Chapter 484 Shackles?Oh ([-])

On the plane, the coldness on Han Wu's face did not disappear.

And the Chen detachment has to rush to add fire.

"Isn't Young Master Qiu coming? I thought he would follow if he was so worried about you."

Han Wu looked at him coldly, "The Chen detachment has a good plan. They want to use my team members to solve all the troubles without spending a single soldier. In the end, these achievements will be recorded in your name."

"Uh...Young Master Han, you can't say that. It's because Young Master Qiu doesn't need us at all. Every time we arrive, we have already been dealt with by him," Detachment Chen argued aggrievedly.

"Oh, then you should reflect on it, why are there so many of you, and your actions are always slower than others, as if a century has passed."

With anger on his head, don't look at him in every possible way, so he will naturally speak impolitely.

Chen Detachment didn't dare to provoke him any more, so they rested their heads sullenly.

Abnormal, too abnormal!
Young Master Han has always controlled his emotions very well, but this is the first time he is so angry like today!

It can't be the news from Xidu, because he has no heart at all.

Is that... because Young Master Qiu didn't come?
Team Chen has seen how the two of them got along with each other in the past few days.

Thinking of this, Team Chen blurted out when excited: "Young Master Han, you don't like Young Master Qiu, do you?"

Han Wu frowned, eyes impatient, and sneered: "I've made an appointment for you with a brain specialist. If you have time, you can go and check your brain."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and closed his eyes, as if he should not disturb strangers.

Zunhuang clubhouse was surrounded by bodyguards of the Han family early in the morning, no one dared to escape, because the end would only be worse.

After the partners of Zunhuang Club learned about it, they withdrew their capital, and those who looked for connections were looking for connections, for fear of being targeted by Han Wu.

That one is the living King of Hades in this world.

Scarier than demons.

Often when people say this, someone will come out to refute, and the pattern is small.

Let's put it this way, when terrorists see him, they have to slap him and pretend to be sick.

What kind of disease are you pretending to be?Neuropathy.

The horror of the young master of the Han family is no less than that of a country possessing a nuclear bomb that can destroy the world.

Someone is already panicking.

But some people just don't believe in this evil, and insist on running ahead to die.

Don't get off the plane, there are dozens of escort vehicles parked on both sides of the airport road.

Outside the airport, the Hua family, the Li family, the Jin family...all the important figures in the Western capital must send representatives to greet them.

The road was unimpeded, and hundreds of black sports cars drove in solemnly.

There were no idlers watching on the road, this was oppression from the young master of the Han family.

Instead of going back to Han's house, he went directly to Zunhuang Club.

The dark clouds on the roof of Zunhuang Clubhouse were thick and heavy, and the people in the clubhouse were so overwhelmed that they couldn't breathe.

"Master Han...Young Master Han is still on his way."

"Let's fight hard and rush out, no matter what, we can't fall into his hands."

Some people gritted their teeth and became cruel.

As soon as he moved, his jaw was broken with a punch by Han's bodyguard, and there were still seven or eight bloody teeth on the ground.

They looked indifferent and continued to guard the door without even looking at it.

It's fairly light.

If you want to ask where the thugs in the clubhouse went?

Don't look for them, they don't even have a chance to speak.

"Young Master we are..."

Someone was desperate, looking out the window, showing a bearish smile, while everyone was not paying attention, he rushed over.


The people in the room couldn't bear the stimulation and jumped off one by one.

The bodyguards of the Han family who cleaned up the scene were really annoyed, so they sent people to guard the windows of each room.

The main reason is that if everyone dies, the young master will find it boring, so it's a waste of time to come here.

This time, people in other rooms complained even more.

"There are so many ways to die in the world. Why did you jump out of the window? Now that it's all over, the bodyguards of the Han family are guarding inside. How do you want us to live?"

"I'm not at all like seeing the bodyguards of the Han's family, and my heart was terrified, as if I followed into the Palace of the King of Hell."

(End of this chapter)

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