Chapter 225 The Enemy He Is Undercover (48)

Cui Yingman fell to the ground, covering his torn neckline with both hands, looking a bit miserable.

"I said everything, Xie Shangze is my accomplice, otherwise how could I know that no one in the operation department was there that day?"

Cui Yingman grabbed Director Yu's trouser legs: "I've already recruited, you guys arrest him quickly!"

Director Yu's expression remained unchanged: "Tell me carefully, what is the purpose of Xie Shangze's lurking into the Bureau of Light and Statistics?"

"Yes, to get the list of double agents!"

The light and dark parties sent many people to lurk into each other's camp, but after a long time, these spies could not guarantee absolute loyalty.

Many members of the dark party lurking in the light party had to turn to work for the light party to deal with the dark party due to various reasons after their identities were discovered.

The existence of this list is not particularly confidential, but the contents on the list are absolutely confidential, even Yu Tan does not know who these people are.

"So since Xie Shangze lurked into the Guangming Party three years ago, he has already started planning to get this list?"

Yu Tan suddenly spoke, Cui Yingman nodded affirmatively: "That's right."

Yu Tan looked at Director Yu, and found that the latter's face had turned dark.

"Xie Shangze was transferred to Beicheng four years ago. Since you care so much about this list, you shouldn't even remember the year?"

Yu Tan asked in a flat tone, and Cui Yingman immediately realized that he had said something wrong, and hurriedly changed his words.

"I was wrong, it was four years ago! Four years ago, Xie Shangze started investigating this list at the Bureau of Light and Statistics!"

Director Yu was so angry that he kicked Cui Yingman away, because Xie Shangze was transferred over three years ago.

"Shut up."

Cui Yingman yelled excitedly, Director Yu frowned, and her mouth was covered immediately.

Cui Yingman got the information Director Yu wanted from Cui Yingman, so Cui Yingman naturally had no effect.

Director Yu turned around and left the prison. Before leaving, Yu Tan slightly curled his lips at Cui Yingman, his acting skills were good.

Cui Yingman received Yu Tan's eyes, and was in a daze for a moment. Could it be that Yu Tan is also an undercover agent of the dark party?

Director Yu was very suspicious. Originally, Yu Tan's confidential document could only convince him six points, and Cui Yingman's performance added eight points.


The guards on Xie Shangze's side were removed, and Xie Shangze came back with Sun Mu in the afternoon.

The first thing I did when I returned to the Bureau of Light and Statistics was to come to Director Yu to plead guilty.

When Xie Shangze arrived at the door of Director Yu's office, he happened to meet Yu Tan coming out of it.

Yu Tan was slightly stunned, not seeing him for a few days, Xie Shangze's injuries were mostly healed, but his face was still a little pale.

Xie Shangze came back today and changed into his military uniform.

His complexion was already very fair, but now it was a little sickly. Against the backdrop of the navy blue military uniform, it looked like snow on the eaves of bluestone tiles.

Tall and tall, her shocking beauty was partially covered by the brim of the hat, and the phoenix eyes under the long eyelashes were full of tenderness.

The moment the two passed by, Xie Shangze stretched out his finger and hooked Gou Yutan's wrist.

If it weren't for the wrong location at this moment, he would definitely want to hug Yu Tan to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Yu Tan left without changing his expression, and Xie Shangze knocked on the office door as if nothing happened.

"Come in."

Director Yu leaned back in his chair, with his usual unfathomable gentleness on his face.

"Why don't you stay in the hospital for a few more days?"

Xie Shangze shook his head with earnest eyes.

"The subordinate failed to perform the task, and he felt uneasy staying in the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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