Net King: Edogawa Sakuraichi

Chapter 227 Amazing Quick Calculation Ability

Chapter 227 Amazing Quick Calculation Ability
Sanada, who just passed by here, looked at the battlefield below, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and pressed the brim of his hat: "It's really...too lax."

"Hey, why are they fighting?" Shoko Aihara turned the lollipop in his mouth, "Why?"

"Hey~" Kirihara opened his eyes, and his eyes instantly filled with fighting intent. He licked his lips with the tip of his tongue, and raised his racket and shouted at Nioh: "Senior Nioh, you must defeat me as easily as you defeated me!" Qingxue's best! Destroy their honor of Qingxue—"

The hand that Sanada put down froze in the air, the corners of his mouth tugged, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

When Yagyu Hiroshi who had just arrived here heard this, he was as elegant a gentleman as he was, and the veins on his forehead also faintly twitched.

Jack Kuwahara on one side couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead, it's really... some misfortune~
Everyone turned their heads to look at Kirihara who was so excited that he didn't know what he said. There was sweat on his forehead~
When the dust gradually dissipated, Sakuraichi withdrew her gaze. If she remembered correctly, it should be the lake where she and Nioh went before, right?what happened?

"Hey, Edogawa," Irie Kanata also retracted his gaze, looked at Sakuraichi, and said gently: "It's about to start."

"Yeah." Sakura nodded, then stepped back five steps so that the distance between the two was equal to the distance of a tennis court, and said indifferently: "Come on."

"This is the second level, isn't it, isn't it meow~hmm?" After saying that, but no one answered him, Kikumaru's excitement gradually extinguished, and Liu, who was chasing Kikumaru here, also gradually stopped.

As soon as Kikumaru saw Sakura in front of him making a batting posture, and then looked at Irie Kanata on the opposite side, the extinguished excitement was ignited again, "Meow ~ Sakura, come on."

"Please pay attention." As soon as Kikumaru finished speaking, Irie Kanata's eyes sharpened, "What is the 142nd digit after the decimal point of π."

clap clap-

As soon as the question was settled, Irie swung the racket instantly, and nine tennis balls suddenly shot at Sakuraichi.

"The 142nd digit after the π decimal point??" Kikumaru was startled, and quickly counted with his hands: "14159265358... I can't remember it at all~"

Liu's eyelids moved slightly, and the number after the π decimal point quickly crossed his mind, 141592653589793238462643383279502...

Before Liu could finish thinking, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded, and almost at the same time, with a snap, the number ball with the number 7 hit back instantly.

When his eyes fell on Yingyi, Liu's heart was shocked, such a strong quick calculation ability.

His quick calculation is strong enough, but it takes 142 seconds to remember the 5.36 digits after the decimal point of π, but Edogawa only needs 0.87 seconds, which is 616% more than him. If this quick calculation ability is applied to tennis ···terrible.

"Huh?!!! Yingyi can remember what kind of structure is inside her head, meow? So smart."

After Irie caught the tennis ball, his eyelids narrowed slightly. Although he knew very well that Sakuraichi had a lot of knowledge, he didn't expect that he would be able to respond to the answer in an instant. He just wrote it down before asking the question.But... Irie closed his eyelids, slowly put down the ball in his hand, and said gently: "The answer to the first question is correct, and the second question is next."

"Nani?!!!!" Kikumaru widened her dark sapphire blue eyes, "Is there any question?!"

Hearing this, Sakura, who was about to cross the bridge, was taken aback, and Liu behind couldn't help being startled, but the two of them returned to their original expressions in an instant.

"There are five questions in total," Irijiang's voice was still gentle, faint, faint, like the warm spring breeze in March, "the second question..."

Sakura squinted her eyes slightly, moved her footsteps, and faced Irie.


(End of this chapter)

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