Chapter 699
Bailu saw her expression even more, and then gave the maid a look.

The maid immediately took Shi Xiao away.

After returning to the gods, Jibu first said subconsciously to stop it, but was fixed in place by Bai Lugeng's words: "My sincerity has been expressed, and you should know what to do next."

There was a hint of warning in the calm words.

Atobe Chuyan could only force himself to look away and not look at Shi Xiao's figure.

After a long time, the tight red lips parted slightly: "I will complete the task as soon as possible."


When twilight fell again, Atobe Chuyan left Baituo's house without saying a word.

She went to Tokyo, intending to find Kei Atobe and his daughter.

But when they actually appeared at Atobe's house, everyone had already fallen asleep.

In addition to not sleeping very soundly, Xiaotuanzi suddenly felt a familiar aura approaching.

In the pitch-black bedroom, the little guy opened his watery eyes, and met the eyes of Kami Atobu Chuyan looking at her with incomparable precision.


Ma Ma!

Only then did she happily utter a soft word, and Atobe Chuyan reached out and gently covered her small mouth: "Shh, don't disturb your father."

Xiaotuanzi blinked and blinked, not knowing whether he understood or not, anyway, he calmed down obediently.

Atobe Chuyan squeezed her small face, then slightly raised his head to look at Atobe Keigo who was still sleeping soundly.

It was a rare meeting, but she didn't wake up Keigo Atobe, she just left the bedroom quietly with Xiaotuanzi.

In the garden, everything is silent, there is no moon or star in the sky.

Atobe Chuyan casually sat down on the grass under a certain tree, feeling the cool breeze coming from time to time, and unconsciously tightened the quilt that wrapped Xiaotuanzi's body.


Xiaotuanzi didn't move, just stared blankly at his dainty profile, and the corners of his mouth slowly dripped.

so delicious...

Atobe Hatsune emptied his mind, and didn't notice this for a while.

After slowly returning to his senses, he looked down at Xiaotuanzi's cute little face, and his heart softened suddenly.

The irritability of not giving her a chance to breathe, which was tightly wound, seemed to be slightly less.

She took out the tissue she carried with her and gently wiped the saliva from the corner of Xiaotuanzi's mouth.

Following the pale fingertips on that smooth little face, she was full of love.

Suddenly, she moved her mouth and said in a low voice, "Tuanzi, if mom is gone in the future, you must stay with dad well."

If possible, she would also like to accompany Keigo Atobe until she grows old, and watch Tuanzi grow up and get married with her own eyes.

But in the current situation, all this seems to be just a luxury.


Xiaotuanzi couldn't understand what his Mama was saying, but when he saw the sudden change in her eyes, he still reacted.

As if feeling the uneasiness and sadness of Atobe Chuyan, she shook her head subconsciously, and lightly rubbed Atobe Chuyan's fingertips, with an obvious sense of comfort.


Atobe Chuyan was so cute by her small appearance, the corners of her mouth that had been tensed all the time still leaked a trace of a smile.

her baby.

In the later time, Atobe Chuyan just hugged Xiaotuanzi like that, and would talk to her from time to time, even though she couldn't understand at all now.

Soon, the dark night was pierced by the light of the morning sun.

Atobe Chuyan finally returned to the bedroom with Xiaotuanzi in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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