Come against the wind, exchange your glory

Chapter 659 Aircraft Design Engineer

Chapter 659 Aircraft Design Engineer
Bingci was choked, so he could only cough twice to cover it up, "How do you say it?"

Han Wu didn't have any doubts, and even helped her with worry, "Dongdu Aircraft Research Base is in urgent need of a repair fund, and the old men in the research institute are eyeing the wallets of the four great families, but they don't dare to blatantly snatch them." , so we launched four seasons limited to four aircraft."

"Mudong's engineer understands local tyrants very well, and has installed all the facilities that meet the needs of local tyrants. It can be seen that he still has a bottom line, but all he does is essentially for making money, so I said he has a bottom line, but not much."

Bingci was speechless for a moment, because what he said was accurate.

"The captain knows why he is still willing to buy it?"

"Actually, the old men in the research institute didn't do this, so I would send the money over, but since they did, I reluctantly accepted a plane." Han Wu said with a relaxed face.

The 20 billion was originally meant to be given away, but Bingci unconsciously looked away from the cabin. It turned out that he had always underestimated the financial resources of the Great God.

"But it's yours now, little brother has to learn to enjoy it." Han Wu said as he pushed Bing Ci into the luxury rest area.

The problem lies here. Once Bingci enters, the mobile phone automatically connects to the key inside. This key was developed by anti-jamming at that time.Except for a very small number of people and buyers in the research base, no one else knows.

The two mobile phones issued the same notification sound at the same time, Han Wu was stunned for two seconds, and quickly pressed Bingci under him, clamped her hands with one hand and raised them above her head, and said with a smile: "Xiao Why did my brother get the key on it when he came here for the first time?"

Bingci knew he was wrong, so he didn't take any countermeasures.

Han Wu took Bing Ci's cell phone with the other hand slowly.

Enter the password proficiently, click on the key, and say without emotion: "Job number."

Bingci read out a series of complicated things like some kind of password.

If you successfully enter the job number, all the information about Mudong will be displayed, don't read it out loud after browsing.

"Aircraft design engineer——Qiu Yang, please point out that it is Mu Dong who you designed, my little brother. There is also your character information in the back. Let me check whether you are strict as an engineer. Your height is 175.73cm..."

When it comes to height, don’t look down at Bingci, “I’ll help you round up to 180, and there are more powerful ones behind, senior flight engineer, aviation engineering expert, the authority recognizes that you are an expert, little brother is awesome. ..."

"No, didn't those old men in the research institute say that the letters on the Winter Wing are the initials of the engineer who designed it? Why, our little brother's surname is not Qiu?"

Bingci was worried that if he continued to ask, she might be exposed. Fortunately, there was no expression on her face and she could not see anything. She explained blankly: "The S on the tail is actually not the letter S, but the wind. The design inspiration of the entire aircraft Originating from the XXX Snow Mountain, the unknown XXX Mountain bears the white snow that never melts all year round, stepping on the ground and standing higher to prevent the cold wind from eroding the snow on the body."

Bingci's answer was impeccable. Although Han Wu still had doubts, he quickly put it down. It's not the first day that someone knows how many vests they have. Maybe they are so many that he can't even remember them.

"Why are you so deceitful, huh?" Han Wu had already let go of her hand, but didn't get up.

"After cheating, you should drop it or you have to drop it, what do you think?"

Bing Ci pushed him away with a little force before saying, "I'm not lying."

Han Wu sat up and pinched her face, "Yes, you didn't lie, you just avoided the important ones."

(End of this chapter)

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