hunter world

Chapter 336 Puzzle Solving

Chapter 336 Puzzle Solving
Chapter 34 Puzzle
Mazes, especially unfamiliar mazes, really are the more effective the more stupid the method is.

Just like now, a group of ten people is walking slowly against the wall. Even if they encounter monsters intercepting them halfway, they will not easily leave the wall they are walking along. With such persistence, they will soon see achieved results.

After turning a corner, the priest found a rather inconspicuous gap.This gap is hidden in a corner, and it is so small that only one person can pass sideways.Not only that, but its location is also ingenious, it is actually in the dead corner of the basement lights, it is dark here, and there is no fire in that gap, it is just hidden in the blind corner, if you don't touch it Walking over the wall, I am afraid that no one will be able to find this gap with the naked eye.

"Ah, the exit is here." The pastor was very surprised: "I have passed by here so many times, but I didn't find it once. This is too hidden." The position expressed admiration, Ye Ci just stood at the back of the line and smiled without saying a word.

In fact, such a design is just a small test for future maze dungeons.The dungeon of the maze requires not only the brains of the player, but also the ability of observation and cooperation. Only in this way can the dungeon of the maze be cracked as soon as possible.

After several people faced the gap and discussed for a while, Qi Qi turned to look at Ye Ci and said, "Master, shall we go in now?"

"The thieves and I will go ahead. I suspect there is a mechanism inside. You legal professions, be careful to protect yourself." Ye Ci looked behind the dark gap and said naturally.

The existence of thieves in the team is to improve the survival rate of the whole team. Therefore, in the wasteland dungeon, thieves are usually the ones who explore the way. Their perception is very high, so that they can feel the existence of various organs in the dungeon.However, in this team, Ye Ci still decided to explore the way ahead with the thieves. It was not because she didn't believe in the thieves' skills, but, as the captain of the team, she needed to walk in the front and think about how to pass the entire dungeon. will be faster.

The pathfinding of the two high-sensitivity professions is indeed very fast.Although there was darkness behind the gap, it did not pose any threat to the progress of the entire team. Ye Ci used her high perception to keep commanding the eight players behind her to follow behind her.

At first, the eight players were not very used to this blind way of walking by hearing, but after getting used to it for a while, everyone became very familiar with it, and the speed of walking became faster.The thieves walking in the front were very careful along the way, stopping from time to time and shaking their heads to look for the mechanism.His proficiency in dismantling organs is still very high. He dismantled six organs in a row along the way, and only one of the thorn organs was dismantled. When passing through the ground thorn mechanism, there was no danger and no casualties.

Soon, the bottom of the road was reached.

However, it seems that there is no way forward anymore. There is only one wall here, and there is no gap in it.

A group of people kept groping at the end of this dead end, and found nothing unusual, but Ye Ci stood in front of the wall, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the bricks and stones on the wall. The traces seem to be a little different.She quickly took out the torch she was carrying with her, lit it, and then raised it above her head to shine on the wall.

I only found that there seemed to be many strange patterns engraved on the wall, but I couldn't see any clues.

"What is this?" One of the MTs stared at the marks on the wall, looked left and right, but couldn't see anything.

Ye Ci also stared at the wall, only to see that the bricks and stones protruding from the lower right corner of the wall were smooth and blank, which looked out of place with the whole wall.Suddenly, Ye Ci seemed to think of something. She asked the people around her to hold torches, while she stepped back a distance, looked at the wall, and smiled: "This is a puzzle."

"Puzzle?" Several people obviously didn't think of this answer.

"You can see it from a distance." Ye Ci said, directing an MT to try to move the bricks and stones on the wall. As expected, they can be moved.Now that it is determined what it is, it is much easier to decipher it. Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. Even if the puzzle is more complicated, under the collective wisdom of so many people, it can be solved in less than 3 minutes. The puzzle is complete.

The moment the puzzle was completed, everyone found that the ground under their feet began to vibrate strongly. Such a vibration made people feel a little terrified, but the system did not warn of any danger, so Ye Ci did not move and waited quietly. Seeing Ye Ci's passing, the others didn't panic when they saw that Ye Ci didn't move, and followed her to stand in place and wait for the shaking to pass by.

The vibration became more and more intense, Ye Ci looked around calmly, only to see that the wall carrying the mural of the jigsaw puzzle did not move and open as she expected, but the wall on the right side of the jigsaw puzzle opened, which was somewhat contrary Normal thinking.However, since there is an exit, there is no need to stay here and wait any longer.

The wall on the right side slowly moved away, and the vibration of the ground became more and more violent. A thought suddenly rose in Ye Ci's heart. I'm afraid I won't be able to return to the place I'm going now, and I don't know. Why did you have this idea? Anyway, Ye Ci thought of it and said in the team channel: "Everyone follow me and stand to the gap where the wall is removed."

Everyone immediately followed Ye Ci, and just when a group of people stood at the gap, they heard the system prompt: "You have touched some strange device, and the whole basement began to vibrate violently. The stones and dust kept falling from the top of the head, suddenly a bad thought came to my mind, maybe this place is about to collapse..."

After this narration-like reminder ended, the soft but cold female voice of the system echoed: "The tunnel began to vibrate strongly, and it is about to collapse. The 60-second countdown to escape begins..." After finishing speaking, it actually started counting down the seconds.

As soon as Ye Ci heard this prompt, she immediately yelled: "Run!" After saying that, she was the first to rush into the passageway where the wall was cracked, and the teammates behind followed her and immediately jumped into it without even thinking about it. In the passage, he kept running wildly.

"Legal professionals should drink speed-up potion, don't get buried!" They just jumped into the passage, and suddenly a lot of rubble fell from the ceiling where they were standing a second ago. It fell faster and faster, as if chasing their footsteps, and followed them forward quickly.Ye Ci glanced back, the mage and the priest ran at the end, these two professions are indispensable in the team, you must not fall behind, so, while running for your life, Ye Ci did not forget to remind everyone Those with short legs should drink some potion quickly.

Players who can enter the second group of Tian Tian Shang are definitely not idiots. Although they are not top players, their consciousness is absolutely good.Before Ye Ci shouted out to let them take the medicine, several legal professions had already started to take out the acceleration potions in their pockets, and after hearing Ye Ci's words, they poured these potions into their mouths without any scruples , and then rushed forward desperately.

This passage was narrow and long, and it was pitch-black. It didn't know where it led to. Fortunately, there was no abnormality on this road to design any mechanism. A group of people just buried their heads and rushed forward.The falling rocks in the back fell more and more, and fell faster and faster. In the end, not only legal professions were drinking speed-up potions, but even MTs like warriors began to drink potions.

1 minute is usually considered to be so short, but now, without exception, everyone feels that this time is so long, as if no matter how much it is consumed, it cannot be exhausted.Just when everyone felt as if they had run for 1 years, the thief who was a little behind Ye Ci shouted in surprise: "I see the light, and I can go out immediately, everyone!"

This news is undoubtedly like a shot in the arm. It immediately lifted the mood of all the players. It seemed that even their footsteps became a lot lighter. Everyone gritted their teeth and made a final sprint.

I just felt a sudden light in front of my eyes, and everyone jumped out of the narrow and slender passage and appeared in a hall.And just after everyone rushed into the hall, they only heard a few loud rumbling noises. Looking back, the smoke and dust were dense, and the passage they rushed out was blocked by huge rocks.

It seems that they can only go forward. This dungeon of the maze has blocked all the ways for everyone to retreat. Now the only way left is to go forward.

Everyone rested for a while, and then began to look at the hall, only to see that there was a chessboard in the middle of the hall, and when they walked over to have a look, they saw an unfinished game of chess on it.Judging from the chess game, the two sides of Reversi and Reversi are fighting in full swing.

The hall is a confined space, and the only way out has been blocked, so the only clue to get out of here is the unfinished game of chess in front of you.

Ye Ci stretched out his hand to pick up the black piece, but not only failed to move half a point, but also got a system prompt: "Your piece is white."

It seems that if you want to leave here, you can only finish this game of chess. The player's side is white, and the black side is the system.This setting was originally not difficult, but... Ye Ci can't play chess, not only can't play chess, she is actually not very good at all chess and card games.

There is no way, no one is perfect, even a game master like Ye Ci has his strengths and weaknesses.

She looked at the endgame, scratched her head, turned to look at the nine people in the team and said, "Which of you can play chess?"

In fact, at this time, Ye Ci has already prepared for the worst. In the worst case, no one will be able to play, and he will just take a few steps indiscriminately, lose to the system, and find a way to solve the punishment.The reason why Ye Ci thinks this way is that he has pinpointed the key to the game company's game design-planning will never create problems that players cannot overcome.

Just like the current game of chess, the planner may be a master of chess, but he absolutely cannot guarantee that all players will play this game. After all, this game is not as common as backgammon and flying chess, so even if the player loses to Once the system is established, there must be a way to pass this difficulty.

It is precisely because of ten years of experience in games in the previous life that Ye Ci is quite sure about this issue and is not worried.

However, she didn't expect that in this team there was really someone who could play chess, and that was the warlock.He put away his staff and said: "Let me try it." He walked to the front of the chessboard and observed the chess game. After watching it for a while, he sighed: "This game is a bit difficult, I don't know. Guaranteed that I will definitely win, especially from the current chess situation, white is temporarily at a disadvantage."

Everyone told him not to be burdened, so Warlock took a few deep breaths and started playing chess.

After starting to play chess, Ye Ci and the rest knew the real purpose of designing this chess game.It turns out that the system has defaulted to an optimal plan. It takes about 2 moves for white to beat black. However, if White makes a wrong move during these 2 moves, an elite monster will appear in the hall. The attack power and defense power are very strong, the player must destroy it within [-] minutes, otherwise, after [-] minutes, it will be full of blood and mana.

This is not the most perverted thing. The most perverted thing is that for each move, the system gives the player the default maximum thinking time of 2 minutes. It will be defaulted that the player made a wrong move, and another elite monster will come out...

As for the player walking in the right direction, a colored ball will also appear in the lobby, giving everyone an effective high-level BUFF for up to two hours, and all BUFFs will not repeat and cover each other.

After the warlock took a few steps, everyone figured out the way in the middle. This BUFF must be absolutely effective for the following battles, and the elite monsters are consuming the player's supplies and stamina, allowing the player to continue. The chances of winning the battle are even lower.After knowing this setting, the warlock's pressure suddenly increased a lot. Every move he had to think twice, he had to figure out the best move before putting down the chess pieces.

In this way, under the high concentration of the warlock and the pressured defense of the others, the warlock finally finished the game, three steps more than the system's default best solution, which means that Ye Ci and the others only added Seventeen buffs and three elite monsters were killed. Although it is not a grand slam, this result is already very good.

Anyway, Ye Ci is very satisfied with this result.

Just when the warlock took the last step and had no time to express his nervousness, he saw a wall directly in front of him suddenly collapse, and a huge deep valley appeared in front of everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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