Chapter 586 There is a ghost in his back garden ①
The yin and yang reincarnation mirror and the summoning bell are both magic weapons of Li Lou, which are kept in a black wooden box in her bedroom.

There is also a booklet in the black box together with the yin and yang reincarnation mirror and the summoning bell.

Above is a brief description of how to use the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Mirror and Summoning Soul Bell, as well as formulas.

Lou was pleasantly surprised.

After all, she was worried that even if she found the magic weapon, she had no memory and could not use it.

Now both the magic weapon and the manual are available.

Li Lou carefully studied the 200-word pamphlet, and found that although the formulas were tricky, they could be memorized after repeated reading.

As for the way to use the magic weapon, it is even simpler.

There are some small switches on these magic weapons.

Like the yin and yang reincarnation mirror, it has a black wood frame and a copper mirror surface, but the mirror surface is not clear.

But the manual said that when you use it, you will find that the evil spirit will emit different lights.

Li Lou made it clear that this is a Mary Sue flashlight, which can change different hair colors according to different moods like Mary Sue.

As for the summoning bell, it is made of bronze, and it will not make a sound when it is usually shaken.

Only when there are evil spirits around, will it make a sound.

The closer you are to the evil spirit, the louder the sound.

After Li Lou took these two magic weapons, he took Guiyi in Lin's carriage and went to Lin Lin's cousin's house—Shi's mansion.

Lin Cheng has already arrived at Shi's mansion first, and has been waiting for Li Lou and the others.

Because Lin Lin fell in the Shi Mansion, although he was rescued by Su Xiaomeng, when he woke up, he behaved like a madman talking nonsense.

The Shi family and the Lin family are relatives, and the Shi family is Lin Lin's uncle's family, so besides the guilt for Lin Lin's injury at his own home, there is also worry about Lin Lin.

Seeing that Lin Lin had been seriously ill for several days, now Lin Cheng invited the Taoist priest of Qingfeng Temple to find out what was wrong with Lin Lin, so even if they wanted to perform rituals to exorcise evil spirits at their home, the Shi family would still accept it.

The man standing with Lin Cheng, about 32 years old, with a fair appearance and amiable appearance, with a loving smile on his face, followed Lin Cheng to meet Li Lou when he saw Li Lou get off the carriage.

"I, Shi Boru, have met the Taoist priest." Shi Boru made a literati salute to Li Lou.

Li Lou also returned the gift of a Taoist to a friend.

After the two parties got to know each other, Li Lou spoke first: "Master Shi, where is the place where Miss Lin fell in your mansion? Pindao needs to go there to summon her soul."

Shi Boru was startled when he heard that summoning souls was involved.

So Lin Lin's situation has become so serious that he needs to summon his soul?
It was only then that Lin Cheng knew that Li Lou had come to the Shi Mansion to summon his soul.

Combined with the fact that Lin Lin behaved like a different person these days, his heart was full of worry and fear: "Master Daoist, isn't that little girl's current situation very dangerous?"

"This will only be known after summoning the soul." Li Lou couldn't guarantee it, but her intuition told her that Lin Lin would be fine.

Taking out the soul-calling bell, from the moment he entered Shi's mansion, Li Lou followed Shi Boru's lead while reciting formulas according to the booklet.

During the journey of the summoning bell, no matter how hard Li Lou shook it, it never rang.

Lin Cheng and Shi Boru looked at the summoning bell used by Li Lou with surprise in their eyes.

Until a group of people stepped across the moon gate in the back garden, the soul-calling bell, which had been dumb under the violent shaking, suddenly rang slightly.

The sound is a bit weak, but very clear, similar to a wind chime.

Everyone was shocked by the sudden ringing of the bell.

The summoning bell only rings when there are evil spirits nearby, but if it rings suddenly now, doesn't it mean that evil spirits are hidden in this place?

Shi Boru's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he was the most nervous and frightened of all.

After all, it is now in their Shifu, and the back garden is their favorite place to play.

Now you tell him that there are ghosts in his back garden!
Shi Boru started to get scared, he wanted to lean towards his brother-in-law Lin Cheng, but when he saw his white face, he looked more like a ghost than a ghost, so he changed his mind immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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