Come against the wind, exchange your glory

Chapter 677 Solitary battle in Mozhou

Chapter 677

The sky over Mozhou was shrouded in haze, and Bing Ci looked out of place in the crowd in a black windbreaker.Countless pairs of eyes are looking at her, and the hooligans in every corner are ready to move.

Known as the "Criminal Paradise", Mozhou really deserved its reputation. In the next second, those hooligans rushed out and surrounded Bingci, and they broke their hands before they touched her.

One after another, the gangsters shook their fists at her, and all of them were beaten to the ground, screaming on the ground.

After Bing Ci dealt with these people, she stood there and waited. Soon, a group of bearded men in uniform white shirts appeared in front of her, and they started to fight without saying a word.

Bingci's eyes shuttled through the crowd indifferently, combining hardness and softness, and moving like the wind.

When you think you're going to grab her, it often fails.

Bingci glanced at the people in the ground, but it wasn't enough.

At this time, the sirens of the streets roared rapidly, and the local residents ran away in fright.

Surrounded by four directions, countless policemen got off from the police cars, and a coldness flashed in Bingci's eyes.

The leading police officer nodded to the people on the ground, then moved his finger and the policemen under him began to attack Bingci.

Bingci's eyes turned cold, and he pulled out the black umbrella on his back and rushed into the crowd.

By the time this group of people realized that something was wrong, it was too late, the four passages were blocked by police cars, and now, instead, they were being surrounded.

Bingci's face was never stained with a trace of blood, and the way he dragged the black umbrella was so calm and blood-killing.

Corpses piled up under his feet, and Bingci stepped on them one by one, splashing blood. The last person looked at her in horror, and backed away enduring the pain. He almost touched the sunlight outside the passage with his fingers. A black umbrella Appeared, the tip of the umbrella was nailed hard into the back of his hand and dug into the soil.

The narrow road wind blows in all directions, and the bloody smell here lingers for a long time.

Bingci pulled out the black umbrella, slipped it into the sheath and left, and the next place was Mozhou Meat Grinder.

The criminal base built in the hinterland of the forest is safe, concealed and full of organs.

Bingci used the mini computer on his wrist to hack into the defense system of the criminal base, shut down the peripheral power grid and internal infrared device, and quickly launched operations after going through the layout of the criminal base.

Sneak over the wall and sneak into the familiar road, and stun the sentry with ease.

One person, one gun, one black umbrella, on the first floor, criminal gangs indulge in pleasure, gambling, drug addicts, poker players, having a great time, seeing outsiders invading before they have time to put on their clothes, all of them are eager to give away their heads .

Bingci held an umbrella in one hand and a gun in the other. The black umbrella opened and closed to confuse the view, causing the criminal gang to hit the accomplices with bullets.

On the other hand, Bing Ci, the gun must hit, and the bullets will be shot from the side. Her marksmanship and skill only allow everyone to have a chance to shoot one bullet.

"Bang——" the last gunshot, Bing Ci eliminated the last person in front of him, walked over their corpses after patrolling the battlefield and continued to move forward.

On the second floor, there are many guards. Bingci changed into the same combat uniform as them and entered. The dark and narrow passage was full of people on the left and right sides. The air was filled with all kinds of smells, smelly, rotten... ···

The detainees' eyes were empty and their expressions were numb. As they walked in, there was a shrill and painful wail, mixed with the sound of iron chains colliding and torture tools whipping their bodies.

At a glance, nailed to the wall, hung, tied, climbed...
Going further in, Bingci seemed to have noticed something and quickly opened the black umbrella, and there was a sound of "crackling" rain hitting the umbrella, but it was not rain, because what fell on the ground was a pool of blood, and she didn't look up to see what it was.

We've come here, it's time to act.

(End of this chapter)

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