Come against the wind, exchange your glory

Chapter 442 What happened to Li Li

Chapter 442 What Happened to Li Li (Part [-])
This scene happened to be filmed.

Shen Muyan looked at the photo, rubbed it to pieces in her hands, sneered blood at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes were sinister.

The audience in the audience is boiling, this chorus is foolproof.

However, just when the audience's voice reached its peak, the string lights on the railing of the platform began to burn.

Shi Lili panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

She looked at Qi Jin puzzled.

New program effects?
do not know.

The sudden accident raised a higher voice, but no one told her that it was an accident.

Fortunately, the fire gradually extinguished, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

According to the rehearsal requirements, Qi Jin will pick her up at the end.

When he stepped off his own platform, flames shot up from Li Li's side.

The surrounding fire spread, Shi Lili was at a loss.

The fire liquid burning by the string lights falls down like a rain of fire. Anyone who sees it will think that this is the effect of the show.

However, only Qi Jin noticed something was wrong.

Hastily called someone with the microphone.

It will take some time for the security guards to come over. Shi Lili wanted to turn around, but the lifting platform broke down at this time.

out on a limb.

The flames had already blown the wires, and the surroundings were pitch black except for the light of the flames.

Fans panicked and worried about her.

At this moment, Qi Jin jumped from her own platform to hers.

Drape wet clothes over her.

Suddenly, the tiles on the floor began to crack, and the fragments flew out and almost scratched his eyes.

"Shi Lili, the platform has been tampered with and it will collapse soon. Follow me and I will take you down."

"Take off your high heels," Qi Jin showed a calmness that seriously didn't match his age, he tore Shi Li Li's skirt as he said it.

"Let's jump down if we're not afraid of breaking our legs."

"Oh, afraid? I'm barefoot, why should I be afraid?" Shi Lili flicked his long hair, and jumped off after he broke the railing.

Qi Jin's eyes widened, and finally jumped off without hesitation.

Carry her to safety before the platform stones start to fall off.

Jumping from such a high place, with bare feet and broken glass on the ground, one can imagine.

The moment they jumped down, the fans screamed enough to pierce eardrums.

With the violent collapse sound behind him, Qi Jin hugged Li Li, limping and appearing in everyone's sight.

The young man had arrogant platinum hair, his face was scratched with bloodstains, his skin was cold and pale, and his eyes were deep-set.

The variety show unexpectedly hit the news.

Bingci only saw it on the big screen at the airport after getting off the plane, and rushed to the hospital without stopping.

"team leader?"

"What are you looking at? Isn't Qi Jin here? I'll go and see him."

"Well," Bingci didn't think much about it.

The siege of the hospital has seriously affected doctors and patients.

Han Wu made a phone call, and not long after, a group of bodyguards drove them out.

The two were also assigned to the same ward, so it was convenient for Bing Ci to visit them.

The second Qi Jin saw Han Wu, he was almost moved to tears.

But Han Wu didn't want to talk to him at all, his eyes were fixed on Bingci.

There is no emotion on a face.

Shi Lili threw herself into Bing Ci's arms immediately, she didn't know that her tears were so disappointing.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here," Bingci patted her back to reassure her.

"I don't know why those string lights caught fire, and the lifting platform, it was fine when I went up."

Bingci had faint doubts in her heart, so she called her manager to appease her emotions.

And she has more important things to do.

Han Wu took her hand, "Do you want to help?"

"No, I have to solve this matter myself," Bing Ci's eyes were darkened, and he broke away from Han Wu's hand and left the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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