Wang Wang's face-slapping routine

Chapter 683 I Really Came For You

Chapter 683 I Really Came For You

Zhui Shengling's speech was not fast, and his expression was calm, as if he was not the one who experienced all that just now.

"He saw the gun in my hand and the blood on the ground, and he decided that I was the murderer without waiting for me to speak."

Atobe Chuyan listened quietly, and finally couldn't help shaking his head, sighing: "Tsk, it seems that it is really aimed at you."

How much hatred is needed to do this on such an important occasion, even at the expense of a pureblood.

Thinking about it again, it's a good thing she took Zhui Shengling away, otherwise, with his character and being in such a disadvantageous situation, apart from being able to say that he didn't do it, there is no other evidence to prove that he is Innocent.

After a pause, she tilted her head to look at him: "Who do you think is targeting you?"

Zhui Shengling has already thought about this problem, but until now he has no clue: "The only ones who have enmity with me are the Feiying family who still think that I killed Fei Yingxian. I don't know any other families except Jiulanshu. know."

But the problem is that no one from Fei Ying's family attended the banquet.

For more than a year, although Cone Shengling has started to take over the affairs of the Hunter Association with the help of Yejia Shiya, and has also hunted and killed many vampires during missions, but he has never been with the blood clan, those few families People in big families have had feuds.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be targeted like this.

Atobu Chuyan had heard about the death of Fei Yingxian, and he also knew that Ji Shengling was still identified as the murderer until now.

With this as a foreshadowing, it would be difficult for others to believe what that man said.

After a moment of silence, Atobe Chuyan suddenly asked again: "Where is Bailu Geng? Have you never met her before?"

I don't know why, but Egret has been with me since before the accident, and never left my sight for a second during the whole process, but I still have an inexplicable feeling that this matter may be inseparable from her relation.

But this is just her feeling, and there is no evidence to prove it.

Zhui Shengling shook his head, and only when facing Atobe Chuyan, he would be so easy to talk: "I haven't seen it either."

Although I don't quite understand why Atobe Chuyan singled out Bailu Geng, but I still answered very seriously.

Just like what he had just thought, he felt that there was no reason why Bailu would pour such blood against him for no reason.

Unless...she knew that he wanted to protect Atobe Chuyan, and then thought he would help Jiu Lanshu and the others deal with her, so she decided to act first.

But the possibility of this is not great in his opinion, after all, he only made up his mind when Atobe Chuyan passed out.

In such a short period of time, she couldn't have planned everything so quickly.

Besides, the owner of the Huangli family is a pure-blooded species, so he can't be killed easily.

As a result, the two's thoughts were blocked, Atobe Chuyan thought over and over again, and finally decided not to think about it because there were so few clues.

"Forget it, we don't have any evidence now, and it's useless to think about it. Why don't you go back to Jiulan's mansion with me first, and wait for Shu and the others to come back, maybe he will know something inside."

With Jiu Lanshu's strength, he must be able to know something that they don't know.

Maybe even whoever is behind the scenes can know.

Go back to Jiulan's house?

No matter how much time passed, it was impossible for Zhuo Shengling to forget what Jiu Lanshu had done. When he heard this proposal, he instinctively wanted to reject it.

(End of this chapter)

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