Net King: Edogawa Sakuraichi

Chapter 715 The time has come

Chapter 715 The time has come

The sound of the wind lingers, and the sound of the waves rising and falling.

Looking at the young girl with slack eyes, the young man closed his eyelids, taking a look at her momentary rigidity, "Well, now even the sense of hearing has disappeared, so it's useless to say anything. The game, the result is still dominated by me, and it is time to end."



The moment he hit the ball, a milky white aura suddenly burst out from Yukimura's body, like a circle of light continuously enlarged, followed by a terrifying aura that overwhelmed everything, even those usually gentle eyes, At this moment, it has also been changed to sharp and condensed.

The moment the tennis ball landed on the racket, it suddenly spun rapidly, and then the light flashed, and the tennis ball disappeared.

can't hear...

The wind is very quiet, and the silence seems to have stopped at this moment.Sakura closed her eyelids, the wind brushed her hair, but she couldn't feel it, everything was disappearing.

Confused, helpless, hesitant...

He simply closed his eyes, allowing the darkness to wash over his remaining will.

It felt like returning to the lonely dark age before, she couldn't resist the cruelty of reality, what should come will always come!Those who should go also go quietly, the most fear is nothing but tranquility!Darkness that became dead at last!You can't see it, you can't touch it, you don't even breathe.

no thoughts...

"It's not good." Nanjiro squinted his eyes, and gently stroked his chin with his right hand: The young girl has fallen into the double trap of that kid, and it may take a long time to escape.

However, that boy Yukimura's trap is not for display, every ball and every swing has calculated all the elements and dimensions, not to mention there is another kind of weird ball intention hidden in the "destroying the five senses". If the young girl does not show her true strength, then she will be the loser, there is no other possibility, and...

Suddenly, Nanjiro raised his eyebrows.Hearing a slapping sound, the tennis ball in the air was instantly pulled out, and a few turns slowly fell towards the opponent.

Short ball? ! !
Nanjiro's eyes lit up, looking at the girl who closed her eyes but was able to hit the tennis ball with precision, he couldn't help shouting secretly: "Strike!" ! !

Yukimura was stunned for a moment, and then his figure flashed, and the person instantly appeared at the spot where the tennis ball landed. With a horizontal cut, the tennis ball immediately flew up high.

- lob!

This is the only way, because the ball is too low to the ground, and there is no way to change the angle of the shot.

"It's really rare, Yukimura."

Yukimura's pupils shrank suddenly.


The sleeves of the clothes fluttered, and a figure leaped into the sky in an instant, and then there was a dull sound of hitting the ball.

"This is..." Yukimura froze, with an unbelievable look in his pupils, "The machine... strikes back!"

"Are you kidding me!" With a turn of footsteps, Yukimura quickly ran to the landing point of the tennis ball.

The pupil color is getting darker, it is impossible for such a situation to happen. Since Edogawa has lost his five senses, he must not be able to touch tennis, and he can't even feel the wind. How can he play the ball accurately?and……

No, no, and that...

Yukimura narrowed his eyes, and a sharp stream of light appeared at the bottom of his eyes, "Sixth sense...?"

It's getting more and more interesting.

Standing firmly on the ground, Sakura raised her head slightly towards Yukimura's direction, didn't open her eyes, but just felt it with her heart.

In terms of feeling, only your own heart will not deceive yourself.

Locking the tennis ball in the air, Yukimura tightened his grip on the racket, "It's time..."

(End of this chapter)

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