Wang Wang's face-slapping routine

Chapter 147 Specially Practiced For You

Chapter 147 Specially Practiced For You
For some reason, he always felt that Keigo Atobe's words had a hint of showing off.

"Then do you believe it?"

It's a simple question to ask, and the possible answers...

"I was still skeptical at first, but judging from your reaction..."

Having said that, Keigo Atobe didn't continue talking, lowered his eyelashes, and stared at the glass coffee table in front of him.

He believed three points.

In fact, it is not enough to explain what the mysterious pastry chef said at first.

After all, there is also the possibility that she is for Ninja Yuuji, or someone else.

But after hearing what his mother said, he was willing to believe that Atobe Chuyan came to see him.

It's just that he doesn't understand why she hasn't shown her face once in the past four years.

Shinobu Yushi knew that Keigo Atobe's insight had always been very keen, but he was still a little annoyed at being seen through like this.

Sighing in his heart, he said slowly: "Sister Yan asked me to keep her a secret, but you've confirmed it now, so it's not my leak."

"You should have eaten a lot of Yanmei's food recently, right? Do you think everything is just right for you?"

Atobe Keigo looked up at him abruptly, seeing him like this, he knew the answer.

Without giving him a chance to answer, he continued, "That's all Yanmei practiced for you bit by bit."

"Using the identity of the pastry chef and some information I provided, she knew your taste, and then slowly adjusted the taste of all the food."

"It took her a whole year until the food was completely to your taste."

A year is neither long nor short, but every day is filled with Yanmei's love for Atobe Keigo.

Atobe Keigo was stunned for a moment, as if he was shocked, but at the same time he seemed a little overwhelmed: "Then why didn't she come to see me directly?"

Why... do this in a sneaky way?

Mentioning this, Yushi Ninzu's expression suddenly changed.

It's like changing from a gentle gentleman to a fierce and dangerous wolf.

He lowered his head, took off the non-prescribing glasses on the bridge of his nose, and played with them in his hands. The corners of his mouth were full of sarcasm: "Do you think she doesn't want to?"

He who looked like this fell into the eyes of Atobe Keigo, which made his heart suddenly thump, and an ominous premonition arose spontaneously.

"Before she became a pastry chef, she asked to meet you as my friend."

"I agreed. In order to avoid you losing face, I specially called everyone together, but unfortunately, we were surrounded by hooligans that day."

"After finishing the solution, I rushed to the milk tea shop. You guys were still talking about it. It just so happened that your sentence 'hate all bad boys and bad girls' happened to be heard by her sitting at the next table."

Shinobu Yushi slowly narrated all the things at the beginning, and suddenly raised his head to look at Keigo Atobe with sharp eyes: "Perhaps in your opinion, this sentence is normal, but it is the most fatal blow to Yanmei. "

"Sister Yan is a bad girl. When she lost control of her emotions, she almost killed someone."

"But there's a reason for it, and if you want to know, look it up yourself."

"In the hospital a few days ago, you already knew that Yanmei had been seeing a psychiatrist a long time ago. You should know that she looks strong, but she is actually more fragile psychologically than ordinary people."

(End of this chapter)

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