Wang Wang's face-slapping routine

Chapter 216 Yan Yan Comes, You Are Too

Chapter 216 Yan Yan Comes, You Are Too
The emperor issued an order, and even if there were complaints, several people had to obey.

The entrance of Yuezhiliao was still as lively as ever.

"Idol senior!"

"Senior of the Academy!"


"Please, don't crowd here!"

The black lord You Ji, who was a disciplinary committee member, shuttled through the crowd, ran to the front quickly, and looked at everyone seriously.

"Okay, okay, step back, the students in the daytime department have already had access control time, go back to your dormitory."

These words caused dissatisfaction among many girls.

"You say that, you want to monopolize the students in the night department, classmate Heizhu."

"Even if you are the chairman's daughter, this is too cunning!"

"..." The black lord You Ji choked for a moment, and to prove her innocence, she quickly pulled off the armband on her left arm that only guardians would wear, "That's not the case, I'm a disciplinary committee member..."

Before she finished speaking, those girls who couldn't wait to rush in to see everyone in the night department ignored her and moved forward together.

"Senior Lantang, come out!"

Black Lord Yuki: "..."

Helplessness arose in her heart, but she still resigned to her fate and pushed those girls back: "No!"

Just then, the sound of the door opening came from behind.

"Again... I didn't have time." She turned her head stiffly, and muttered angrily.

Turning the head again, the girls who were very disobedient a second ago were divided into two rows in an instant, and each stood neatly on one side.

Black Lord Yuki: "..."

Look at them, look behind you...


She moved aside embarrassingly.

Everyone in the bright night department came out slowly.

Lan Tangying, who was no longer angry before, held a book in her hand, and greeted everyone enthusiastically and proactively: "Morning, girls, I heard your calls, and I am very energetic today, so cute!"

Seeing this, the black lord You Ji was speechless.

And beside her, a girl was so excited that she almost called her by the wrong name: "Idol...Senior Lantang."

As if hearing her voice, Lan Tangying raised her other arm and waved with a smile: "Hi~"

Seeing him like this, Jia Yuanxiao, who was one step behind, had a magnetic voice with a touch of helplessness: "Ying..."

"It's okay, Xiao, you are too rigid." Lan Tangying replied nonchalantly.

The next second, I heard a loud call from the crowd: "Idol senior!"

"Senior of the Academy."

Hearing the sound, Lan Tangying turned her head away, looked directly at him for two seconds, then lightly closed her right eye and fired at the opponent, making a gun-like right hand, as if to hit the opponent's heart: "Dear."

This move successfully made the girls boil.

"I want to kiss too!"

Black Lord Yuki: "..."

Speechless, the black lord You Ji was caught off guard by the people behind her and knocked down to the ground.

Before he could react, there was a gentle voice beside him: "You Ji, are you okay?"

Jiu Lanshu, whose expression became much gentler, bent down, half-kneeled and stretched out his bony left hand, which fell on her shoulder.

The moment she leaned over, the black lord You Ji was slightly stunned, as if she had returned to her memory, the cold winter night when she first saw Jiu Lanshu.

"Shu...Senior." She called out in a daze.

Jiu Lanshu, who was looking at her, saw that she was fine, and slowly withdrew her hand: "It's been so hard for you."

Yanyan is here, and you are also...

Heizhu Yuji scratched her head in embarrassment when she heard it: "Where..."

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly felt a chill down my back.

(End of this chapter)

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