
There was a loud noise in the sky, and alien creatures appeared on the scene.

Facing the menacing alien creatures that want to invade the earth, human beings seem to have long been accustomed to it and don't take it seriously at all.

These green alien creatures just started shouting.

"Stupid humans, we are..."

Before he could finish his harsh words, beams of light from unknown sources enveloped the alien creatures, and as roars rang out, they died one by one.

But the humans on the ground were going about their business without fear, not taking it seriously at all, or even even looking up.

At the other end of the city, a science and technology base guarded by heavy troops suddenly sounded an alarm, which was so loud that it made people panic.

"No, V destroyed the time machine and escaped!"

Suddenly, the base was sealed by a protective shield. Under the large central screen, several scientists looked solemn and obviously panicked.

Methodical footsteps sounded throughout the base, and columns of troops wearing uniforms and black-and-white military caps searched everywhere for the whereabouts of the V.

"If No. V escapes from the base and goes to the city, I'm afraid there will be big problems."

"I said before, destroy No. V as soon as possible. Her existence is not a blessing, but a destruction."

"But we have to admit that No. V is our greatest masterpiece..."


[Dip——[-]% compatibility with the host]

[Integrating with the body]

【Successful integration】

Jiang Tingting felt a little light-headed. When he opened his eyes, he was shocked, demented, and then became angry and insulted.

[Trash thing, you let me board a chameleon? ?Are you OK! 】Jiang Tingting's whole body turned red when she was angry. She found that the body she was currently in was becoming more and more abnormal.

[323 (coughed and made a sound) The host is very calm and calm, you are not a chameleon, you just turned into a chameleon to avoid pursuit...]

In the future world, human beings pay attention to the development of science and technology. Technology has brought great benefits to human life. Those dreams that could not be realized by the ideas written on paper in the old days have become a reality today.

As technology becomes more and more advanced, the things created by humans come back to bite us.

Like robots.

Robots have occupied every aspect of human life, and there are robots almost everywhere.

From living robots to industrial robots, etc., robots are everywhere and omnipotent, and humans are increasingly dependent on robots.

Number V is Jiang Tingting. She is the only robot with her own consciousness.

Her intelligence and capabilities far exceed those of all robots, and she can be said to be the strongest king of the chip family.

After V was developed, it has been staying at the military base to help scientists research technologies that benefit mankind.

The performance of V-number is so powerful that it has surpassed several old scientists. She is credited with many scientific achievements. Even the success of the time machine was due to her raising questions and opinions.

In the beginning, V was indeed completely obedient to the orders of the five scientists.

However, as time went by, V No. had her own ideology and feelings of grievance and dissatisfaction. She had made scientific achievements that were beneficial to mankind. Why did she not get a share of the fruits? Even several scientists refused to disclose it to the outside world. Mention her.

Does this mean that the fruits of her success have been usurped?

V tried to reason with some scientists, but when he turned around, he overheard that they were actually discussing destroying him.

For the first time in his life, V was angry.

That anger caused her to escape and resist again and again...

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