Net King: Edogawa Sakuraichi

Chapter 684 Something I Haven't Seen Before

Chapter 684 Something I Haven't Seen Before
When his eyes were hot and covered in a patch of red, he immediately lowered his head and closed his eyes, waiting for it to recover.

However, at this moment, the tennis ball landed heavily in the backcourt, making a loud bang.

Sakura frowned, still closed her eyes and turned to look at the place where the voice came from.I didn't expect that Kikumaru and Marui's timing was so clever that the tennis ball would only land when her eyes couldn't stand it. I have to say that these two people did have the capital to provoke her.

Footsteps sounded, getting closer to her.Yingyi could tell that this was the two people walking in front of the net.

"AD man."

"AD man."

The double voice of the two sounded at this moment, not far in front of her.The unreflected pupils stared straight at Sakuraichi who had her eyes closed.

"One more ball."

"One more ball."

As he said that, the sound of footsteps sounded again, and then gradually became smaller.

"Edogawa, you let Okawa fight alone until you lost 5 rounds, and then took over in the last round, and your arrogance... let us win."

"Edogawa, you let Okawa fight alone until you lost 5 rounds, and then took over in the last round, and your arrogance... let us win."

The tennis ball bounced back and forth between their overlapping hands and the ground, and the gray and black silhouette changed from time to time.

And Yingyi still kept her eyes closed, and the hot feeling told her that her eyes hadn't recovered yet.

"Sulphur, what should I do?" In the bushes, Ai scratched her head, "Caesar can't see."

"I know." Sulfur said coldly and arrogantly, the sun was so strong, Caesar had been looking at it for so long, and he still couldn't open it, it looked like he was burned.

Thinking about it, Sulfur couldn't help clenching his hands on his legs.At this moment, she could only pray that Caesar's eyesight would recover the moment the tennis ball was hit, and she didn't want to see her lose.

The tennis ball was thrown into the air, and the double voices of the two were harsh in Yingyi's ears.

"It's time to end, Edogawa."

"It's time to end, Edogawa."


The tennis ball instantly flew into the sky and disappeared into the bright sunlight.

Suddenly, the red eyes opened in vain at this moment, and the sharp streamer flickered, which was astonishingly bright.

"That's it!"

Raise your hand, pat it down, and the fallen leaves are flying in the light.


There was a sudden sound of tennis balls, and strong winds whizzed by.


It was eerily quiet at this moment.

The fallen leaves freeze time, at the moment when the eyes are opened.

Dark red, pure and absolute.

No blinding sun shines.

There is no bright and clear moonlight.

Yes, just endless indifference and killing.

"Game girl, 5-2."


The horns of vehicles sounded on the road, messy but like a sea of ​​vocal music, although there was no music for the foreshadowing, the prosperity and hustle and bustle of the place could be heard.

Vehicles of different levels shuttle back and forth, and the bright shell reflects various streamers of light in the sun.Next to the block, there are all kinds of shops, selling different products or different services.

"Hey, it's really bustling here," the boy with orange-yellow shattered hair muttered, reached out and grabbed the black cat's horn hat on his head, then turned his head to look at the man walking in front: "Brother, although this place is a little behind It's surprisingly prosperous."

"Hmm." The man nodded, his white shattered hair was gently lifted by the wind, ignoring the aggressive gazes of the surrounding women and the group of young girls who were following behind him, he walked straight forward without looking sideways.

"Brother, when will we find Xiao Ran? The time is coming soon." The boy said boredly, looking around at the products in the store, saying that he had never seen many things in it.

(End of this chapter)

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