I hold my thighs in the survival game

Chapter 189 Cruise Ship Journey (5)

Chapter 189 Cruise Ship Journey (5)

The man's eyes quickly scanned the eight people.

Then he said with a smile: "Welcome everyone to the Guangming. The captain's family suddenly had something to do and left in a small boat. As compensation, the captain decided before leaving that after the seven-day trip, the Guangming will be inherited by everyone on the cruise ship."

As he said that, the man showed a meaningful smile, "My name is Jerry, and I will temporarily replace everything on the cruise for the next seven days. The restaurant has prepared a variety of rich and delicious food. You can move to the restaurant to eat. I wish you all a pleasant journey for the next seven days.”

A man with a cropped head and a beard yelled, "Acting captain, where is the restaurant? We can't find it."

"The waiter will take you to the restaurant in a while." Jerry said with narrowed eyes.

"Okay." The hulking man nodded, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Jerry smiled politely, turned and left.

Until Jerry's back disappeared into the hall, the bearded man stood up from the sofa. He looked about 35 or six years old, with a strong figure, a thick back, a round neck T-shirt on his upper body, and big knee-length pants on his lower body.

"Let's introduce yourself! My name is Chen Hu, and I've gone through three rounds of games."

"Red Moon, old player!" A woman in off-white short-sleeves and sky-blue jeans sat carelessly on the sofa, crossed her legs, and yawned.

"Zhao Daudao, newcomer." He said in a rough voice to the fierce man with a dragon tattooed on his arm.

The middle-aged aunt said her name neatly, "Wu Dani, newcomer."

The student girl bit her lip, "Lin Jingjing, newcomer."

"Shen Yue, old man."

"Fu Jinnian, old man."

"4 women and 3 men, and one person is missing." Chen Hu glanced around, "Everyone spread out and search to see if they are still alive."

An indescribable sound came from the plywood swimming pool.

Hongyue walked over following the sound, and saw the clothes on the ground thrown everywhere.

The man is in a suit and tie, and the woman is in a bright red dress. She looks very much like the girl who sang in the ballroom just now.

Hongyue left here with a gloomy face.

Under the cold moonlight, the girl who was lingering with the man suddenly turned her head to look at the back of Hongyue who was gradually moving away, her blurred eyes became deserted and cold, and a cold light flashed in her pupils.

"There's no need to look for it, she's living happily in the swimming pool."

The woman's cold and disgusted voice came from the entrance of the hall, and the next moment Hongyue walked in with a stinky face.

It turned out that the glass of red wine was drugged!

Shen Yue's face revealed a look of sudden realization, and Zhao Dani, who was standing next to her, was so angry that his eyes burst into flames.

"Miss Shen Yue, your kick just now was too light, that bitch is simply a social scum."

"It's a little lighter. In the real world, you have to be a law-abiding and discipline-abiding citizen, beat him until his parents don't know him, and then call the police." Before Shen Yue could speak, Fu Jinnian, who was leaning on the sofa, said coldly, "The game world You should just beat the remnants and throw them into the sea to feed the fish, remember?"

Shen Yue nodded heavily, "I remember."

"Since this is the case, let's go to the restaurant to have dinner together." Chen Hu nodded and said to the waitress who was waiting at the side: "Please take us to the restaurant."

The waitress nodded, and everyone followed closely behind her.

This is a cafeteria. The restaurant is decorated in a luxurious and spacious space. The gorgeous crystal chandeliers on the ceiling reflect dreamlike and colorful lights from every angle.

(End of this chapter)

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