Chapter 741

"Yeah." Fujiwara took it, opened the box, took out the trial section and rolled it on his index finger, then gently pulled the other end to try the contact feeling, and tried the degree of friction on the surface.

It took nearly a minute and a half to try a little bit, and finally nodded, "Yes, the anti-slip reached 8.86, and the bulletproof 8.23." She didn't say about the anti-shock, because the anti-shock needs to be wrapped around the racket and played. Feel it.

He snapped his fingers with a snap, and the corner of Atobu's mouth slightly raised: "My uncle has always had the best vision."

Fujiwara didn't speak, just looked at the Skin in his hand, and the pupils under the lens showed a little warm light.

The breeze is blowing, the candlelight is dense and hazy, and the wind chimes are tinkling crisply.

Sakura was walking in the bustling crowd wearing a dark purple kimono, and Fuji, who was wearing a black kimono, was by her side, and all the pedestrians wearing kimonos came and went around, passing by with smiles one by one.

After eating the last longan that Fuji handed to her mouth, Ying's cheeks were bulging, like a little squirrel.

Reaching out and pulling back the belt around his waist, he asked suspiciously, "Why do you have to carry a small pillow on your back?"

"噗嗤~" Bueryi accidentally laughed, and instantly met Yingyi's sharp gaze, so he stopped smiling, "Yingyi, that's not a small pillow, it's Kensaki.

In ancient times, many women practiced swordsmanship, and they wore not kimonos, but simple narrow-sleeved skirts. For convenience, they would wear swords on their backs, and then slowly evolved into a kimono. kind. "

"Really." Sakura moved her shoulders, frowned and said, "It's uncomfortable."

"There is a clothing store over there, let's go..."

Before saying 'buy one and change it', Yingyi shook her head, "No, that's it."

"Let me loosen the belt for you." As he said, Fuji passed his hands under Sakuraichi's ribs, and gently loosened the belt for her. The light and different fragrances blended with each other without any trace gap.After a while, Fuji said: "Okay."

Yingyi heard the words, moved her body, and found that she was much more comfortable than before, so she nodded, "Yeah." While talking, a couple walked in front of Yingyi holding hands. The girl held a small The small wooden talisman has two lines of poems written on it, and at a glance, it is the language of blessing.

"No two, that wooden sign..."

Buer pointed to the store in front and smiled slightly: "It's right in front."

Turning around, I saw an antique shrine store, the entrance of the store was covered with wooden talismans, the owner knelt in front of the store, and explained the meaning of the wooden talismans to the visitors with a smile.

Yingyi, who had never seen this kind of wooden talisman before, walked over out of curiosity, still being held by Bu Er.Just walked to the store, before opening her mouth, a little girl with a huge lotus leaf climbed onto the tatami of the store to choose a wooden talisman. She seemed to feel that she was holding the lotus leaf in the way, so she turned her head and smiled sweetly at Yingyi: " Sister, take it for me, thank you."

"Yeah." Sakura nodded and took it. The lotus leaf was too big to hold up, and it was big enough to cover her whole body.

"Sakura, turn around."

Hearing Fuji's voice, Sakura turned her head, her hair shook slightly, and with a click, the movement was retained in the camera, "It's perfect." Looking at the photos in the camera, Sakura sighed.

Sakura glanced at him, and there was a subtle nostalgia in her eyes, without any trace.He raised his hand and pointed to the wooden sign on the entrance, "That looks pretty good."

"Well, wait." Fuji nodded and reached for it.Sakura stood beside him and looked at him.

Suddenly, a breeze came, bringing a faint mint fragrance, from shallow to deep.Sakura was slightly taken aback, this was something she had never smelled before, and no one she had met belonged to.

So, when he turned his head, the first thing that caught his eyes was a black windbreaker. There were strange traces of crimson color around the sleeves, like runes and some kind of rare language.

The same pitch-black trousers accentuated the slender legs, forming the best proportion with the body.

However, this person was standing here facing her, motionless, the night wind blew by, and the lotus leaves rolled in wavy lines, and then, a white and slender hand stretched out and gently lifted the leaves corner.

In an instant, a handsome face came into view, with a slender figure, slanted eyebrows, and dark green eyes, which were particularly deep, and even the eyes were slightly gloomy.


The cool wind blows his windbreaker flying, and the word 'Vertical and Horizontal' engraved under the high collar with flowing cloud patterns reveals a faint blade sharpness at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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