hunter world

Chapter 402 Gathering

Chapter 402 Gathering
Chapter 100 Gathering
The typical characteristics of an elf are a slender and beautiful appearance, and a youthful face. Of course, there are occasional failed products like Ye Ci in the elf team that has always been synonymous with handsomeness. However, this does not affect the overall quality of the elves .

The elf in front of me is obviously the perfect product among elves. Although it is just an NPC, its perfect appearance and long body all swear that the elf is definitely a kind of god. Oh, no, it is the planners' preference species.

Although the soul is also transparent, the transparency of this elf is absolutely different from that of the stinging bee soul.The transparency of the soul is a kind of transparency that is off-white, and it has a kind of elegance like green smoke. The transparency of the elf in front of him gives the impression that he has a substantial body, and the overall color is relatively bright, even in the night In the diffuse, it feels like a sneaking teammate.

However, what attracted the most attention was not his form, but the elf's name.By observing his attributes, you can see its name - Dole's Vision.

That's right, the Elf King Dole.

Ye Ci felt very comforted in his heart. After bypassing a long circle of troubles, he finally got a glimpse of the main NPC of this mission. He was really happy.

"Look, who is standing in front of me? It's actually two young elves." Dole's phantom stood leisurely on the coffin lid, spreading his hands, and there was a charm that made people unable to move their eyes.Although it is only an illusion, the name that often appears during Ye Ci's missions is really attractive. He is wearing a close-fitting mail armor, which wraps his powerful muscles and slender figure just right, neither It gives people an illusion of being too strong, and it doesn't make people feel thin, which is really beautiful.

"Hello, Elf King." As an elf, he respected the king whose race had long since disappeared, at least on the surface.So both Ye Ci and Fleeting Nian bowed respectfully to this phantom of Dole.

And Dole's illusion is obviously very familiar with this kind of reverence, he just nodded slightly, accepting the salute of the two people, and did not express anything special.When the two straightened up, he smiled and said, "Oh, let me think about it, how long has it been since I saw such a young elf? 1000 years? Or 2000 years?" He stretched out an index finger Shaking lightly, as if he was really thinking about this question, then he shrugged his shoulders and gave up thinking about this question: "Wow, it's been too long, even I can't remember clearly. But..." said Then, he paused, with a friendly smile on his face, looked at the two people and said, "You guys have gone through a lot of tests to find this place."

you?Ye Ci and Fleeting Nian were a little surprised by the word Dole's phantom said, and the two discussed in private chat: "Fleeting Nian, he said 'you', does it mean that the two of us can do this task together? Do it?"

Fleeting Nian shook his head, "I'm not sure yet, keep talking to him, there should be corresponding prompts in the following conversation."

"It's our honor to follow in your footsteps." Ye Ci glanced at Fleeting Years, and answered Dole's phantom in the most standard game language. "We were eager to see your true face here, but we didn't expect that we only found your clothes tomb here, our most respected king, please tell us, what happened?"

Dole's phantom still had a faint smile on his face, as if no matter how big things would affect him, "What happened..." The corner of his mouth hooked, and then he let out a long sigh : "I really don't want to recall it, it's a shame to say it."

After sighing, Dole's phantom told the two about a past event, roughly the same as what Ye Ci and Fleeting Years learned. The kings of various races organized a powerful alliance of rebels to crusade against the demon king Naga, and both sides suffered casualties. At the last moment, all the leaders of the rebel army used their bodies to form a magic circle to seal the naga again.The relics they left on the battlefield were collected by the monks of the Glory Cathedral and sent back to the Cathedral for burial.However, because the seal was not particularly perfect, the naga still had some weak consciousness. It used this weak consciousness to command its remaining troops and minions, looking for these relics everywhere, hoping to use the remaining power of the heroes above to open the seal.

In the rampage of monsters, the entire central continent became deserted, and even the Glory Cathedral was turned into ruins.When the last monk guarding the relic died, the purpose of the buried heroes became the deepest secret until Qiu Shui Bu Ran Chen discovered it.

After listening to Dole's phantom, Ye Ci was a little surprised: "Aren't you sleeping in the tomb?"

"Of course, wouldn't it be too lonely if it wasn't for such a long time?" The Elf King Dole doesn't have the traditional image of the boss in ordinary online games. He looks very young, at least with a very young mind. "It's hard enough being locked up in a cemetery. Wouldn't it be even more frustrating to lie in a coffin all the time, so we still have some entertainment." Dole's phantom moved towards the already black line Ye Ci winked and smiled: "However, you have to keep this matter a secret. If other elves know that I am not doing my job properly, it will really damage my glorious image."

"Not doing proper work..." Ye Ci sighed: "The right work you are talking about is..."

"Of course it's just lying in the coffin and pretending to be deep. Ahhh..." The phantom of the elf king Dole couldn't help screaming: "It's so boring, I can't keep my body and soul suffering, even my body Illusions must suffer too, that's too inhuman."

Ye Ci keenly heard something he wanted from his words: "Where is your soul and body?"

"In the very center of the ancient battlefield, if I'm not wrong, there is still a fog there. That fog is the magic circle we set up. I told you just now that the magic circle is not perfect, so the sealed Naga has some residual consciousness, we always thought, not to mention too much, this magic circle can seal Naga for 1 years, and wait until a new hero replaces us to completely seal him, but..." Dole's illusion suddenly closed He smiled and became serious: "Recently, we have discovered that the consciousness of the Naga has become more and more active. I think our seal has become looser and looser. If this continues, the Naga will soon break through. Seal. At that time, the entire Majia Continent will no longer have light."

Listening to Dole's words, Ye Ci sighed. This task does not sound like it is easy to complete. Judging by his tone, there is no way to complete this task without thousands of people.She glanced at Fleeting Time and said, "This is probably an epic task. This kind of task cannot be completed by the two of us. In the end, it may take a lot of people to do it?"

Fleeting Nian thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Although it takes a lot of people to gather, it shouldn't be a problem to add the elite group of Tiantianxiangxiang and Genesis. What's more, this kind of epic mission is very important for the participating guilds and members. Good reward, I think even if the task is a bit more difficult, Absalon and Bai Mo will not refuse it."

Of course, Bai Mo would not refuse at all, and of course there is no problem with Absalom's Liu Nian saying so.Ye Ci thought about it again. If he accepts this task, it will be of great benefit to the reputation of the entire guild. This will also be a positive factor for the future battle against the prosperous age, so he said to Dole's illusion: "Dear King, Although our ability is not very strong, we have many companions, if you want, we are willing to share your worries for you."

What NPCs often wait for is that the player will automatically ask them to help them solve their troubles, so that it is not a task they impose on the player, but it can also help them solve their urgent needs.Therefore, this method of tempting players to solve their troubles is one of the tricks used by many intelligent NPCs. It is like the phantom of the elf king Dole. Seduce Ye Ci and Fleeting Years with this kind of down-to-earth way.Of course, he succeeded.

For Ye Ci's words, Dole's illusion was very satisfied. He nodded, his eyes slipped back and forth between Ye Ci and Liu Nian, and then he sighed and praised: "Our elves are indeed the bravest race. Although this matter has nothing to do with you, I am very grateful to you for being so proactive.”

When Dole's phantom was talking nonsense, Ye Ci twitched the corners of his mouth, and sighed silently in his heart, don't care what this NPC looks like, NPCs that can go through such a long period of time are not simple and easy to deal with.

"Although I am very grateful to you for taking on such a heavy burden, we are the only ones who cannot finally seal the naga. Go, young people, go to the sacred mountain of Zhuogu. I heard that Danas lived in seclusion there and found He, explain to him why you are here, I think he will help you." Dole sighed: "By the way, Danas is the first one on the Maga Continent to be ranked among the Holy Dragon Knights with the profession of a great magister. The person in the middle, this is an old man with a weird temper, he made things difficult for us back then, but this time, I think he will help you." Dole handed each of them a damaged medal: "This It was the medal I got from him, now take it back to him."

Ye Ci and Liu Nian looked at the medals that had been damaged so much that they couldn't see the original design after being baptized by the flames of war, they couldn't help but let out a long breath. From this moment on, the most complicated and difficult part of this task has finally come. .

Then, after Dole's phantom said a few innocuous nonsense to the two of them, the two bid farewell to Dole's phantom and left this secret cemetery.

He left the prayer room and walked towards the ground.Because there are no monsters or treasure chests here, there are basically no players on the floor of the prayer room, but when the two of them left, they saw a man also covered in a cloak walking towards him.He was slightly fat, but his speed was not slow. When he passed the two of them, he stopped suddenly.At this moment, Ye Ci and Liu Nian had spread out in two different directions, opened the crossbow, and assumed a fighting posture, and the next moment, two sharp arrows flew towards that person .

It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, at this moment of lightning and flint, the man rolled on the ground, turned into a cheetah and jumped away.If the reactions of Fleeting Years and Ye Ci were overwhelming, then the response of this druid was equally astonishing.

"Young Master You, fleeting time, show mercy, we are not enemies." The cheetah rolled on the ground again, and the druid escaped from the attacking range of the two men, and his voice came at the same time.

The voice was very familiar. Although the two people looked at each other and stopped attacking, they were not freed from the attacking form. They still maintained the attacking posture and looked at the druid vigilantly.

The druid turned into a human figure again, he stood there and calmly lifted his hat, and smiled helplessly at the two of them: "It's my fault, I shouldn't stop suddenly, but you two are too fast , came without further ado, such a dangerous skill, you want to kill me in seconds, right?"

Ye Ci looked at the druid with a chubby face and a smile, who is it if it is not highly poisonous?
What happened today?First, the autumn water is not stained with dust, and now it is extremely poisonous. Are the four masters from the four continents going to have a meeting?

Fleeting Nian first laughed out: "So it's you." It's not hard to see from his familiar words, he should be very familiar with Dudu.It's no wonder that they belong to the Alliance Continent, and they are both top players, and Xingchen and Genesis are also Alliance Guilds, so it is inevitable that they will be connected.

"I thought my body shape was a sign, at least you won't mistake it, so it shows that I was wrong. I put on a cloak, and even my mother didn't know who I was." Poison sighed, teasing himself road.

"Why are you here?" Although Ye Ci had made a big deal with Jidu, she and Jidu were obviously not as familiar with Liunian and Jidu, so when Liunian was talking with Jidu, she just kept silent. Put away the bow and crossbow, and stood beside Fleeting Years.

"Me?" Ji Du raised his two black eyebrows, turned his eyes back and forth on the faces of the two people, then looked at the current terrain, and suddenly laughed out loud: "If I didn't guess Wrong, you and I came here for the same purpose."

(End of this chapter)

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