly, trembling like a patient suffering from epilepsy.

No wonder he is so unbearable, he was ignorant and fearless before.

But now that he knew the horror of the kestrel, he was of course afraid that his eyes would suddenly disappear.

During Chen Qi's absence, he was the one who was in charge of serving King Kestrel.


Tarenno took out a ration pill and carefully placed it in front of King Kestrel.

In the next moment, there was an explosion in the air, and Bingliang Wan disappeared.

In recent days, King Kestrel has been relying on Bingliangwan to survive.

Otherwise, it would simply not be able to withstand the enormous consumption of cells in the body.

"Not bad, not bad, your complexion is much better than before I left."

"Xiao Hong, it seems that you are indeed a lucky bird!"

"Come on, get an injection first!"

Chen Qi, who just came back, happened to witness King Kestrel eating.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

As soon as he saw his master coming back, the Kestrel King with full loyalty flew towards him.

If it wasn't for the surrounding air being blown apart by it, it would really look like a little duck.

"Okay, okay, it's not in vain to cultivate you with all my heart!"

Chen Qi unceremoniously launched a new round of inspections on the Kestrel King. The three spells in the pupil of his right eye kept spinning, emitting a strange silver light.

This is the [Spiritual Eye Technique] inherited by the Earth Master. After having the spiritual energy provided by the source mine, Chen Qi only took three days to complete it completely.

The ordeal he has endured in the past few days is no less than that of the Kestrel King.

The right eye alone has been blinded hundreds of times. It's not as simple as not being able to see, sometimes it hurts.

Fortunately, after the skill was promoted to LV3, Chen Qi's flesh and blood derivation and organ regeneration abilities became stronger.

If it wasn't for his rationality, Chen Qi felt that he could challenge the restricted area of ​​his brain.

Spiritual purpose cultivation was originally a gradual and slow process, but he forced it to speed up a thousand times, how could it be possible without paying a price.

This is because the cultivation method of Spiritual Eye Art has been recorded in great detail, which can be called a fool's operation.

But out of caution, Chen Qi only cultivated his right eye.

Who knows if this spiritual vision technique has been tampered with?

It turned out that it was Chen Qi's villain's heart, and this thing was actually genuine.

There are two main effects of the spiritual eye technique. When the three mantras are rotated to the left, the practitioner can see the material field between the heaven and the earth.

This range only depends on the horizon of human beings, and at worst, they can see the surrounding 500 meters clearly.

And when the three mantras rotate to the right, practitioners can discover the magnetic field of life around them.

This range, again, depends only on the human horizon.

Generally speaking, in order to reduce the difficulty of cultivation, ordinary earth masters would choose to use their eyes to undertake these two effects respectively.

That is to say, the spiritual eye cultivated in the left eye is specialized in the material field, and the spiritual eye cultivated in the right eye is dedicated to the life magnetic field.

In this way, the construction of incantations can be greatly reduced, and the one with general effect can be selected.

Chen Qi naturally would not choose such a mediocre way, which is why he failed so many times.

But he can afford to fail.

Chen Qi also had to lament that sometimes it is good to have game skills.

At least the vast majority of geologists, at the stage of a transcendent, can't do as much as he does.

"It's not too bad, it's not getting worse."

"Scared me, I thought that the good complexion just now was a flashback."

The silver light in Chen Qi's right eye dissipated. After some inspections, Tarenno took good care of him, so he ordered him to leave.

Tarenno seemed to be pardoned and ran fast.

It's no wonder that Chen Qi cares so much about the Kestrel King, it's because its true condition is far from being as good as it appears.

"Well, my idea is indeed fine!"

"By affecting the magnetic field of life, it can indeed stimulate the cells of the Kestrel King to change."

"So it is theoretically feasible to strengthen the Kestrel King's body by adjusting the life magnetic field."

"But if you want to be precise and subtle at all times, you can only rely on the power of the chip."

"If the chip can be loaded in humans, it must also be loaded in birds."

Chen Qi recalled his experimental design while taking out the longevity hormone.

The idea is indeed no problem, but the difficulty in the middle is a bit big.

"The essence of the chip is extraordinary metal, which is more easily affected by spirituality than the material field of ordinary metal."

"If the experimenter is a human being, he will naturally be able to forcibly distort the material field of the extraordinary metal by virtue of his powerful spirituality, and complete the link with his own life magnetic field."

"But I want to load the chip into the Kestrel King, which is very difficult, after all, its spirituality is much lower than that of humans."

"Especially because its brain capacity is limited, and it doesn't know how to mobilize its spirituality at all."

"I believe that even humans, not everyone can load chips. And they must have learned how to mobilize their own spirituality before conducting experiments."

If Fleet was here, he would definitely fall in love with Chen Qi's admiration.

Thousands of them participated in the experiment back then, and after many tests and selections, the 10 most spiritually powerful people were finally selected.

Then they conducted a year-long training in willpower and meditation, and naturally they did not miss out on the study of ancient characters.

It can be said that although they have not yet completed spiritual awakening, they have already been able to skillfully manipulate part of their own spirituality.

But even so, only three of them successfully distorted the material field of the chip with their own spirituality, and completed the assimilation and link with their own life magnetic field.

That's because there are various special equipment for assistance, which reduces the difficulty.

But now that Chen Qi is planning to load the bird with a chip, he is simply joking, and the difficulty has been increased by more than a thousand times.

"Of course I know microchipping birds is difficult, but it's interesting."

"Indeed, it is very difficult for birds to actively use spirituality, so it is better to change the way of thinking and let them passively assimilate."

"I used the resentment weaving technique to forcibly bind and sew together the material field of the extraordinary metal and the life magnetic field of the Kestrel King."

"Xiaohong is a butcher among birds. He has too many grievances, so he just took advantage of it."

"Two different fields are bound together forcibly, and there is bound to be constant conflict."

"To be fair, the power generated by the field collision will act on both sides equally."

"But one side is extraordinary metal, and the other side is flesh and blood cells. As the conflict continues, the cells must be the first to be unable to withstand the reaction force, and then die."

"But the survival instinct of creatures will instinctively use their own spirituality to join this conflict."

"In the beginning, a large number of cells were naturally killed or injured. But as time goes by, there will eventually be lucky ones among the hundreds of millions of cells, with the assistance of spirituality, to complete the assimilation of the extraordinary metal field."

"Although it may assimilate only one atom, this is the dawn of victory."

"After having a successful experience, life will instinctively copy it under the threat of life and death."

"So as time goes by, as long as the Kestrel King is not dead, it will definitely be able to complete the assimilation of the chip's matter field."

"However, during this process, a large number of cells died not only endangering the life of the Kestrel King, but also causing a huge consumption of biological energy."

"Fortunately, I have rejuvenated with my wonderful hand, and brought Kestrel King back from the death line countless times. As for consumption, just eat more military food pills to supplement it."

"Originally, if I could keep doing this, I would definitely achieve success in the experiment."

"But I neglected that cells are flesh and blood after all, and they will get tired and tired."

"The conflict that broke out between the magnetic fields is equivalent to making it suffer attacks all the time."

"Even if life is very resilient, if you keep fighting, this string will eventually break."

"The Kestrel King's assimilation speed is still too slow. According to my calculations, unless my technology is improved by 10 times, it is impossible for it to complete the assimilation before reaching the cell limit."

"So don't look at Xiaohong's condition is pretty good now, but as long as I don't give up loading the chip, it will definitely die."

"And my current technical strength is simply impossible to advance by leaps and bounds in a short period of time."

This was the most distressing difficulty for Chen Qi before. For a moment, he almost planned to give up the chip fusion plan, after all, Xiaohong is quite cute.

But eventually he came up with a solution.

"Fortunately, there is no such thing as a bird in the sky, thanks to Cormier."

"The longevity hormone they invented is really Xiaohong's savior."

Chen Qi injected an injection of longevity hormone, and the cells of Kestrel King, which had already reached the limit of fatigue, suddenly became full of vitality.

Especially the cell membrane, which is in direct contact with active metals, will rupture once it reaches the fatigue limit, directly leading to cell death.

But now, it's literally glowing.

Since the two sides were already on the verge of a stalemate, now one side's morale was boosted suddenly, and it was revived with full blood.The situation is naturally reversed.

Kestrel King's degree of assimilation to chips broke the critical line in one fell swoop and won a decisive victory.

According to Chen Qi's calculations, for the next 10 hours, he only needs to inject the Kestrel King with a burst of eukaryotic every two hours.

Then 10 hours later, a Kestrel King fused with the chip was born.

Of course, this is just hardware loading done.

Even the chip that Xiaohong is loading is copied by Chen Qi using the ability of the source mine.

Extraordinary metal is essentially a kind of active metal, and Chen Qi really has no shortage of raw materials now.

The reason for merging the replicas is because the bloody chip is also mixed with resentment and other messy things.

Just fusing extraordinary metals is already so laborious, Chen Qi is not so arrogant that he can do it in one step.

After the hardware is integrated, software loading is Chen Qi's strong point.

So in Chen Qi's anticipation, 10 hours passed by in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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