hunter world

Chapter 327

Chapter 327
Chapter 25 Anatomy of Gongzi Youda
"Then sister Huashang, according to what you mean, are we going to give up the assassination of Gongziyou?" A not-so-tall human thief looked at Huashang, and she frowned slightly. She has a nice name—— — Honey Barbie.If you think that she is as harmless as her name, then you are very wrong. Although Honey Barbie looks like a little lolita, she is a well-deserved main force in the prosperous assassination group backbone.She is fast and ruthless with her targets, as long as she hunts targets she rarely misses.

"No, how is it possible." Hua Shang shook her head. In recent days, her level has risen to level 22 under the leadership of many high-level players, but the distance from Gong Ziyou is still as far as a gap.In fact, according to Hua Shang's own thinking, she wanted to wait until her strength was closer to that of Young Master You to do it herself, but that was somewhat contrary to the development goals of the entire guild.Now they have to test the top experts of the four continents to judge the strength of the entire continent, so as to determine which continent the prosperous age will attack first in the future, and then defeat them one by one. Therefore, in their own goals and guild When the goals conflicted, even though it was a pity for Hua Shang, she still chose to obey the guild's goals without hesitation.

Hua Shang's gaze has been fixed on Young Master You on the video. She has used all her connections to obtain all Young Master You's videos. However, because Young Master You is really low-key, the videos she is on or kept in private Few, even the copy videos are pitifully few.This made Hua Shang unable to make an accurate judgment on Young Master You's strength.She has met many formidable opponents over the years, but they all fell under her knife in the end, and Gong Ziyou is her next target.

"Sister Huashang, you seem to be very interested in Young Master You?" Honey Barbie has been with Huashang for a long time, so naturally she knows Huashang very well, she can read a lot of information just from Huashang's gaze .

Hua Shang looked back at Honey Barbie, smiled slightly, and did not deny it: "I am very interested for the time being, but whether this interest can last for a long time depends on the results of your fight."

Honey Barbie nodded, and then said to Sanyue Chunfeng, another backbone of the assassination team: "Chunfeng, you are the first to enter the game, and you have always been from the Eastern Continent. Tell me about your acquaintance with Young Master You."

Sanyue Chunfeng is a young man with an ordinary face. In fact, his face is the most suitable for a thief. There are no characteristics, so people can't remember it. Even if he remembers it, he won't be too impressed.You need to be very cautious when dealing with such a person, if you are not accidentally stabbed in the back by him.At this time, Sanyue Chunfeng quietly looked at Young Master You in the video, and said after a while, "This is a very extraordinary hunter."

Honey Barbie kept her ears upright waiting to hear the next words, but March Spring Breeze didn't say anything more, which made Honey Barbie frowned: "Chunfeng, you are going too far, just say this and it's over? Tell me something useful!"

"I haven't met Mr. You, Master You." March Spring Breeze sighed as she watched Honey Barbie's eyebrows tightened more and more: "There are [-] to [-] million people in the Eastern Continent, how could I just meet someone casually, Especially Gong Ziyou, who seems to be very low-key. Although she has done many high-profile things, it is not inconsistent with her low-key personality. She often moves mysteriously, let alone me, and even members of their guild may not always I know where she is, so I have no way to make the most intuitive judgment for her. My judgment of her can only be learned from other players who have been in contact with her. To sum it up, she is a very amazing person. "

"Talking for a long time is equivalent to not saying anything." Honey Barbie snorted, expressing her dissatisfaction with March Spring Breeze's answer.

However, Hua Shang didn't see it that way, but she was interested in what the other players said in March Spring Breeze: "What did the other players say?"

"The operation is very good, the moves are gorgeous, and the strike is very deadly." March Spring Breeze filtered out all the gossip news, and gave Hua Shang some ambiguous information about Gongzi You's operation.

Hua Shang is naturally not interested in these, she raised her eyebrows, "Is there anything else?"

March Chunfeng bowed his head and thought for a while, and then said quietly: "I used to be in Datang, and I had a good relationship with a thief under the vice president Youyou Feiyun. I heard from him that he fought against her, and also He cooperated when the Western Continent attacked the Eastern Continent, but he did talk about Young Master You once."

"What?" As soon as Hua Shang heard that someone had fought against Gong Ziyou, she immediately became interested. For her, no video or comment was more valuable than the words of someone who had fought against.

"He said that he couldn't see anything clearly, and then his throat was fatally injured." March Chunfeng stood up, roughly posing the original battle posture, "their position was like this, facing each other Running over, he and Yoyo Feiyun ran towards Young Master You, and then Young Master You rushed between them, he made a move, and he thought he had succeeded, but in the end, he fell down, and Young Master You Still standing. He said that he thought about it for a long time, but he never figured out how Young Master You made the move."

Hua Shang was slightly taken aback, and asked after a while, "How many levels were they at that time?"

"It shouldn't exceed level [-]." March Spring Breeze was also not sure: "Because it's too long ago, I can't confirm it."

"Extremely fast..." Hua Shang lowered her head and began to synthesize all the information she had learned about Gong Ziyou, muttering to herself: "Extremely wide perception... Also, her opponents are all better than ours. Gao, he is really a tough opponent."

"Actually, I think there is only one person who knows the strength of Gong Ziyou best, but..." Sanyue Chunfeng shrugged his shoulders, expressing his regret.

"If you're talking about Fleeting Years, then shut up." Honey Barbie gave March Spring Breeze a blank look: "Who doesn't know that Fleeting Years is the player who has fought the most against Gong Ziyou, but do you think you might find Fleeting Years? Even if he finds it, do you think he might tell you? It's all nonsense."

March Spring Breeze couldn't refute Honey Barbie's words, so he could only touch his nose and keep silent.

Hua Shang thought for a while, and then said: "Honey, Chunfeng, this time the battle against Young Master You is still only taking 15 people out. However, the personnel need to be adjusted."

Honey Barbie and March Spring Breeze immediately pricked up their ears and began to record Huashang's words: "This time you are going to bring two hunters and one ranger, and the other twelve are thieves. You choose the personnel yourself. Let me have a look at the list of personnel."

"Why do we add hunters and rangers? We didn't add them when we played Fleeting Years." Honey Barbie was a little confused why Hua Shang had to temporarily change the staffing.

"Young Master You is a hunter, you will not forget how much trouble that damned bat in Fleeting Years caused you, it is powerful enough to kill three thieves, but if you bring two hunters, they also have pets, invisible Among them, it solves the problem of personnel for you. In addition, the hunter you choose should have a piebald leopard with a dark blade. This kind of pet has the strongest perception among all pets. It is useful for Gong Ziyou's stealth and stealth Very good anti-reconnaissance ability. As for rangers, they have a blood-increasing skill, although it is not powerful, but it can preserve our strength in the most critical time." Hua Shang explained to Honey Barbie and March Spring Breeze in detail After confirming his intention, he sighed slightly and said, "We have already lost three times in the challenge of the top players from the four continents. This time we can only succeed and not fail!"

"Obviously it's two defeats and one tie, and that guy Qiushui Buranchen didn't kill us..." Honey Barbie pouted, slightly complaining about Hua Shang's way of destroying her ambition to make others' prestige.

Hua Shang just glanced at her, and said calmly: "If you can be surrounded by fifteen natural enemy classes, and you can retreat unscathed, do you think this is a victory or a tie? It’s just unreasonable, if we haven’t killed the opponent yet, even if we don’t lose a single soldier, isn’t it a kind of failure?”

Honey Barbie was so speechless by Hua Shang's words that she could only keep her head down.

Hua Shang raised her hand and patted her on the head gently: "Top players and high-level players seem to be only slightly different, but they are actually much worse. You can't take these top players lightly just because you have successfully strangled high-level players many times, you know The proud soldier must be defeated."

"I see, Sister Huashang." Honey Barbie admires Huashang very much, so she has always obeyed Huashang's words. Young Master You regained his position.

Ye Ciwo finished eating a piece of meat in the rock nest, but still didn't notice any movement, so he just wanted to go out and continue leveling.But just now when she stood up, she suddenly felt something was wrong. The air seemed to be filled with an aura that did not belong to the forest of mist.

Ye Ci immediately squatted down again, then took out the perception enhancer and poured it into his mouth.Immediately, she felt that her sense of touch, feeling, and hearing became more acute.She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and quietly felt the unusual atmosphere in the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, she found many differences.

These differences probably come from more than ten people. The nearest person is about 150 yards away from him, and the farthest person is no more than [-] yards away from him. All the people are not in a straight line, but how is the team? There is no way to confirm the word, you can only know it if you go out and read it.

(End of this chapter)

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