Net King: Edogawa Sakuraichi

Chapter 348 Qingxue, I won

Chapter 348 Qingxue, I won


The tennis ball turned into a yellow-green light and hit the backcourt heavily, but it didn't bounce up. Instead, it clung to the ground and spun continuously.
The soft rustling sound kept ringing when the ball rubbed against the ground, and the rising smoke told the end of the game.


"Game, won, by Qingxue, 7-5. The game ended, 3-0, Qingxue won."

lost. lost
Hearing the referee's voice, Ju Xing froze.

Hitomi couldn't help trembling.


The wind, blowing gently, gently, gently, seems to be lamenting the fate of the girl.

There is a melancholy smell in the air, overshadowing the original youthful atmosphere of the stadium, filling all the corners that can be touched for a moment, clouds, gradually drifting over, and the boundless darkness instantly surrounds and covers everything in the world, without leaving a trace of gap, Like an invisible net, there is no escape, suffocation, and death.

The racket fell to the ground and made a crisp sound. Ju Xing raised her head and slowly closed her eyes. The transparent liquid gradually slid down the corners of her eyes, swam across her cheeks, jaw, and finally onto her collar. It was icy and cold. Cold, unspeakably bitter.

The wind freezes the time, the moment when the eyes are closed, the face that looks up to the sky and sighs alone.The world alone lacks the silent dependence, and adds the lonely tears.The fetters blurred the eyes and disappeared the confusion that had never been there before.

The strong sad atmosphere is still erratic, lingering on the court unrelentingly, while shuttling around in the forest, like a soul worm crawling out of hell, devouring everything in the world, it still refuses to fade away, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

lost. lost
Hatsune Eriko turned around, looked up at the sky, her vision was gradually blurred, and something was gradually filling up from the bottom of her eyes.

Fudofeng. Lost
Kanako Fujimori lowered her eyelids, hiding her gloomy eyes under oval lenses.

In the last year, they stopped here. The flow of time is always passing by in a hurry, but those beautiful pictures are always frozen in life, whether deep or shallow.

Hase Koko pursed her lips, looked at the girl on the court looking up at the sky, and slowly closed her eyes.In the last year, they will eventually be separated, and those happy and warm fragments will be scattered in each other's fleeting years, away from each other and this stadium.

never again , no chance . to play together again
There is no chance.

"KUSO!!!" Shino Harada punched the wall, lowered his head, and completely covered up his sad expression.why. so?
They tried their best to hide the fragility in their hearts, and shed tears in countless nights, when everything was changed by reality.Then, time blurred the memory, yellowed the plot, hazy everything, and dreams were crushed one by one by reality
Qingxue, won.
Looking at the orange apricot on the opposite side, Liu Sheng stood quietly, his dark green eyes showed no sorrow, no pity, but only clarity and clarity.

They are all dream travelers, running on that narrow wall, running hard with their dreams, no destination, no hope, when walking, walking, became their only belief.There is no way to choose, the only choice is to stand on the wall, or jump off, which is life or death.

Liu Sheng raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. Time was frozen at this moment, at the moment when the hair was flying.The look of looking up, a faint light fainted when the corners of the mouth were lightly raised, it was the longing and hope for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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