Chapter 117
Atobe Keigo thought that Atobe Chuyan would be like the first day of school again, he would not go home in anger, and ran to Ninzu's house to live.

I was having a headache and didn't know how to deal with Mrs. Atobe. I didn't expect that when she came home in the evening, she would stay at home well.

It's just that as soon as he saw him, his face turned cold, making people daunting.

In the next few days, Atobe Chuyan completely ignored him. Not only did he not say a word to him, he didn't even give him any extra glances.

Mrs. Atobe clearly sensed something was wrong between the two of them, but uncharacteristically, she did not intervene in their affairs as before.

This made Keigo Atobe, who was already a bit uncomfortable in his heart, have an inexplicable illusion of being abandoned and fighting alone.

At school, everyone was used to the fact that they were a couple, and they didn't pay as much attention to them as before.

Therefore, except for a few people who noticed the weird atmosphere between the two of them, no one paid much attention to it.

As one of them, Ninja Yuuji was naturally worried about Atobe Hatsune.

It's a pity that he asked, but Atobe Chuyan refused to say a word.

The person involved refused to cooperate, and he could not intervene casually, so he could only silently stand aside and worry.

The weekend is coming soon.

On Friday afternoon, Atobe Hatsune set off for Hokkaido as usual.

In the past few days of the unilateral cold war with Atobe Keigo, she slept a little better and returned to the previous situation again.

She didn't sleep well for several nights in a row, so when Gao Muxiang saw her the next day, the blue under her eyes couldn't even be covered by concealer.

The mental state of the whole person is obviously much worse than last week.

"Have you encountered trouble recently?" Gao Muxiang frowned, looking at Atobe Hatsune who rubbed his forehead with his hands from time to time.

"That's right." Atobe Chuyan's voice was very weak, and those glazed eyes were not as bright as before, and looked a little dim.

In fact, it's not a troublesome thing, it's just that she is unilaterally masturbating herself.

She already knew that Keigo Atobe hated her and wanted a divorce, but she didn't even have the courage to face it.

The only way to rely on this is to stay at Atobe's house and stay by his side.

If it continues like this, she really doesn't know how long she can hold on.

Those ambitions that were prepared in the heart in advance, all turned into clouds when they came to Keigo Atobe.

"Would you like to talk about it?"

It's probably an emotional thing to annoy her like this.

As soon as Takagi Shou showed the posture of a listener, he poured a cup of warm water for Atobe Hatsune and handed it over.

Atobe Hatsune paused his hand, and looked up at him.

After a few seconds of silence, he reached out to take the cup.

Looking at the gray sky outside the window with complicated eyes, she said slowly after a long time, "I always thought that as long as I work harder, my husband will like me, but in recent days..."

Even if she has the courage to shake mountains and seas, as long as he says a word or makes a movement, it will disappear in an instant.

This weakness of his almost restrained her to death.

At this point, she didn't continue talking, Gao Muxiang leaned against the desk with a tall body: "Your husband is the one you mentioned, the one who saved you and became your belief, right? "

Seeing the first words of the trace department and nodding, Gao Muxiang couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Caring about a person is tantamount to giving the other person the opportunity to hurt themselves at will.

(End of this chapter)

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